Hello!! Howdy!! and Help!!


<font color=CC33FF>You bring a smile the to the Ta
Sep 12, 2001
Hello everyone!! I would like to join the group and ask for your help and support so that I can reach my goals!!

About me: 30ish married, no children, was a chubby child & teenage. lost mucho weight in college, gained some, lost some, gained some, lost some, gained some etc. ever since. Except now the lose some hasn't occurred in quite some time!! :p

Goal: i had the same resolution last year, the year before, etc. and since i keep making the same resolution i'm not good at keeping it. This year my DH and I made a bet, whoever loses the most weight by March 1 gets to pick the color of our new car. I typed up the terms and today we both signed it and weighed in!!

My hopes: First - WIN THE BET!! Second - that any new healthy habits I develop will continue so that i'll reach my second goal of losing 40lbs by our next WDW trip - 12/2003!

How you can help: Support - first and foremost! Also any tips on motivation or meal planning would be great and I'll do the same!

Thanks a million!! :Pinkbounc :bounce:
Good luck to you. It can be done.... I thought I would never lose the weight. I have been obese since I was a child, and thought I would always be so. I tried lots of diets, but they never worked, then I stumbled across the Atkins plan. I learned a new way of eating, not a new way of dieting. I have lost over 35 pounds low carbing. I think that may be the key, just find the right plan for you, and never give up!:D


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