Have you ever been locked in anywhere?


DIS Veteran
Apr 23, 2017
Whether that be a shop , someone's else house etc

I briefly got locked in the pe changing room at school , I was too slow changing and the teacher must have thought I had gone I was only there for 2 minures
bathroom at a football game in high school. You know the ones that have a door to the outside? Not embarrassing at all when the fire department cuts the hinges off and everyone is standing there watching......
Dark basement when I was 9. Totally freaked out. It probably wasn’t longer than a few minutes, but at the time, it felt like hours.

I’m 44 and still don’t like complete darkness.

Before cell phones were common. OK as it turns out we weren't actually locked in but for the 15 minutes or so we thought we were, it was quite concerning.

I was there searching for an ancestor's grave. When we arrived the big gates that you could drive through were open. It was a relatively small cemetery so we parked outside the gates. And didn't notice when the other people who were there left and closed and locked the gates. We walked the entire perimeter looking for a way out before we tried the smaller walk through gate to the side and found it unlocked.
I’ve been locked out of my house and my car multiple times. The best one was coming out of the grocery store with a million bags IN A SNOW STORM and my car keys were locked in my car. Honestly I thought cars couldn’t lock I’d your keys are left in it but mine did somehow.
Freshman year of college, some of my friends and I had a D&D session (might have been Vampire or Werewolf, actually) in a conference room in the library. We didn't know the library closed and we got locked in. We found a security guard who let us out.
I got locked INSIDE my hotel room several years ago on a business trip and had to call security to get me out. That was a strange convo, trying to explain how my door wasn't deadbolted and I still couldn't get out! Security and maintenance had to come up and replace the exterior key lock in order to get me out.
Yes, visiting the World’s Largest Cuckoo Clock. It used to be on the roof of a restaurant in Amish Country called Alpine Alpa. The sign said it was open until 6. We paid and went up at 4:55. We watched the clock’s show at 5 & then went to the stairs to find the door locked. We pounded on the door and yelled for almost half an hour before someone in the parking lot heard us and they finally let us out. We thought it was hilarious (after we realized we weren’t going to spend the night up there.) They were very apologetic and sent us off with a bunch of Amish-made cheese and pies.
I got locked in my parent’s shed by my brother when I was young. He thought it was hilarious, me not so much.
Locked, no but Stuck in an elevator and it was between floors, so when rescue finally came, had to go out that way. It was a Horror... I was a young kid and have never forgotten it.
I typically avoid elevators unless unavoidable, and I can’t use the stairs. And I don’t ride alone.
I dislike them Greatly!
Jail. Not the way you would think though. The new jail was about to open and I was contracted to tint some of the windows that would be the female holding cells, the training room, etc. I was given a key card to get through the doors and after doing the windows in the control center I left to go to another part and when I entered the hallway the key card wouldn't let me exit the area. I was stuck in a long hall with a locked door on both ends and no way out for about 3 hours. The officers that were there were watching a DVD on their monitor ( there were no prisoners in the jail yet) so they didn't see me sitting in the hall. Finally one noticed I hadn't returned and came looking for me. I was not very happy.
I don't think so, it a phobia for me. So much so that I choose to be cremated rather than buried.
Elevator. Would have been happy to take a nap and surf the web until someone came to help but it went all the way to the bottom of the shaft (about 4' lower than the basement level) where I could not get Internet. So I pried open the doors from the inside and crawled out.
Yes, visiting the World’s Largest Cuckoo Clock. It used to be on the roof of a restaurant in Amish Country called Alpine Alpa. The sign said it was open until 6. We paid and went up at 4:55. We watched the clock’s show at 5 & then went to the stairs to find the door locked. We pounded on the door and yelled for almost half an hour before someone in the parking lot heard us and they finally let us out. We thought it was hilarious (after we realized we weren’t going to spend the night up there.) They were very apologetic and sent us off with a bunch of Amish-made cheese and pies.

In Ohio? We used to stop there frequently on our way to visit relatives :flower1:
I did in high school. A few of us couldn’t get out of the newspaper office in the school building. I freaked out but my friends thought it was hilarious! I don’t know if we were in there for 5 minutes or an hour. All these decades later & I still remember being stuck in there (odd that I can’t remember how long or who, besides my best friend, were in there)
When DH and I had dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe in Amsterdam, I had to use the ladies' room and was concentrating on getting into the facilities in time, rather than how the door worked. After taking care of business, I couldn't get out, tho I tried different ways of locking/unlocking, and pushing/pulling on the door. Just before calling for help (and wondering how long it would take for someone to hear me, not to mention the embarrassment) I realized the silly door was a sliding door. duh.
I locked myself in a bank vault a couple times. Not behind the big heavy vault door, behind the cage door.

The way it is set up, you have to have a key to get through the cage drawer, and a key to get through another door to get to where the money is. You are required to keep the cage drawer closed while you are in the vault. If you go to get money and you leave the keys in the money room when you close that door behind you... you are stuck in between the money room door and the cage door inside the vault at that point.


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