Help me decide which park our family should try on this trip.


Earning My Ears
Jul 28, 2000
We have only one extra day to do either Universial, IOA, or Sea World. I really do not know which park would be best for my family. We will have a party of six. A 9 year old DS, 4 year old DD, and 2 year old DS. Please help me make the right choice. Thanks!


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
Personally I think Sea World would be your best bet. As fun as both the Universal Parks are, with children aged 4 and 2 I think you would find much more for the whole family at Sea World. :)
Taking into consideration, the ages of the children, I also think they will get more out of Sea World. I believe there are many more types of attractions that Sea World has to offer that would appeal to younger children guests such as the "Clyde and Seamore" sea lion show, the "Shamu" shows, Dolphin Fest, Manatees, along with the bird habitats, and Pelican encounter.
I too, took in consideration the ages of the children. My grandchildren and niece loved Sea World...Loved Shamu, Clyde & Seamore (sp?), feeding the stingrays.


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