How are crowds/weather in Oct, Sept. or Thanksgivng time?


Feb 9, 2000
How are the crowds? Our very 1st trip was in Sept.98' and it rained EVERY SINGLE DAY (for a few HOURS- not minutes) What a mess of a vacation!! Just can't remember if the weather was warm at all. I wonder how the above months are with the crowds and weather? Are pools even open in Oct.Sept. or Thanksgiving? (Husband may start a new job that he won't be eligible for vaca until 6 mos).... Now I have to cancel our summer vacations in Orlando!! :mad: <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused"> :eek:

[This message was edited by Lorivegas on 03-09-01 at 02:05 PM.]
I went in October of 1999 and September of 2000. September was wonderful, 80s during the day and 60s at night, and yes, the pools were open and full. It rained every day, though, usually around 5pm.

October was wonderful for a few days but then Hurricane Something hit us! But it was still nice because it kept people out of the parks!


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


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