Here we come!!!

Belle and Rella's Dad

Father of Three Princesses Husband of the Queen
Jun 9, 2000
We first toured BWV in Sept. 96, and thought about buying into the club. Then in Oct of 99 we again called to inquire about a purchase and was overly impressed that our guide Larissa was still there, we still decided not to do it. Well before our seventh trip in two years we just bought 310 points in the new BCV. I am still having second thoughts, but tell me that we did the right thing.

Belle and Rella's Dad

Royal Palm 09/96
CBR 1/00
POFQ 9/00
CBR 2/01
POFQ 5/01
POFQ 9/01
ASSP 11/01
AKL BC 5/02
BCV ? 10/02
You did the right thing :D You will not be disappointed! We love our DVC so much we are buying more points on our up coming trip.
You did the right thing. I'm so sorry I did not buy years ago. I finally bought into BWV in May 2000 and have added on twice since then. I'm even thinking of adding on BCV.

Welcome home.

You did the right thing! :)
We bought into BWV a few years ago, then added on once and are thinking of adding on again. I'm even tempted by the great incentives that come with a BCV purchase. Beware - adding on is addictive!
Congratulations! and Welcome Home! :)
No actual pictures yet, so I hope this will do until then.

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you *DEFINITELY* did the right thing! If you didn't enjoy WDW enough to go there once a year or once every other year, OR if you were just as happy staying in a cramped All-Stars Resort room as in a huge Villa, THEN you might not have been a good candidate for DVC. But given what you have said, you sound like a *perfect* fit for DVC! Congratulations! You're going to LOVE it!
Belle and Rella's Dad,

You have made an "excellent decision", and that is a very nice initial purchase of points. Most DVC members don't start that high.
Welcome Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bounce:
Congratulations and Welcome Home!

We bought at BWV in '98 and just signed the contract for a resale at OKW!

Look out - DVC is habit forming! 310 today, another 50 tomorrow...

Going home tomorrow:pinkbounc

Congratulations and Welcome Home!!!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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