How long to drive to Sanibel from WDW?

The Mystery Machine

Sunrise at my house. :+)
Jan 4, 2001
Hi! Hubby and I are planning on going to the beach after WDW, (DD's 4 & 10). I know nothing of FL. Anyway we have decided on the Gulf. Clearwater Beach is 2 1/2 hours away. Sanibel sounds great, but it is further South. How long does it take to drive to Sanibel? Jeannine
HRH/CBR June 2001
It took us four hours to drive from Captiva to WDW, but that included a bathroom break and a stop for a speeding ticket! Sanibel is wonderful, and is a perfect precursor to WDW.
I live in Naples (a little further south than Sanibel. Southwest FL is a great way to relax after Disney crazyness! About 3 1/2 - 4 hours (max) is the driving distance. Make sure to go to the Bubble Room on Captiva place to eat! Enjoy
sanibel is great. more sea shells than you can imagine. be sure to bring those beach shoes.

try the sanibel inn. the porches have screens on them. what a great way to sleep, hearing the gulf. also, rooms have refrig.

then, be sure to eat at bubbles, on captiva, and, of course, cheeseburger/cheeseburger. eat a pounnd, get a photo on the wall.

all in all, if sanibel was closer, i'd be there all the time.
I just want to clarify that Clearwater Beach is only 1 and 1/2 hours away from WDW. We made the trip 2 years ago and are planning on doing it again this year. Clearwater Beach is beautiful.
Have fun wherever you decide to go.


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