Horrible Experience at Harmony Barber Shop

JoiseyMom said:
She did not slander anyone. She posted a warning to her disfriends, so that we would know which "stylist" to avoid. She told the truth, how is that slander? And yes, I can fully understand not wanting to stand on a long line with an upset child. DO you have any children?? If my child was that upset I would also leave. Telling guest relations at the hotel works also. The OP did nothing wrong, but leaving or by telling us. The OP major concern was her child, not compensation. She is an excellent parent putting her child first.
She did not post the women's name here to have her terminated or relocated. How can posting here do that?? She posted her to give us a head's up. She wrote her letter to WDW to inform them, and let them decide how to handle the situation.

THANK YOU OP for letting us know who to avoid if we want our children's haircut at WDW. I for one, appreciate it very much!!!!

Thank you Joisey for such kind words and for completely understanding my situation!

Your neighbor in NYC,
Goofy Gal

PS LOVE to shop in Paramus NJ!!! :goodvibes
Glad to see Disney did something to make up for your experience and you spoke up to find out others had the same issue with Norma. I was thinking about this the other day and glad to see an update to the story!
Wow! That certainly doesn't speak well for Disney Magic. It's any stylists job to understand what the customer wants, no matter where you go. The Disney Shop is expected to have a higher level of customer service. I think I would have been shocked and can completely understand the $10 toss!! I hope someone has gotten back to you about this horrific experience.
GoofyGal, thanks for sharing your response, I'm glad you got satisfaction and glad that stylist is no longer there. We also love the Harmony Barber Shop and often hold off the haircut so we can do it there. It is a very special place and I hope they are back up to their usual standards.

We love Michael (Michael?)

I missed this thread the first time around, can't believe the nasty responses. Sometimes I don't understand this place. :sad2:
Hi Goofygal. Just wanted to lend my support. You wrote a good letter, don't let others bring ya down! I totally get the not wanting to ruin the whole vacation thing. With as much money as we all plunk down on our Disney vacations, we try to get as much happiness as possible out of it. I am sorry to hear this happened to you. I was thinking of taking my son for his first haircut there this December, does anyone actually have a name of a reputable stylist they would recommend?
Mom of Sleepy said:
a false report maliciously uttered and tending to injure the reputation of a person. (Webster's dictionary)

Nope. It wasn't slander.

(Oh, wouldn't you just leave it to an attorney's wife to get picky! :rotfl: )
PrincessTigerLily said:
Hi Goofygal. Just wanted to lend my support. You wrote a good letter, don't let others bring ya down! I totally get the not wanting to ruin the whole vacation thing. With as much money as we all plunk down on our Disney vacations, we try to get as much happiness as possible out of it. I am sorry to hear this happened to you. I was thinking of taking my son for his first haircut there this December, does anyone actually have a name of a reputable stylist they would recommend?
We had Maura and another lady- both were wonderful. I will try to post the pictures if I can.
I came on the threads tonight hoping to find the e-mail address for guest relations. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would find it on this particular thread. Here's our story....let me preface it by saying that we're Disney freaks and I work from home as Disney Travel Specialist.

Okay...here we go....

Last week during our annual Easter week trip, I surprised my DDs with a trip to the new Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique as their Easter present...$35 each for hair and makeup. Everything was fine, except that each of my girls was on either end of the facility so I was running back and forth taking pictures. All of a sudden, my husband approaches me and tells me that I need to get to my 8 year old immediately. To my horror, there stood the manager with the hairstylist picking through my child's hair and telling me that she had a parasite in her hair. I said, "What are you talking about"? My daughter was completely mortified as everyone in the room could hear what was happening. I stood there in shock not believing what was happening. The woman continued to pick through my daughter's hair with updates that she hadn't found anything else. Well I finally asked them if they were saying that they had found lice....my daughter's biggest fear. The manager of the facility said, "Here you can look at it". It was a bright orange BUG!!! As a family of healthcare professionals, we know what lice look like. This wasn't even close. The manager then told me that I might want to do a more thorough job of keeping an eye on my daughter's scalp in the future. I was so upset for my daughter that her comment really didn't register for a while. When they determined that there weren't any additional "parasites", she proceeded with the hairstyle. I looked down at my daughter and asked her if she wanted to continue. She shook her head "yes", but she had tears in her eyes which prompted me to do the same. She sat in that chair with a devastated look on her face.

