How I Survived 11 Days at WDW with a Disney-Resistant Husband **2/20 THE END **

Poor Katie and ToT! My daughter was equally freaked by it and highly doubtful if she will ever do it again.

She was 6 1/2 when she went. I don't do rides with drops like that. So dh took her on. She was all excited to go, however as I saw her walking out of the ride once it was over, she was white as a sheet. Dh said he thinks it was more the pre-show that did her in but he wasn't sure. We were also going to head to RnRCoaster but with the way she was looking, we decided a break would be best. Poor thing was so freaked by ToT, it took two days for her to get back to her usual thrill seeking self. I talked her into going on BTMRR and then she was back - did Space Mtn 3x's by the time we went home

I can't believe that after all the money your sil spent on tix, she was done that quickly. I would have sent dh back to the hotel with them and spent the rest of the day enjoying myself.

Sorry to hear your DD also had a scary experience on the TOT. You just never know - I have seen kids who seemed very scared getting onto it, walking off laughing. And little guys, like my 5 yr old son, can really love it.

If Katie decides she doesn't ever want to ride again - that is totally fine with me! Sounds like your DD may also be in the non-rider camp. :laughing:

I just wish we had gotten her onto RNRC first, because I *know* she would have loved that one, and only didn't ride because she was still a little freaked out from TOT.:sad2:

Oh I was so excited to read these comments thinking perhaps you have found another Disney lover in your family....

Yeah Katie....unfortunately no such luck. I am afraid Chris' family proved to be even less Disney-enthused than he was.:rotfl:

I'm glad Katie decided she would like to try ToT next year! Chris' drawing of Minnie is great! I can't imagine leaving a Park so early - I hope you all got to go to another Park later in the day :confused3

I thought Chris' Minnie was pretty good too!;)

Unfortunately Chris' SIL and nephews did not get back in the Parks again that day. We only caught up with them again around 9:30pm.

Sorry that ToT didn't work out better. Nathaniel was scared out of his mind last year on that ride! Too bad because I love it!!!
Animation class looks great. We may have to take Nathaniel to that!


You should definitely try the animation class! We all loved it...except Declan.:rotfl:

Subbing! Love your TR and pictures, now I'm about half way through it, so gotta get caught up!

Thanks and Welcome!:welcome:

I finally finished reading everything!!!! Lovin' it! I'm very anxious to hear about the rest of your trip. I will have to admit, though, that I feel bad for y'all when you speak about your DH not enjoying everything:sad1: That breaks my heart. At least he does like the resort!! That's a plus! Guess I'm super fortunate in the fact that my DH loves WDW. I have very dear friends that want to go to Disney, but their DHs won't do least your DH will go!!!..... At least he is there. My poor friends are going to have to make a trip with the kids minus husband:confused3

Can't wait to read more!

Thanks Heather!:goodvibes And thanks for feeling for me due to a sometimes less-than-entusiastic Disney spouse.:laughing:

I must admit that I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your TR, but I am also very envious! You not only have a husband and kids who seem to "get" and love Disney as much (or almost as much) as you, but your lovely parents "get" it too!

I can't tell you how happy I would be to take a trip like that - where everyone was fully on board and enjoying the vacation as much as I was!:)

I know you already know this, but you are so, so lucky to get to share and experience all of those magical and special memories with your family!:goodvibes

Yeah, I don't think anyone on this board would get how these people could not be having fun. It's like, if you're tired find a beautiful place to sit down and relax or watch a show. If you don't like rides, just walk around or shop. Heck if I know what the deal is. Maybe they are overstimulated and it gets too overwhelming? :confused3

Can't wait to hear about Epcot next. popcorn::

I am so, so glad to hear that others think it was as bizarre as I did how quickly my family was finished with the Parks.

I know at the start of my TR people had suggested that maybe checking into 3 resorts and commando touring were the reasons my husband didn't enjoy the trip.

