How many discounted tickets can I buy?


Aug 7, 2001
What is the official policy on how many tickets can be bought with the Disney Club discount with only one membership. There will be 18 of us going down and I have a membership. From what I've read on the site, I'm know there's a fair chance of them allowing it, but I wanted to know officially, just incase I get someone who sticks to rules.

Also, does anyone know if a party of 18 is large enough to get any group discounts anywhere at WDW?

What type of tickets are you purchasing? If you are buying park hoppers, why not buy them at the Disney Store in advance, a few at a time? While they might question a purchase of 18 tickets, you could go in on maybe three different occassions, puchasing 6 tickets each time, or something like that.
I would call the DC # and ask them if 18 qualifies as a group. It could and you amy get a better price. It can't hurt to try and then you may save $$$whick is always good.

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