How many pages in your WDW albums?


DIS Veteran<br><font color=purple>The Tag Fairy is
Apr 30, 2001
I've been working on my WDW scrapbook since we got back a month ago and I've got 47 pages so far, with no end in sight! I was going to keep it simple and just scrap a small sample of what we did. Ha! I'm just too detail oriented for that.

As it is, the binder I so carefully decorated and covered in Mickey Mouse fabric is bulging with all these pages! I'm going to have to start a volume 2, I guess.

Are your scrapbooks ever finished or do you just keep adding?
Right now, we have 5 pages in our album. We just started it about 2 months ago. We'll keep it to one trip per album, so hopefully it won't get too big.
Mine are never finished... I just keep adding. (I use top loading so I don't have to scrap in order thank goodness.) I need new books though... they're all getting to the point of being too full. Books are just so darn expensive though, you know?
My last trip (2001) turn into a 2 vol. 12x12 album, plus I did a 8x11 for my son of all his character autographs and pic's. When we go in Nov. I'm REALLY hoping to keep it alot simpler.............YEH right!!!
so far the album for my 2002 trip has about 50 pages. I would guess I have at least 20 more to do.
I havent done any of my pocket pages yet, none of my journaling pages, plus I have all the left over pics that arent enough for a layout but I still want to use them.
I am determined to keep this book under 100 pages.
I did a album just for our trip last nov, it has about 70 pages! I had taken loads of film! I also did one pocket page to hold all the park maps ect!
Grover in Winnipeg
I average 30 pages for a 6 day trip. Of course this is influenced by how many character meals we do, was it anybody's birthday, etc.

I started with our first DVC trip in '99. I've got two CM 12x12 albums with 60 pages each, and have just started a third. I'm currently scrapping our "surprise" Jan 1 trip, have our March trip to do, and we leave in a month for our next trip!

I better get scrapping!
Our WDW album for our March trip has I believe 100 pages (this is front and back). I have 45 pages in there of photos, plus 5 journaling pages that tell the story of the trip. It is about as huge as a 12 x12 CM album can get. I never got around to buying pocket pages to put the maps in there; I still need to do that!

I haven't decided for my next trip if I am going to buy a separate album, or just add it into my existing 2003 album. I don't plan on taking quite so many pictures, but at least 5-6 rolls. I won't have the kids with me, so I don't think I will be quite the photo taking manic that I am when they are around.
I scrapped a trip that the family took in 2001 prior to my scrapping addiction and the book came out to over 100 pages!
This was for a two week trip! I have another trip from summer of 2001 which is after I started scrapping and have tons of photos
I really hope to keep this album under 100 pages also! Other than vacations, I only do family albums!
1998 has over 50 plus pages ( and I am still not finished ) I had to start on Volume II which has at least 20 pages so far. 2001 is at 40 and still growing . I haven't even got to 2002 ! By the time we go on the cruise next year I will be forever behind in my pursuit to finish at least one Disney Album.
You wanna hear something funny?! My sister was looking through my scrapbook stuff the other day and came across my empty Mickey Scrapbook. I told her that that whole book would be for our upcoming cruise and she said "really? you're doing a whole book?" And she scrapbooks, too!!! She said that she thought she would do, get this, a few pages in her daughter's book for the cruise so she wouldn't get out of order. I told her she would probably reconsider that once we get back!

So to answer the question, my last disney vacation album has close to 40 pages but when I took the pictures, I wasn't really into scrapping so I missed a LOT of good photo ops. This year I'm not missing anything!!!

BTW - nicki dahling, I went to your Disney Queen page and I love it! I love how you bragged on your husband and how nice he was to carry all the cameras (and everything else) around the parks with him and then you see a picture of him and, yep - he was holding the camera!!! And also how you had a picture of Cindy and Cyndi! Love it!
My AKL and AK book has 63 pages. I have a matching book for all the other parks, which should fit, since I didn't take too many pics at Epcot or MGM. However, the MK is another story. I very possibly could need a third book...LOL!!1 And we were only there for 4 days and will be going back in October for 8 days. I know I'm in HUGE trouble...I'll probably need 8 books for that trip. And forget about when we take my grandson on the Cruise next year. I'll be DOOMED!!! I did over 60 rolls on our first Disney Cruise, and that was just my boyfriend and me.

Donna C.
I love that idea! I never thought of separate books for the different parks. I may have to do that, as full as mine is getting!

I know what you mean by missed photo ops. Only mine were because DH was the camera-nazi on our trip. We got pics of what HE thought was important, not neccessarily what I wanted. For instance, I kept asking him to take pics of the signs in the different lands in MK; none. I wanted pics of us on or in front of some of the rides; none, except for the TOT pic we bought. But, hey, he got about 20 pics of some model train layout in World Showcase.:rolleyes:
But to give him credit, he got wonderful character pics and almost every float or character in the MK afternoon parade, so I've got lots of great pages around those.
Maybe next year I'll have to invest in my own camera!
Kelly , Thank you for the nice comments about my website . We are always amazed by how many pics we have of Marc with all of his "gear ". Hunnypots my husband took pic's of that train set also . I had a hard time coming up with a page from those pics. He said it reminded him of our time in Germany !
Boy do I feel inferior. My album from last year's trip only has 10 pages front and back. Are the # of pages you folks are quoting front and back or would that be considered two pages? Do you put multiple pics on a page or are they usually just one pic on most? Sorry for all the questions, but I am just getting started and trying to figure out how to get that many pages.
I know when I say that mine is 40 pages, that includes front and back. But, I might be in the minority hear because, like I said, I missed a lot of good photo ops and didn't get near as many pictures as I wish I had.

HunnyPots - "camera-nazi" That is hilarious!!! I say that all the time but I'm usually talking about the meter-maid-nazis we have downtown!

I consider front and back to be two pages, like any other book.

As far as the number of photos on each page, most of mine have at least two photos, except for the parade pages , which have three. My character pages have only one 4x6 photo on each page, with the exception of Chip and Dale, where I used both photos on one page.

Also, I scrap 8.5x11, which makes a huge difference in the number of photos you can use. I'm thinking next trip I may switch to 12x12 so I can spread out more.
Originally posted by HunnyPots

I consider front and back to be two pages, like any other book.

As far as the number of photos on each page, most of mine have at least two photos, except for the parade pages , which have three. My character pages have only one 4x6 photo on each page, with the exception of Chip and Dale, where I used both photos on one page.

Also, I scrap 8.5x11, which makes a huge difference in the number of photos you can use. I'm thinking next trip I may switch to 12x12 so I can spread out more.

OK, now I don't feel so bad. That means I have 20 pages and then all my character pages are done in an autograph book and I guess that would have added about 50 pages if I did them seperately. Wew, I thought I was the world's worst scrapbooker! Thanks!!
I count front and back as individual pages. And I use more than one pic on a layout, unless it's an extremely nice picture, then I'll scrap that one alone. For my Disney album(s) I've used a lot of the Becky Higgins sketches and the Deluxe Cut colorblocking templates. I find I can fit more pictures on the pages this way.

I posted this in another thread, but if you missed it, you can see my layouts at in the Member Galleries under giatocj. That's where all my layouts are, including what I have done from our Disney Trip using the sketches and templates.


Donna C.

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