Honestly, the 1st nite at CR and last nite at the Poly was not any great trouble. And we had 8 WHOLE DAYS at the BCV to relax and stay put - longer than a lot of pepple have for their whole trip.

And I really don't think we toured commando at all. Unless you consider Park opening to lunchtime, then leaving for the rest of the day, and sometimes returning around 8pm for the nighttime entertainment. Which to me, is not commando at all!

Yes, I tried to ensure that we made rope drop each day - but we are not the type of people who sleep in AT ALL! That was no hardship.

Sounds like today wasn't off to to bad a least DH stayed and seemed to have a good time up to this point. Hope that continues.

Yes, all in all my family had a pretty good morning at HS, even if we did leave a little early. I was so, so glad my husband decided to stay after his family left. I would have stayed with the kids anyway, but I was much happier to tour as a family.:goodvibes
I agree! That's why I LOVE our Mom/Daughter only trips. We can have fun and do whatever, whenever, and not have to worry about pleasing or not pleasing everyone else.

I hear you loud and clear! My favourite trip ever was the only just Katie and I took back in 2007.:love:

I understand how Katie was feeling, I don't like ToT either!

That animation class looks like fun! I didn't know they had anything like that. Is it in the Art of Animation building?

Yes - the animation class is in the Art of Animation building. Check it out - it is a lot of fun!:)

I would be sick if I paid that much money and didn't stay any longer than that. Please tell me they went back to a park later!

We did the Animation class for the first time last trip and really liked it. We got to draw Pooh, one of my favorites.

I would have been sick paying all that money on the tickets too! Oh well...each to their own!:confused3

Wow! We never drew Pooh yet!

I would be sick if I paid that much money and didn't stay any longer than that. Please tell me they went back to a park later!

Nope! They were done for the day. So for 2 days of Park hoppers, they paid over $200 for each of the 3 attractions (TSM, TOT and RNRC)!:scared1:

Sorry you had to leave the parks so early + miss One Man's Dream-- that really stinks. At least Chris stuck it out with you after his sister + nephews left!

Yes - I was very sorry indeed to miss One Man's Dream, one of my favourite attractions in all of WDW. Especially because we did not end up fitting it in on our next visit to HS later in the week.

So it is a TOP priority on my next trip!;)

Love it! Chris and I are super competitive and can't wait to try this ride on our visit! Any tips? :lmao: He usually beats me too, but I'm bound and determined this trip! :laughing:

Awwww...poor Katie on ToT! Who knows, maybe she'll try it again in the future!

So glad Declan finally got to meet McQueen!!! :woohoo:

We LOVE the animation studio too......glad you got to do it! :thumbsup2

You will love, love, love TSM! There are actually a number of places online that show you how to do high scoring. I haven't hunted them down, but from what I understand, the key to the high scores in working together as a team to get the "secret" spots that open up higher value items to shoot. Apparently, you need both players to both get some of the secret areas before the higher value items unlock.

However, I was not really that hard core. Instead, I just focused on trying to get the high value items, focussing for instance on getting one 1,000 item over four 100-value ones.

I also recall that my accuracy score at the end was also higher than DH's, which absolutely floored me. I have no idea how that happened. :confused3 DH is usually REALLY good at that, whereas me... not so much.:laughing:

So I am not really sure how I ended up beating him to be honest!:confused3

I can sympathize. My husband can totally take or leave WDW, with preference for the 'leave' part--and it's my favorite place in the world. I am the bouncing-on-the-bed-at-6-am kind when I am there.

If it's any consolation, I am really enjoying your TR so at least know you have some people who are vicariously enjoying your trip a ton!

Thank you!:goodvibes As I said before, I am sorry that there are so many of us in this camp. But I am also relieved that I am not the only one who has to deal with this!:upsidedow
Congrats for "winning" in TSM! :thumbsup2

Done by 11am?? :scared1:

How cool the CMs helped you get your MIL's hat back. Disney magic!

