Hot Mulled Cider


<font color=purple>Strangely fascinated by zombies
Jul 25, 2003
Hot Mulled Cider

1/2 cup Brown sugar
1 dash Salt
2 quarts Cider
1 teaspoon Whole allspice
1 teaspoon Whole cloves
1 three-inch stick cinnamon
1 dash Nutmeg
Combine sugar, salt, and cider. Tie spices in cheese cloth. Add to cider. Slowly bring to a boil. Cover and simmer 20 minutes. Remove spices. Serve hot with orange slice floaters and cinnamon stick
Gosh, that sounds great...a good thing to warm you up on a cold morning (atleast for me since I am crazy enough to walk outside for an hour in 30 degree weather).

Thanks!! <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='Smile' border=0></a>
Great minds... I was thinking rum, too.

That's close to our wassail recipe, adding the rum, and minusing the allspice and brown sugar. Heat in crockpot and get toasted... err I mean toasty!!


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