Help me decide, HRH poolview, deluxe or club


Constantly in trip planning mode...I want to go aw
Aug 18, 1999
Help, I currently have a res for 3 nites with the Ent rate of $129.50 for poolview. I've called HRH and was given an Ent rate of $149 for deluxe and $275 for club. However, I found the Club rate for $259 on Travelocity.

Are either worth the extra money? And what would you do?

There are 3 of us, 2 adults and a child (7yrs).


The December 15, 2000 MK Grand Marshall Family!
Wonder July 2000
Off-site '84, 85','92, 10/99
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BWV 2/00
OKW/Cruise/BWV 7/00
CS 12/00
Upcoming HH 7/01 & Universal (Hard Rock)/WLV/BWV! 8/01
From what I have read on these boards (haven't been to USF before but intend to go in August), the room size of the standard room is 375 sq. ft. and the Deluxe is about 100 sq. ft. bigger. The standard room is a pretty good size and in my opinon more than adequate for the three of you. In addition to the size of the room, I think the deluxe gives you extras like a stereo and vcr. Maybe someone who has been to a deluxed could add to this.
Glad to hear you were quoted good rates on the club level. Personally, I always opt for the club level esp. at a decent rate. How does travelocity work? any problems with it? I love concierge room - the food out there in the AM and evening if just nice- quick , simple breakfast - I vote for that esp. at the rates you mentioned. UNLESS , it's not a big deal to you, then I would go with a standard room.
Even the standard rooms have VCR and stereo's. I stayed in a standard club because of an upgrade. While the amenities are great, I wouldn't say they are worth $ 130 more per night AT ALL.
For three people I'd go for a standard and hope that you might get an upgrade to a deluxe. If not, a standard should be big enough for 3 people.
I recently stayed in a deluxe, and from looking into other standard rooms, there did not seem to be that big of a difference. Our room, instead of being square, was sort of triangular, giving you some more room that way, but we also had just one king size bed. Also, we had a little alcove with a green u-shaped couch in it, which was nice, but not really practical as there was no table by it. The only thing I am unsure of is that we had a CD player in our room, and they gave us a complimentary HRH CD upon check-in. I am not sure if the standard rooms have this or not. Maybe someone could let me know, since I am going back in May and booked a pool view, and would hate to lug all my CD's down again for nothing.
I'll be leaving Saturday for my Orlando vacation, with 3 days at the HRH, entertainment rate like you were quoted, pool view. Since we were never at Universal or IOA, we know we'll be out and about a lot, and our teens want to live by the pool, so we didn't go with the deluxe. I'll let you know when we get back what I thought of the room, and if we would do different next time.

5 days and counting!!!!!! :cool:
IMHO, the hotel room is just a place to sleep between parks. We booked the Garden View room since we don't plan on spending that much time in the room anyway. The money we'll save can be put to good use, like for a soda for us to split each day...

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2000 Tent in Backyard
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