Poor Katie and the ToT... I so know how she feels. Except I did my nails into strangers' arms... :rolleyes1

Hurrah for finally meeting McQueen!

DH draws a nice Minnie!!

Can't wait to hear about Le Cellier lunch. I so hope everyone loved it!

:rotfl: about you and TOT! Sounds like you and Katie would get along just fine!;)

I was so happy to get a Lightening McQueen meeting under our belts on this trip!:goodvibes

And as for LeCellier....although it is one of my FAVOURITE restaurants in all WDW, it wasn't the best meal. I hope to have an update on this later tonite!;)

Jasmine hated ToT this first time I made her go on....that's right....she tells everyone I forced her:confused3 Ok, I probably did:lmao: but she screamed at me on the ride that she hated me....I almost fell over, at that point I knew I shouldn't have forced her to go, but on the upside, she did go on the very next trip and then I couldn't keep her off:worship:

I love the animation studio....glad you got to do that!!! I love One Man's Dream too....Jasmine, not so much, but she goes to keep mama happy:rolleyes1

My trip actually felt very incomplete not getting One Man's Dream in. I have to do that and Mickey's Philharmagic every trip or things just don't feel right in the universe!:laughing:

I can't believe that your family was ready to leave at 10:30 :scared1:...that's unheard of........i thought when my DH has had enough at 2:00 that was ridiculous:confused3
What a lot of money to spend on park passes and not enjoy the parks....I just don't get it!
I can't wait to hear about Epcot!

So glad other people would have been as baffled as I was about the early exit from the Park.:confused3

For awhile, because it seemed like I was the only one wanting to stay, I was thinking that *I* was the weird one.:rotfl:

Sorry she didn't enjoy TOT! I want my DD to go on it...but I know she would be scared!
You SIL sounds like my DH. We drove over to MK (it takes 90min to get there!)...spent 3 hours there and he is ready to go home :eek: !

Your DH's Minnie looks great. We will have to check it out next time!

Definitely check out the Animation Class. I know DH ended up liking it, because if he didn't, there is no way he would have spent all that effort on making such a great Minnie!;)

I have been reading this trip report and I have to say I feel a bit for you Tricia.....LEAVE AT 10:30..... WHAT IS THAT ABOUT...the nephews didn't even want to stay...Your SIL has never been to park and she shells out 650 bucks for breakfast and a cup of tea...where was she going, to meet the Queen...what was so important she had to leave....

If I were you I'd take the kids by myself and do it the right is too short to spend it forcing people to relax and have a little fun

Finally - vindication!:rotfl:

So many times on this trip I felt like I was on candid camera or something. Everyone around me kept making these ridiculous choices and I kept scratching my head wondering if I was the one who was not "getting it".:laughing:

Oh Trish! Half a day at DHS? That's it????

Well, at least you got all the major rides done and some others for the kids!

Thank goodness we stayed the extra hour or so and got to meet McQueen and do the animation class. It really made a world of difference. I would have felt very unsatisfied leaving after just 3 attractions, one of which I didn't get to ride as I chose to stay back with the kids so DH could ride with his sister.

Sorry to hear about that your SIL and nephew's left early. Between that and spending time in Tampa and at the beach, I know you lost some Disney time which I'm sure you wasn't happy about. Well, at least you and the family had fun in Tampa and at the beach. Hope you all had a great day despite them leaving early. But, good news that you and your family have another trip planned with friends.

Yes, the day at Tampa and the Beach ended up being a lot of fun afterall!:goodvibes

And yes, I was very happy that DH decided to stay with us a bit longer at HS. It definitely could have gone either way once the rest of his family decided to leave, so I was glad he stayed.

Oh Trish!

That's only barely a half day at that! How frustrating. I do think it gets easier as kids get older and you see family more to just say, you go back, we are staying. I'm glad at least you stayed to see Lightening.

