HELP: Problems with Cobalt!!!


Earning My Ears
Feb 26, 2001
I tried applying for a cobalt card a few days ago so i can use the bonus $ for priceline..but it's not confirming my account. And just keeps on telling me i'll be contacted in less than 48 hrs...I even tried calling their customer service # and they just said they will check my account RIGHT AWAY and get back to me luck hearing from them.

Has this happened to anyone before??
Is there any other way to get bonus $?

I'm planning to get rooms for the 10th-15th next week...should I wait longer or just bid w/o the bonus $?

any advice would be helpful!!! <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
Can't you stay on the line while they check? I'd keep on bothering them until they give you an answer. There's really not anything else you can do. FWIW, if you know someone with an AMEX card, you can have them bid for you in your name.
I went through the same thing. Did the problem occur when you tried to fund your card via your checking account?

There seems to be a glitch in their system. When I tried to fund the card through my checking account it wouldn't work. But I had no problems using my debit card (credit card)! There may be a fee involved now. They had a special "no fees for credit card funding" which I think expired Feb 28th.

And once funded, you can use it immediately at Priceline. I did! It worked like a charm.

As a matter of fact, I just received my card in the mail today.

Good luck!! :D


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