As we got ready to leave, I asked my husband to retrieve the manager and speak with her. I knew that I would be busy consoling my daughter. To be honest, I was afraid that I would be tempted to do or say something that a Sunday school teacher shouldn't. When all was said and done, my husband had informed the manager that she should have talked to us away from our daughter to begin with. He then went on to ask her where she got off questioning our personal hygiene practices....just for the record, we're clean freaks!!!! He also said a few other things that I'll leave out. She then offered the $175 package to both of our daughters. My husband declined and said that it wasn't about getting something free. It was about humiliating a little girl on a day that was supposed to be something really special. She wouldn't even go into the World of Disney for the rest of the trip fearing that someone would recognize her.

Just for the record, we were staying at Port Orleans Riverside. Two days after this incident, we were on the bus when my husband leaned over and said, "Look at this". It was the same kind of bug crawling up his arm. As it turns out, Disney gave us the "parasite" to begin with.

Thanks for letting me vent....I feel much better.
dizneetravelagent said:
I came on the threads tonight hoping to find the e-mail address for guest relations. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would find it on this particular thread. Here's our story....let me preface it by saying that we're Disney freaks and I work from home as Disney Travel Specialist.

Okay...here we go....

Last week during our annual Easter week trip, I surprised my DDs with a trip to the new Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique as their Easter present...$35 each for hair and makeup. Everything was fine, except that each of my girls was on either end of the facility so I was running back and forth taking pictures. All of a sudden, my husband approaches me and tells me that I need to get to my 8 year old immediately. To my horror, there stood the manager with the hairstylist picking through my child's hair and telling me that she had a parasite in her hair. I said, "What are you talking about"? My daughter was completely mortified as everyone in the room could hear what was happening. I stood there in shock not believing what was happening. The woman continued to pick through my daughter's hair with updates that she hadn't found anything else. Well I finally asked them if they were saying that they had found lice....my daughter's biggest fear. The manager of the facility said, "Here you can look at it". It was a bright orange BUG!!! As a family of healthcare professionals, we know what lice look like. This wasn't even close. The manager then told me that I might want to do a more thorough job of keeping an eye on my daughter's scalp in the future. I was so upset for my daughter that her comment really didn't register for a while. When they determined that there weren't any additional "parasites", she proceeded with the hairstyle. I looked down at my daughter and asked her if she wanted to continue. She shook her head "yes", but she had tears in her eyes which prompted me to do the same. She sat in that chair with a devastated look on her face.

As we got ready to leave, I asked my husband to retrieve the manager and speak with her. I knew that I would be busy consoling my daughter. To be honest, I was afraid that I would be tempted to do or say something that a Sunday school teacher shouldn't. When all was said and done, my husband had informed the manager that she should have talked to us away from our daughter to begin with. He then went on to ask her where she got off questioning our personal hygiene practices....just for the record, we're clean freaks!!!! He also said a few other things that I'll leave out. She then offered the $175 package to both of our daughters. My husband declined and said that it wasn't about getting something free. It was about humiliating a little girl on a day that was supposed to be something really special. She wouldn't even go into the World of Disney for the rest of the trip fearing that someone would recognize her.

Just for the record, we were staying at Port Orleans Riverside. Two days after this incident, we were on the bus when my husband leaned over and said, "Look at this". It was the same kind of bug crawling up his arm. As it turns out, Disney gave us the "parasite" to begin with.

Thanks for letting me vent....I feel much better.
I feel just horrible for your daughter. I hate to hear about a child being humiliated like that. It’s just awful. I hope you do write a letter to Disney telling of your experience.
I am glad they contacted you and she is out of there :)

and to the people who said you were SLANDERING, I roll my eyes. Comming here and saying what happened to your was not only appropriate, but the right thing to do. If someone doesn't believe you well, they should not post here, cause it only is stirring up trouble, because there is nothing on all her posts that are shady. People post their experiences with not just disney, but life. I am sorry you were belittled, and happy you have a good resolve. I am glad SHE IS NOT WORKING THEIR. yippy!!!!!

edited to say:

Couldn't the person who said the op was lying and slandering be slandering herself lolol
2nd childhood said:
I feel just horrible for your daughter. I hate to hear about a child being humiliated like that. It’s just awful. I hope you do write a letter to Disney telling of your experience.

Thanks for the kind words. I'm just waiting for someone to claim that it really didn't happen....as with the bad haircut. I'm a Disney freak through and through....Unfortunately, bad things can and do still happen.

