Help? Character dinner at Port. Bay?


Bus Rider
Jan 22, 2000
We had reservations for Confisco's character lunch but got a call, they will not be having character's that particular day, but they could switch our reservation for a character dinner the same day at Portafino Bay? anyone have any info on this? Is my assumption that this might be very expensive correct? Guess I need to call back and ask more questions.....


Offsite Feb 2001
Offsite Feb 2000
Offsite March 1999
Offsite March 1998
Offsite Feb 1997

Hey - What can I say? Offsite gets me there every year.
HI chells,

How odd no characters at Confisco's on your date?? wonder why? anyway I just wanted to give you a review and what we spent on the character dinner at Trattoria del Porto. My family of 4 ate there in December. It was a friday evening. They offer the character meal on monday and friday. (unless that has changed) They offer a buffet or you can order off the menu. My husband had the buffet it was $19.50
The kids had kids meals macaroni and cheese $3.50
the other had Grilled Cheese $3.50
I ordered off menu Pork Tenderloin $17.50
we had dessert and coffee and 4 glasses of wine. The kids had outrageuos marshmellow milk shakes. The meal was delicious the service was great. A family could eat here much cheaper than we did. The bill was $87 with tax.
The characters we saw were Scooby doo, woody woodpecker and the Grinch. (they change)
The interaction was terrific with the kids and the characters. They have an area the kids can go play in after eating with a T.V and coloring books and such while the adults are able to finish their meal. Oh yes...the buffet I just wanted to mention had a huge array of foods to offer. They have a pasts chef that will make any pasta any sauce you like as well as grilled meats mashed potatoes, fresh steamed and sauteed veggies, breads. A seperate dessert table that was beautiful. The food is very fresh and very abundant. Hope this helps you. :D

thanks for the info - sounds good, will stick with dinner afterall.....


Offsite Feb 2001
Offsite Feb 2000
Offsite March 1999
Offsite March 1998
Offsite Feb 1997

Hey - What can I say? Offsite gets me there every year.
What number do I call to make reservations for the character dinner? I sounds perfect for us. We'll be at HRH March 1 - 4.


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