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"My life, my love, my children"
Aug 16, 1999
OK, I am 37 yrs old and started to go through premenupause about 2 yrs ago....well, I had the mood swings really bad. So, the doctor put me on paxil...well, It is great for my mood swings but not for my weight!! I was a size 8, now I'm a size 16:( . So, I did drop my paxil...to 10 mg...thinking that might help my weight. Will it did not...
Looking for help...

I'm trying slim fast but I feel like I'm starving...I need to start a exerise program. I bought walk the pounds off...Think what is called...I do drink water...

I will go through all post to see what is going on what everyone doing..
I have done the walk of the pounds videos. Are you doing the new one for Abs? I haven't tried to newest one. Leslie Sansome also has an older firming video that is good. I didn't care as much for her newer one.

I do a mix of exercising. A night of Tae-bo, a morning walking the subdivision, a morning on the bike, the firming video or the walking videos. I am now also working out a work to use their weights. Variety is something I have to have.

I don't really do any special diet. I am mostly watching my carbs, trying to limit it at each meal, trying not to snack, drinking lots of water and not eating after 7:30. The not eating after 7:30 has been difficult since I sometimes don't get home till 6:30 and I have to exercise with by friend before it is too late in the evening. If I do eat after 7:30 I have watched the amount and what it is.

Find a motivation for you. I received a massage gift certificate for Christmas and have told myself I can not use it until I lose 10lbs.

If possible find a partner to work through this with you. This has really helped me.

You can do it...just find what works for you.
Hi Ang,
Welcome to W.I.S.H.

I'm Lisa, 40 y.o. and weigh about 158. Ever since my c-sect 5 years ago, I let myself go. I used to weigh around 130. It was a much better weight for me.
I started getting tired, went to the doctor, and found out I have a thyroid prob. which would explain some of the weight gain.
The other explanation...I eat when I am bored.

I am currently looking for a treadmill. My nephews bought one and have really trimmed down.

Another person on this board is trying to help me. Find a buddy, keep in contact and we can all be moral support for each other.

Where are you at in Ohio? I am near Columbus!

Welcome again....let's all help each other!

lisajl, I am located in Akron...back in September my neighbor and was walking 3 times of week which was good. but now its cold...

believe, I know I have the old one because I bought it at sam's club for $18. I agree you need to do different things so you won't get bored...I also don't eat pass a certain time...except on pop corn night....LOL...I just need to get off my butt...I'm sitting here looking at my $400 weight bench...LOL........its calling me...:)
Gosh, I used to do it all the time....OK ladies, I will do it....

Thanks everyone!! For your support!! Sometimes thats all you need!!:p


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