Hollywood Studios Swap - CLOSED

Your box is here....safe and sound. I took a quick peek and the pages are adorable!
I didn't see return postage in the box. Did I just miss it? Is it tucked into one of the bags?
It would be in back 1 right on top unless I forgot to put it. I'll double check my scrap space. It's a total disaster!
I will check again when I get home tonight. I'm so sorry if I missed it. My mind is only working at about half capacity right now. I will let you know tomorrow.

It would be in back 1 right on top unless I forgot to put it. I'll double check my scrap space. It's a total disaster!
Waiting for one more box. I lost my grandfather early this morning, so it will be this time next week at the earliest that I will be able to get these back in the mail.....pending the arrival of the last box. I will keep you all updated.
Waiting for one more box. I lost my grandfather early this morning, so it will be this time next week at the earliest that I will be able to get these back in the mail.....pending the arrival of the last box. I will keep you all updated.

So sorry, don't worry about the swap! Prayers for your family!
Waiting for one more box. I lost my grandfather early this morning, so it will be this time next week at the earliest that I will be able to get these back in the mail.....pending the arrival of the last box. I will keep you all updated.

:hug: my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. No hurry on getting this back.
I checked the box and didn't find postage money. I even opened up the bags and didn't see anything. Did you happen to find it in your scrap room?

It would be in back 1 right on top unless I forgot to put it. I'll double check my scrap space. It's a total disaster!
Hollywood Studios swap has arrived today! everything looks so adorable, and that is without even opening the individual zip locs. Heading to Florida this week ( if we don't get snowed in).... So I will explore the pages in depth when we get back. My sister bought a house in Naples, and we are going there to see them, and a mini trip to WDW, too! A few days in WDW and seeing my sister will help us defrost.......Deb
Got mine! Thanks for a great swap. All of you are so talented and creative! Now to order pictures!!
Got to the bank Saturday morning and realized I didn't send change in the boxes. I will send it out this week! Sorry I forgot. Glad the stuff is getting there safe and sound!
I just can't stay away from this as I need the full set of parks. Seems like this will be a small share. I had completely forgotten about it and was expecting to see everything almost full LOL
I just can't stay away from this as I need the full set of parks. Seems like this will be a small share. I had completely forgotten about it and was expecting to see everything almost full LOL
Sorry Lucifer12, these are all closed and complete. The post is from 2014.
There aren’t many swaps anymore.


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