Thanks again and have a "Magical" day.
hollyb said:
Why would you have to have his hair cut down in Disney? My kids know and they the lady who cuts thier hair. They see her at least every 8 weeks.

Why go to Disney at all--do you haev any amusement parks at home?
dizneetravelagent said:
Thanks for the kind words. I'm just waiting for someone to claim that it really didn't happen....as with the bad haircut. I'm a Disney freak through and through....Unfortunately, bad things can and do still happen.

Thanks again and have a "Magical" day.

How awful for your daughter. Did you take a picture of the critter?--you could send that with your complaint as well.

Unbelievable what CM's do at times.
You know, it didn't even cross my mind to to take a picture. I was just so upset that it didn't occur to me to take a picture to prove that it wasn't lice. To me it looked like a tree mite or something along those lines....but it was bright orange....just something that you would brush off your arm if it landed on you.

Towards the end of the whole ordeal, the "Fairy Godmother in training" apologized to me and said that she knew that it wasn't lice. You know, even if it were, any kid can pick up lice from other kids at school. It's easy to do. I don't want to come off sounding like a snob. It's just that everybody (including me) freaks out when they hear the word "lice". My problem is that the whole situation was handled so very poorly. It just devastated my daughter. She still brings it up and won't even talk about this vacation. It was one of those childhood memories that she'll carry with her a long time, and it just breaks my heart. She'll be on Dr.Phil someday talking about the traumatic day that changed her life forever. ;) (Sarcasm obviously)
Thanks for sharing your story!!

I substitute at our school's nurse's office as an aide - and she sent a girl home with "lice"... now I'm only a mom of 40 years, and a teacher (albeit mostly sub. since kids! for more than 15years!!) I thought I would always recognize lice (I spent 5 years in early childhood!!) That didnt not look like lice to me!!

We had to go thru all 5 5th grade classes looking for lice, plus this girl's sister!! No lice... I kept my mouth shut, the next day the mom came in the office and reamed the nurse - it was not lice - dry scalp!! (my thoughts!!)

Just an FYI for dis friends! Lice eggs do look like dry scalp flakes - only attatched to the hair follicle - and you dont have eggs without some crawling teeny tiny of course, and you may have to look, well I shouldnt say never, but I've never seen the eggs without at least one louse climbing!!
dizneetravelagent said:
I came on the threads tonight hoping to find the e-mail address for guest relations. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would find it on this particular thread. Here's our story....let me preface it by saying that we're Disney freaks and I work from home as Disney Travel Specialist.

Okay...here we go....

Last week during our annual Easter week trip, I surprised my DDs with a trip to the new Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique as their Easter present...$35 each for hair and makeup. Everything was fine, except that each of my girls was on either end of the facility so I was running back and forth taking pictures. All of a sudden, my husband approaches me and tells me that I need to get to my 8 year old immediately. To my horror, there stood the manager with the hairstylist picking through my child's hair and telling me that she had a parasite in her hair. I said, "What are you talking about"? My daughter was completely mortified as everyone in the room could hear what was happening. I stood there in shock not believing what was happening. The woman continued to pick through my daughter's hair with updates that she hadn't found anything else. Well I finally asked them if they were saying that they had found lice....my daughter's biggest fear. The manager of the facility said, "Here you can look at it". It was a bright orange BUG!!! As a family of healthcare professionals, we know what lice look like. This wasn't even close. The manager then told me that I might want to do a more thorough job of keeping an eye on my daughter's scalp in the future. I was so upset for my daughter that her comment really didn't register for a while. When they determined that there weren't any additional "parasites", she proceeded with the hairstyle. I looked down at my daughter and asked her if she wanted to continue. She shook her head "yes", but she had tears in her eyes which prompted me to do the same. She sat in that chair with a devastated look on her face.

As we got ready to leave, I asked my husband to retrieve the manager and speak with her. I knew that I would be busy consoling my daughter. To be honest, I was afraid that I would be tempted to do or say something that a Sunday school teacher shouldn't. When all was said and done, my husband had informed the manager that she should have talked to us away from our daughter to begin with. He then went on to ask her where she got off questioning our personal hygiene practices....just for the record, we're clean freaks!!!! He also said a few other things that I'll leave out. She then offered the $175 package to both of our daughters. My husband declined and said that it wasn't about getting something free. It was about humiliating a little girl on a day that was supposed to be something really special. She wouldn't even go into the World of Disney for the rest of the trip fearing that someone would recognize her.

