Hey everyone, just wanted you to know...

Camping Griswalds

DIS Veteran
Aug 6, 2000
We got a survey to fill out about our trip to Ft. Wilderness. It gave catagories and you listed liked very much, good, average etc. Any way wanted you to know there seemed to be a lot of questions about the pools. Number of pools, theming, enjoyment of etc. To be honest I ranked it pretty low. The kids thought it was fun to swim, but no theming, no slides, no whirlpool, just big squares. I was hoping maybe others had gotten a simular survey, and put simular responses so that Ft. Wildernes would improve those things. If they could just heat River Country...well a person can dream can't they?!?!?!
We have received this survey every time we have camped at FW.I think everyone gets one.I think they do not have themed pools etc because they have River Country.Also FW is supposed to be a get away from it all place and if they put all the other stuff and fluff at the pools and such then it does not become a relaxing place but just another themed land/park.

i know that its just a matter of opinion, but every other campground we have been to at least has a diving board or slide. I don't think this makes it too commercial. We were there in Jan/Feb when River Country is not open, so that was not an option for us. we too love the feeling of getting away from the hustle and bustle, that is really why we camp in the first place. Love the family bike rides, nightly campfires (usually have own fire ring) and the swimming. I just personally was not thrilled with the pools, like I was with everything else about the campground.

You are doing the right thing and I have heard the same FT.Wilderness pool response several times. The survey's that are sent out help track Guest satifaction and if you along with everyone else noted the same dissatifactions changes will for come. The other way to voice your opinion or suggestions for improvement is to send a letter or E-mail to Guest Communications as it will be forwarded on to the appropriate area. Keep up the good work...someone will listen!
we too have received these surveys on some of our trips.

Fort Wilderness was built long before most all of the resorts, and long before the "Theme" pools came about. It would not take a tremendous amount of change to better theme the pool area.

Personally i would be happy if they just installed a jacuzzi.

<Font Size=2><Font Color=blue>Scott</Font><Font
Co-Moderator Camping @ Disney Board

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