Good for Katie for being open to try TOT again next time. Kids are amazingly resilient and then alternatively traumatized and I swear, you never know which one will stick!

Last PP pic? Already????????????????

Yes that is right - no more photopass pictures! It was crazy how few we got. One was in front of the Castle on day 2 as a family, Two was on the rocks at the BC on our way to the Brown Derby and Fantasmic, Three was of me, the kids and my MIL in the Pool, and the Fourth and final Photopass was just the kids with McQueen!:scared1:

It wasn't just Chris - everytime I asked the kids to pose for a photopass photographer with me, they weren't interested. :sad2:

I suppose I could have jumped into a couple just myself - but what is the point of that?:confused3
Hi! Lately I have been reading your updates right before bed at night and I don't post- and then forget to in the morning! First off, very sorry to hear about your Aunt. I hope your family is recovering from their shocking loss. :hug:

I LOVE the yogurt parfaits at the BC!! :love: Yummmmm!!! I ALWAYS have that for breakfast when I am there- I love it so much I have it at home, too- but a lower calorie version. I do have a pic, just not uploaded yet. When it is, I'll post it over here. :goodvibes

How was your SIL done with the park after an hour and a half???? :confused3 Did she go to a different one later that day? Well, I'm glad she liked Stormalong Bay....

Looking forward to more soon!!:thumbsup2

Oh yes - please post your pic of the yogurt cup from the BC Marketplace! I am kicking myself I didn't take any photos of it! It was so delicious!:)

I loved seeing them make it in front of me each morning!

I feel your pain! My DH is also a resister, but when I tell him that he doesnt have to come with us, he always tags along. His parents were worse. They meet us for a few days, I had extra tickets for them and they stayed with us in our rooms. After 2 hours, which included having to stop for lunch because my FIL was hungry, they also were finished with DHS. I was shocked. (My kids were so angry.) All they did was complain about how high the prices were and they weren't paying!

I am now VERY protective of my Disney Vacations.

Looking forward to reading more

Ugh! I really feel for you with that vacation with your in-laws.

I too now realize how important it is to be selective about how we spend our WDW vacations. Sometimes family are not always the ones you should be travelling with unfortunately.:sad2:

Wow!! Your posts are fantastic to read!! We are planning our second trip for January 2011 and I am so excited to try some of the restaurants that you mentioned. Thanks for all of your wonderful insight into WDW!!:cool1:

Thank you so much!:goodvibes I am glad you are getting some useful information for your next trip!:)

My vote is for your next trip just you and the kids go, leave all the other non-park fans at home!

I couldn't imagine spending all that money and leaving so early. Maybe it'd of been better if it was in the winter when the weather was better? :confused3 All I have to say is you are wife and in-law of the year!!

Once I realized that I was the one most concerned with how much money my SIL seemed to be wasting on the trip, and realized that she had no problem leaving after just 1 1/2 hours in the Park, I stopped worrying about it.

She actually had another problem with the rental car. Long story short: when she went to pick up her rental car at the airport, they had no record of her reservation. So instead of the 4 day rental being under $100, they charged her over $500!:scared1:

Right then and there I would have either gotten on the magical express (which she was pre-registered for) or gotten a cab.

Of course I suggested a number of other things, including returning the car, and getting a new rental car for the remaining days using my code from mousesavers for a discounted rate of $20-25 a day.

However, she didn't seem to want to deal with the hassle of fixing the problem or returning the original car and picking up a new one.

So eventually I also stopped worrying about this as well once I realized that I was more concerned about it than she was, and it wasn't even my money.:rotfl:

I've had so much fun catching up on your TR today! I can't wait to hear more. Of course as I've shared before, I'm gobbling up your descriptions of the BCV :thumbsup2 and plotting where to request our room.

I'm also sorry for your family's loss. It sounds like you are all close and supportive of each other. The descriptions of all the relatives you got to spend time with on your trip were so nice and touching - you all seem so sweet!

