Height Restrictions on Rides


Aug 8, 2001
Can anyone provide some info or a link about the height requirements on the "big" rides at IOA and Universal Studios?
Our 7 yo is >54", but our 8 yo is not quite there yet. We also have a 3 yo who is 42". Thanks !!
I know that Dueling dragons and Hulk are both 54 inches. Dr. Doom's Fearfall is 52 inches. Your 8 year old would be able to do everything else. I should note that the 54 inches includes shoes, so if you have one that is close, they might be tall enough with shoes on. We went through that, my son wasn't tall enough wearing his flat sandals, but he was with sneakers on...that's how close he was!
As for 42 inches...I know Dudley DoRight might be out...for some reason 48 stands in my mind, but I might be wrong...my kids have always been tall enough for it.
Someone with a little one will have to help with the other attractions with height req. I know 42 inches is tall enough for most of the ones like MIB, Back to the Future, Hanna Barbara, and Spidey - but I'm not sure about Popeye, Dudley DoRight and Jurassic... :confused:


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