Height requirement help


Earning My Ears
Mar 29, 2001
Help me! We are going to DW in May for Star Wars weekend. My son Justin (3 1/2) absolutley LOOOOVES Disney and Star Wars, so this is the best of both worlds to him (and me). Anyway, ne is 38 inches tall and I know he is going to want to go on STAR TOURS. The HR on this ride is 40". Does anyone have any suggestions on how to "enhance" his height just long enough to go on ST? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

The Comegys Family

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Buy really think soled gym shoes or cowboy boots. Put them on just before you get to the ride! Have his hair style stick up and make sure he stands REALLY tall!!!! :) Good luck!!!!
The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World book has lots of suggestions for this problem, including the great ones given by mummajea.
My daughter has the same problem. She loves roller coasters and wants to go on all of them. She just makes it at Space Mountain, but can't on Rock n Roller Coaster. I also thought about "enhancing" her height, but they have height restrictions for a reson, usually its a safety issue, so we opted to have her wait until she is actually tall enough. This is just what we do, and is in no way telling you not to do it. I know I tend to worry too much, so i stay on the safe side.



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