Look forward to reading more :goodvibes

Thank you!:goodvibes Honestly, there aren't that many bad locations at the BCV! They do warn that because they are almost always at capacity, there are slim chances that your request will be honoured. But it certainly worked out for us - we got our exact 1st choice room!:banana:
WHAT! they left that early!! :confused3:confused3 I just don't understand people.. why they heck even bother!! Good for you for staying a bit longer though.. :thumbsup2
Poor Katie.. I have a feeling that is how my DS3 will be so I don't think I am even going to take him on it.. DS7 can't wait to go on it

Hopefully your 7 yr old will love the TOT!:) But based on my experience with Katie, if you have doubt about your 3 yr old, I would probably hold off. ;)

Hi Trisha! I have been having a blast reading your TR and just wanted to let you know you are on point with Chris...visiting WDW with other like-minded friends or family is a must-do if your spouse (and mine) are not quite as enthusiastic as you/we are. Even just having another guy friend around when you visit in Oct 2011 should be enough to brighten him up next year...and it is a brilliant idea to give him extra space to enjoy Disney his own way for part of the day.

I am counting down the days til Nov 4th this year, when we embark on an 8 night stay at WL with six close friends and family - all coming to help me celebrate my 40th B-Day (2 months early) in grand style. This is our 7th trip since honeymooning at POR in 1997 and DH was starting to get a little tired of Disney (sigh!) so I dreamed up the idea more than two years ago to bring our closest friends with us. It worked! Glenn is now starting to get almost as excited as I am as the trip draws closer every day...he even read your TR with me this afternoon! And we booked a specialty "Illuminations Cruise" today (his idea no less), which is going to be a surprise for our crew. There's nothing like travelling with "newbies" - it really does enhance your experience BEFORE and DURING the trip.

So happy for you that you have a new trip to look forward to. For people like us, that is half the fun, right? Thanks again for your terrific reports. It is great to read one from a fellow Maritimer.
Shelley :flower3:

Hi glad that you are starting to win your DH over to Disney. But I must certainly had a "leg up" on me from the get-go. There was no way in the World I would have been able to get DH to go to WDW on a honeymoon!:laughing:

Fortunately when we were married Disney wasn't even on my radar.

I loved WDW growing up as a kid. We spent 2 weeks every May in Florida growing up, and probably got to WDW every 2-3 years or so. I probably took about 6-7 trips to WDW btwn the ages of 4-18. But then I took a little break from it.

After I met DH in 1991 at age 18, we took one trip to WDW together in May 1998 for the opening of Animal Kingdom.

Then we didn't get back for almost 10 years, until 2007 when we took our first trip with the kids. In the 1 1/2 years leading up to that trip is when I became the hard-core fan that I am today. During this time I discovered the Disney online community and Disney podcasts.

For me, it was the joy of introducing my children to the same Parks I enjoyed as a kid that brought back all of my love and affection for WDW.:goodvibes

I have yet to do an Illuminations cruise. What a wonderful idea to share that with your friends and family on your next trip in November! Which will be here before you know it!:goodvibes

I'm finally all caught up:thumbsup2

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss in the family, and the trouble you faced from your husband on this vacation.

Awesome news that you guys at least have another vacation in the works though.

Looking forward to more:goodvibes

Thank you!:goodvibes Yes, I love having another WDW trip coming up in the future. Even if it is 1 1/2 yrs away!:laughing:

As one half of a couple who spends the entire day in a park, from rope drop to closing, I just can't wrap my head around the idea of leaving early. You sure have a lot of patience, I would have told my DH to suck it and enjoy the hotel alone lol. Can't wait to hear more!

I have yet to tour a park from rope drop to closing - no break. Even on my 2 solo trips. That is pretty impressive!:worship:

I have a feeling when the kids are teenagers, I will probably take them on a short 4-5 day trip - just the three of us - when we can go hard-core like that and really get a lot done.:)

DH said you're welcome to tag along on our trips anytime;) And by the way, I figured out how to do the avatars....but my pics are too large. The actual picture made has to be 3KBs or less...something like that. Thanks for the help!

