How crowded is the park on Holidays, specifically MLK Day Jan. 14th?


Earning My Ears
Jan 10, 2001
We are planning to go the Universal STudios on Monday, January 14th, which is Martin Luther King Day. We've noticed that alot of the hotels are booked up. Does anyone know if the park is crowded on holiday such as this? We assumed that this part of January would be the least crowded time of year.
I'll be at the parks this weekend as well (Sunday). I wouldn't expect it to be too bad, probably a bit busier than usual only because area schools are out.

Hey Jim,

We'll be there also after leaving Sand Key (Thanks again for your help on things to do in Clearwater/Tampa). Will you be wearing a green ribbon??

[This message was edited by lindai on 01-11-01 at 06:23 AM.]
Please don't shoot the messenger, but all schools in Central FL are out Monday. I would expect a very very full park. I could be wrong, but it will probably be packed! Sorry!

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