Help with modifying an existing reservation


May 15, 2016
I have an upcoming 4 night stay at Riviera, Tues-Sat. I want to take off the Friday night and just stay 3 nights. It appears that I can easily do that online--just change it to 3 nights, despite there being no availability. Is that correct? I'm an old-timer who is used to not being able to modify unless all the nights are available to rebook.

Also, unrelated to the above, I have a 4 night stay at SSR, Fri-Tues. Thinking of renting points from a friend to arrive a day early. I know MS can combine the 2 reservations but would I be able to speak to MS or would my friend who owns the points need to do that for me?
Question 1 is easy. Yes, you can call MS or online select the reservation on the dashboard and hit "modify". You go through the normal search and booking process at that point. The availability will reflect the current availability plus the villas booked under the reservation you are modifying.

Question 2 can get more complicated. "Renting" is when a member (your friend) books a reservation and a different person (you) stays in the room for some compensation. In this case your two reservations are under 2 different memberships, and they can't be combined (merged). You can contact the front desk and MS and ask not to change rooms, likely not an issue, but to guaranteed. They can "transfer" the points to you. You call MS, and both of you need to be on the phone with MS (3-way call) and the points are removed from their membership and transferred a specific membership in your account (you may only have 1). You can now modify your existing reservation using those points, as long as their UY is good for when you are booking. You can only transfer current UY points (not banked or borrowed by them), transferred points maintain their original UY and resort priority, and finally transferred points can be banked, but not borrowed.
I have an upcoming 4 night stay at Riviera, Tues-Sat. I want to take off the Friday night and just stay 3 nights. It appears that I can easily do that online--just change it to 3 nights, despite there being no availability. Is that correct? I'm an old-timer who is used to not being able to modify unless all the nights are available to rebook.

Also, unrelated to the above, I have a 4 night stay at SSR, Fri-Tues. Thinking of renting points from a friend to arrive a day early. I know MS can combine the 2 reservations but would I be able to speak to MS or would my friend who owns the points need to do that for me?
You've always been able to drop a day off either end of a reservation and that hasn't changed. Any issue was if you wanted to change a middle date or something similar.

For SSR, reservations cannot be combined across memberships. Each of you could ask MS to add a note of a continuing reservation though and provide the other confirmation number. Or just confirm on check in that the resort has seen you have 2 reservations. They often do.
I have an upcoming 4 night stay at Riviera, Tues-Sat. I want to take off the Friday night and just stay 3 nights. It appears that I can easily do that online--just change it to 3 nights, despite there being no availability. Is that correct? I'm an old-timer who is used to not being able to modify unless all the nights are available to rebook.
Correct, it's available to you because you already have the nights booked.
That obviously makes sense but I swear that when you used to have to call for all reservations, to take off a night, they always cautioned you that you might not be able to get all the days back as they modified your reservation. The online modification has been so easy to use comparatively.

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