DH said you're welcome to tag along on our trips anytime;) And by the way, I figured out how to do the avatars....but my pics are too large. The actual picture made has to be 3KBs or less...something like that. Thanks for the help!

Awww...thanks so much! Wouldn't it be fun to find ourselves at the Poly or the Beach Club together one year?:goodvibes
would you say BCV is your fav place to stay??? I haven't tried it.:goodvibes

Overall the Poly is my favourite resort. But DH's favourite was the Beach Club. However, I have yet to meet a Disney resort I don't like.:laughing:
Lunch at CANADA!

Although we were a bit early for our lunch reservation, we headed out of Hollywood Studios and started off for LeCellier in Epcot. Just as we were leaving, one of the Friendship Boats was getting ready to pull out from the dock. Chris ran ahead with the kids in the jogging stroller and caught it. 60 seconds later, a huffing and puffing wife managed to catch up with her super-fit husband just before the boat pulled out of the dock.:laughing: Phew! That was close! We just made it!

Once again, we were experiencing the convenience and luxury of a Deluxe Resort. It is not just the beauty and surroundings within the Deluxe Resorts (which in and of themselves are pretty spectacular), but also all of the conveniences and luxuries of staying at a Deluxe that in my mind makes it easy to justify the splurge.

The ability to walk or take a short Friendship Boat ride to either Hollywood Studios or Epcot was definitely a huge perk of our Deluxe accomodations at the Beach Club.

20 minutes later, after a pleasant ride around Crescent Lake and up through the canal, we were docking at the International Gateway, located between the UK and France. From here, we had only a short 5 minute walk to Canada.

I love eating at LeCellier. Both for the food (probably my favourite dish in all of WDW - the mushroom filet - is served here), and because it is located in the Canadian pavillion, so I feel right at home.:goodvibes


This was Katie's 3rd time at LeCellier, and my 5th time. But it was the 1st time that either Chris or Declan had eaten here.

Although we were about 1 hour early, fortunately there were not a lot of people waiting for tables this early and we were seated within 2 minutes.

It was so nice to get out of the hot sun and step inside the dark and cool LeCellier. I think it is the best restaurant in all of WDW to retreat inside on a hot day. It is designed to look like a Wine Cellar and has no windows. It is always cool and dark inside those stone walls, which provide a perfect break from a sweltering hot, bright and sunny day.

The other thing I quite enjoy about dining at LeCellier is being served by Canadian waitstaff. They always wear nametags that show what Province they are from, and it is a nice tie in with Canada during our Disney trips.

For starters this trip, we ordered smoothies. We all enjoyed them, especially the kids. They were great after being outside on a hot day.



I can't remember what Chris ordered for his appetizer, but have little doubt that it was some type of salad.

I, of course, ordered the Cheddar Cheese soup - a must! Delicious as usual! (Sorry for the poor photo, which is actually from a past trip - I was clearly too eager to dig in!)


We also all enjoyed the breadsticks - especially the prezel bread.

Although I advised Chris that LeCellier was famous for its Mushroom Risotto Filet, he did not follow my lead in ordering it.

The fact that I like this dish at all, let alone rank it as my favourite dish in all of WDW should have tipped him off as to how good it was because I absolutely detest mushrooms. However, having heard so much hype about the Mushroom Filet, a few years ago I decided to simply had to try it. I am so glad that I did, because I doubt this dish would taste the same without the signature mushroom risotto. While I don't eat the 2-3 whole mushrooms thrown overtop for garnish, I have no trouble devouring the mushroom risotto which surrounds the filet, or the white truffle sauce poured over it, complete with a sprinkling of chives.


While my picture really does this meal no justice, I assure you that once again this filet was as tasty and satisfying as I remembered.

