How Far From Hhi To Wdw?


Jul 25, 2006
We are going to hhi in march, and DD ( 4) keeps asking how long till disney? Do you think it would be possible to drive and spend one night at WDW and drive back to HHI the next day?

We never get to go to WDW with just DH myself and our kids, we are always a personal "tour guide" to friends" it would be nice to go for a day.......
opionons please.
well it is possible - but that is a lot of driving. 6 to 7 hours one way.
We are members at OKW and HHI and have combined our vacations at the two resorts, but not they way you are planning. It takes about 6 hours to make the trip, we usually go to WDW first, then spend 2-3 nights on the way home at HHI for the relaxation(we drive from Boston). It would be very tiresome to drive to WDW, tour a park and then turn around and return the next day;even for us, who drive all the time.
Boy, DH and I must have been speeding!!! Granted, we left from the Savannah Airport Exit at 6:00 am. We made at least 2 potty stops, went to SSR for check in, and then headed over to Celebration for an early lunch. At 11:30, we had finished placing our orders for food and were amazed at the time we made.
Boy, DH and I must have been speeding!!! Granted, we left from the Savannah Airport Exit at 6:00 am. We made at least 2 potty stops, went to SSR for check in, and then headed over to Celebration for an early lunch. At 11:30, we had finished placing our orders for food and were amazed at the time we made.

It's closer to a 5-5.5 hour drive to HH, so 40 minutes less from Savannah probably. Not something I would want to do round-trip in a day, but really not that bad.
We are going to hhi in march, and DD ( 4) keeps asking how long till disney? Do you think it would be possible to drive and spend one night at WDW and drive back to HHI the next day?

We never get to go to WDW with just DH myself and our kids, we are always a personal "tour guide" to friends" it would be nice to go for a day.......
opionons please.

Given these time estimates, you could get up and leave at 8, be in WDW by 1:30 or 2, have the afternoon and evening in WDW, spend the night, have the next day from opening time at a WDW park until you felt like leaving, say around 3 or 4, and be back in HH for a late dinner or an early bedtime with a stop on the road for a quick dinner. Sounds doable to me!!!

You'd just have to decide if it was worth it for your family. It's not a bad drive on 95 unless you hit bad traffic or construction. My concern would be that you have a long drive followed by a busy day in the park with a fairly late night, then another busy day in the park with an early start, followed by a long drive. I don't usually put those two things together in the same day.

But, it's certainly a possibility!!!
We are going to hhi in march, and DD ( 4) keeps asking how long till disney?

We're going to HHI in April and I was wondering the same thing! I ended up deciding to stay put because of the Spring Break crowds - I don't think I'd enjoy a "quickie" trip if the parks are wall-to-wall people.

That said, a mid-week trip in early-mid-March to WDW might be a great idea.
Early March crowds should not be awful, since Easter in in April. HHI is likely still going to be on the "cool" or even "chilly" side (I'm not execting to do ocean swimming in April). I think a couple of nights at Disney might be a nice treat. I'd probably do 2 or 3 though.
Like others have said, I don't think I'd try and do it with DKs (6 and 4) in one day.. The drive is 5-6 hours... Plus you have to count time after you get to the park to get through the TTC, etc... If you wanted to get there halfway early, you'd have to leave HHI at 5am or so... Then, stay for a period of time to make the trip worth while, and then get back at 1-2am... It's possible, but tough..

Instead, why not try and book a night on points or cash at WDW either at the beginning or end of your trip?? Even one of the Value resorts... If you're going to be in the park most of the time, the type of room wouldn't be a big deal...
Mapquest says about 330 miles and 5 hour drive; that would be one long day.
:cloud9: :cloud9: Still have to convince DH, the point of the Trip was R&R. Looks like it wouldn't be an issue anyway because we will be heading to WDW in May/JUne, so we will likely hold off until then.....

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