Just for the record, we were staying at Port Orleans Riverside. Two days after this incident, we were on the bus when my husband leaned over and said, "Look at this". It was the same kind of bug crawling up his arm. As it turns out, Disney gave us the "parasite" to begin with.

Thanks for letting me vent....I feel much better.

Penny, my jaw dropped when I read your story. I am so sorry for your little girl. I have two daughters myself and I can really empathize as we have had our share of humiliations, too. :guilty: I am almost in tears reading your terrible tale.

I hope you do write to Disney and let them know how this incident was mishandled and overreacted to and how humiliated you and your child were in public over nothing other than a Disney bug! Sounds like not only do they need hair/nails training but some good customer relations training also. We did the BBB on April 3 and had really good experiences. So sorry this happened to you.

goofygal531 said:
Just received a phone call from a Disney Rep this afternoon. He said that they received multiple complaints regarding the stylist and that she is no longer at the Harmony Barber Shop.

He did offer me $15 dollars in Disney Dollars to refund the haircut and Disney park passes since I left the park immediately after the haircut. I accepted both offers.

I'm very pleased with the way everything turned out.

I'm so glad to hear this! We are going next month and I thought it would be a fun thing for my nephew, but after reading the OP of this thread I was having second thoughts (and third and forth! Yikes!).

We may still check it out now. I'm glad you let us know all has turned out well.

dizneetravelagent said:
I came on the threads tonight hoping to find the e-mail address for guest relations. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would find it on this particular thread. Here's our story....let me preface it by saying that we're Disney freaks and I work from home as Disney Travel Specialist.

Okay...here we go....

Last week during our annual Easter week trip, I surprised my DDs with a trip to the new Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique as their Easter present...$35 each for hair and makeup. Everything was fine, except that each of my girls was on either end of the facility so I was running back and forth taking pictures. All of a sudden, my husband approaches me and tells me that I need to get to my 8 year old immediately. To my horror, there stood the manager with the hairstylist picking through my child's hair and telling me that she had a parasite in her hair. I said, "What are you talking about"? My daughter was completely mortified as everyone in the room could hear what was happening. I stood there in shock not believing what was happening. The woman continued to pick through my daughter's hair with updates that she hadn't found anything else. Well I finally asked them if they were saying that they had found lice....my daughter's biggest fear. The manager of the facility said, "Here you can look at it". It was a bright orange BUG!!! As a family of healthcare professionals, we know what lice look like. This wasn't even close. The manager then told me that I might want to do a more thorough job of keeping an eye on my daughter's scalp in the future. I was so upset for my daughter that her comment really didn't register for a while. When they determined that there weren't any additional "parasites", she proceeded with the hairstyle. I looked down at my daughter and asked her if she wanted to continue. She shook her head "yes", but she had tears in her eyes which prompted me to do the same. She sat in that chair with a devastated look on her face.

As we got ready to leave, I asked my husband to retrieve the manager and speak with her. I knew that I would be busy consoling my daughter. To be honest, I was afraid that I would be tempted to do or say something that a Sunday school teacher shouldn't. When all was said and done, my husband had informed the manager that she should have talked to us away from our daughter to begin with. He then went on to ask her where she got off questioning our personal hygiene practices....just for the record, we're clean freaks!!!! He also said a few other things that I'll leave out. She then offered the $175 package to both of our daughters. My husband declined and said that it wasn't about getting something free. It was about humiliating a little girl on a day that was supposed to be something really special. She wouldn't even go into the World of Disney for the rest of the trip fearing that someone would recognize her.

Just for the record, we were staying at Port Orleans Riverside. Two days after this incident, we were on the bus when my husband leaned over and said, "Look at this". It was the same kind of bug crawling up his arm. As it turns out, Disney gave us the "parasite" to begin with.

Thanks for letting me vent....I feel much better.

Your poor daughter. However, I feel the need to point out that poor hygiene and lice are not connected.
Hedy said:
Your poor daughter. However, I feel the need to point out that poor hygiene and lice are not connected.

You are completely correct. Unfortunately, our society has stigmatized it in such a way. I, for one, am surprised that more children aren't affected. The school environment is an environment of sharing everything, including brushes, and it's a wonder that they don't spread more often than they do.

That's one reason why the whole situation was just so infuriating and devastating. We were made to feel "dirty" in front of an entire room of people staring at us. It was just awful!!!!!! :furious:


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