Unfortunately, Chris' meal was a little less than spectacular. He ordered the Shaved Prime Rib Sandwich, which he described as "Blah". In fact, Chris ranked this as his least favourite meal of the whole trip.:sad2:


I hate to say "I told you so...", but he had been told what to order. I know he would have loved the mushroom filet. Even worse, we were on the deluxe dining plan, so we didn't save a penny by him ordering a $14.99 sandwich as opposed to a $25.99 filet. In fact, I would argue that this was a perfectly good deluxe dining credit gone to waste.:rotfl:

As for the kids, as much as I tried to talk them into ordering a steak, they each opted for the pizza.


Nothing spectacular here. No better or worse than any other kids' pizza meal at WDW.

For dessert, I suggested to Chris that we let the kids have our desserts as the "Chocolate Moose" wasn't on the kids' menu. The kids loved these:



We also picked up two fruitcups for the kids' desserts, which we asked for in take-out containers so we could bring them back to the Beach Club to enjoy the next day for breakfast.


Unfortunately, since Chris declined my offer of a taste of my mushroom filet, he still has no idea what he is missing. As a result, it will be a hard sell to convince him to return to LeCellier because in his mind the meal was awful.:rolleyes:

Fortunately, he is not the one who books the ADRs for our trips.:laughing: And he doesn't want to make me choose between dinner with him or the Mushroom Filet...because I am not entirely sure he would win!:rotfl:

UP NEXT: Photo Session with the Roots

Your filet looks amazing!!! I'm considering changing one of my ADRs to see if Le Cellier is available...! :idea:
I would totally agree with the "waste of a dining credit" thing! Did you walk around World Showcase afterward, or was that it for the day?

I can't wait to read about the Photo Shoot! We are planning on doing pics when we go in September - out last family picture (formal sitting) was when DS was 6 months old! He is 7 now, so it's about time...Can't wait! Great report!
Boy, nothing seems to go right for your DH, huh!?!:confused: Husbands should always listen to their wives. Don't they realize we know best!:rotfl:
Your filet looks amazing!!! I'm considering changing one of my ADRs to see if Le Cellier is available...! :idea:

Act fast! LeCellier staff are proud of the fact that their restaurant is the hardest to get into in all of WDW. In part that is due to its limited seating capacity - it is one of the smallest restaurants in WDW. It is also very, very popular - which makes for a deadly combination when trying to score ADRs.

I would totally agree with the "waste of a dining credit" thing! Did you walk around World Showcase afterward, or was that it for the day?

I can't wait to read about the Photo Shoot! We are planning on doing pics when we go in September - out last family picture (formal sitting) was when DS was 6 months old! He is 7 now, so it's about time...Can't wait! Great report!

Tour Epcot after our meal? With my husband?:rotfl: Goodness was all I could do to keep him out until noon. :laughing: The only reason I was able to get him into Epcot was because that was where our lunch reservation was located, and it was only a 5 minute walk to the Beach Club.;)
Glad you got what was yummy even if your DH didn't. Seems sometimes that nothing would make him happy. He seems determined to have a miserable time. So sorry! Hopefully your next trip will be much better since you have friends going.
OMG, OMG, OMG.... you had a photo shoot with the Roots? :worship: Now that I am typing this it is triggering something in my memory but I didn't remember until now. I am in LOVE with all their photos from Carrie/Lurkyloo's reports and look at their blog every now and then. If I ever get married, the Roots are taking the pictures FOR SURE! I can't wait to hear all about it!

Too funny you aren't sure if Chris or the filet would win in a showdown. I don't like mushroom either and usually order w/o mushroom and sub the cream cheese mashed potato. Now you have me thinking perhaps I'm missing out and should try it as the Canadians intended. ;)

I agree Le Cellier is a great break on a hot day and am 100% with you on the benefits of the Beach Club/deluxe location!!

Looking forward to more!! popcorn::


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