Have other guests ever gotten mad at you, for something you did?

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I think the title of this thread should be changed to " Have other guests ever gotten mad at you for something you did that was NOT ACTUALLY OFFENSIVE?" B/C from what I'm seeing there seems to be a bit of muddying here.... i.e. filling in all available space,going thru a FP line,etc is something you are supposed to do to ease up lines.... other things I'm reading here are actual major offenses of politeness.... I mean, there is a BIG difference. And yes,some of the things I'm reading here are just plain unthoughtful to others.
(My Gramma called that being selfish;))
totally O/T but this happened to my son the other day in a store....The elderly guy with a cane just walked right up behind him (in a clear,wide aisle) and glared at him till he turned around,surprised,and moved over...we just started laughing out loud......

This reminds me of a time my family and I were in Epcot. Like in your story it wasn't crowded at all and we were in World Showcase heading towards Future World, we were in the area that is very wide and there was literally noone around us. Our kids weren't that young and I would say that as a group we walk faster than most. An older couple came up behind us on ECVs and started honking their little *meep meep* horns at us. We weren't even in the middle of the walkway and there was a ton of room to go around, but they stayed behind us and continued to honk until we stepped completely to the side, stopped, and let them by. They then flew by us giving us dirty looks. My wife and I just looked at each other and burst out laughing, followed by our boys laughing as well, it was just so ridiculous that it was comical. We got quite a few chuckles out of that occurence during that trip.
and I also agree with pp's...it seems to me that some people just like to get angry at others,and are looking for a reason, even on vacation!:confused3
Many visits ago, when DHS was MGM, the TMNTs were all the rage. Our ds was stroller age and his teddy bear MAMMA BEAR went everywhere he did. He was waiting for the TMNTs to arrive and fell asleep in his stroller. The show begins and the TMNTs arrival with lights and siren blaring didn't wake him. The TMNTs tried tickling him, tugging on his foot, he didn't wake. We have pictures of each of them and a group photo of them holding his bear. As the autograph session was ending and they started to pull away, he woke up. One of the show directors saw him and the TMNTs came back to see him.

People were mad at us because our ds got the added attention from the TMNTs!
He's not being belligerent. He's just expanding his description/explanation of his activities.

It seems a lot of people are reading this as he leans over and whispers right into the guest's ear. Soun more like a stage "whisper" to me. If the whisperee's companions can hear (they must, if they laugh) he's clearly not close enough to be invading anyone's personal space.

The ratio is inaccurate. It's not 500 to one. It's not any number to one. Not everyone in this thread feels his acting isn't okay.

Maybe you missed the part where he's a 46 year old guy who, by his own admission, picks single girls who are 25 -35, as a way of having positive social interactions with them. Anyone can call me a hen all they want, but that is inappropriate.

We're going on a multi generation trip to DW this year, and there are several beautiful young ladies coming with us, including my 25 year old daughter. (The man in question and I are similar ages.) Honestly, I never considered DW to be a place that middle aged men go to on their own to try to pick up women young enough to be their daughter. That they have something worked out on a ride to do, and that they've done it 'dozens of times'.

Squicky. In the extreme.

Most of the posts here have been from typical craziness that comes from people being tired, stressed, and out of their element. A lot of it was inadvertent. The reason this post resonates with people (and it keeps coming up) is that it is the opposite of all of those, and when other posters tried to (fairly gently) suggest to him that it was inappropriate, he insisted it was fine and planned to continue.
How about we all stay on topic and lay off of cygnusx1jg? I'm sure he got the point by now . . . I know I certainly have after pages and pages about it. :goodvibes I was enjoying this thread until then.

:thumbsup2I agree, let it go already!!
But here's an actual story, like many one that took place on the buses (in this case a Shade of Green bus). My sisters boyfriend has a bad back and though we rented a wheelchair in the park, it was a long walk to the SOG bus stop and by them time we got on the bus he was white as a sheet and popping out in a cold sweat.

The SOG buses have several seats up front for the disabled, and in one of them two little boys were sitting. No parents in sight, as far as we could see. My sister asked them nicely if they could move out of the seats, which were handicapped seats, and they just stared at her. (In their defense, they were only 6 and 8 or so.) She then basically told them they would have to move (now at this point the bus is really full and getting ready to go). They stared at her some more and then moved away - way to the middle/back of the bus where their parents were.

So my sister's BF sits down, off we go. Sis and my niece are in front of me, also standing , but my big ol' self was apparently most visible to the parents (behind us) because a man came bustling up the aisle and said (to my back)
"If you have something to say, say it to me, not my child". My sister says (over my shoulder, to him) "I tried, but there were no adults with him" and he repeats his former assertion and she says "Well, perhaps keeps him closer to you, then" while I just sort of squirmed in the middle. I get it, we're all tired.

We get to the hotel and everyone else heads back to the room while I hit the ATM first. As I ascend the stairs to the SOG lobby, OF COURSE that entire family is standing there, about 10 people. (Ten people who were no where near these two boys who were dumped in a handicapped seat alone while the 7 adults and 3 other kids were 15 rows back, I might add.) I walked past and OF COURSE one of the women started after me and, I swear to god, started snapping her fingers at me.

Snap, snap, SNAP! "Ma'am! Oh, ma'am!"

I just kept walking. For one thing, I didn't even have a dog in this fight, as I neither spoke to the children, required the seat for myself or my own family, nor had a conversation with the dad. But there I was in my big ol' white cardigan that shone like a blinkin' beacon, so that's what she recognized.

Snap, snap, SNAP! "Ma'am! Oh, ma'am!" SNAP SNAP!!!

I finally turned around and said "If you don't turn around this minute and walk away from me, I'm calling security. RIGHT NOW."

She left, without one more snap. Now when my sister wants to tease me, she snaps her fingers and says "Ma'am, MA'AM!"

This confuses me. I didn't read that your sister told either the kids or the parents after the confrontation that the seat was for someone disabled. Was it just implied that your sister's bf "looked" tired and injured? I'm not picking a dog in the fight, just confused. Either way, none of that should have been directed at you back at the resort. Way out of line and I would have reported the harassment if they didn't walk away too.

The only thing I can remember happening to me was at Mexico in Epcot. We stood in line for some 15 minutes just waiting to check in at the hostess stand at San Angel Inn. Once checked in they said they were out of pagers and asked us to stand in the waiting area directly behind her until our table was ready. It was pretty tight but we figured it would just be a few moments so we waited....and waited....and finally another family waiting got up and freed up some seats. DMIL sat and the rest of us kept standing so someone else could sit. Well there was a fairly open standing spot in front of DMIL so she told me to move over so that we weren't taking up so much space. It was very dark and a tight space so I moved over towards her but my foot hit a mans leg which was extended out in front of him. He yelped and I immediately was super apologetic over and over asking if he was ok. He just stared at me grabbing his knee and heavy breathing. I am sure he had his leg extended since his leg was already bothering him so I do not doubt I hurt him, but it was dark and his leg was a tripping hazard in that tight small space. I apologized and asked if he was ok, not sure why I deserved to be stared at with dirty looks.
We were at DHS last September on a very rainy day and the park was empty - almost eerily empty. We were filing into seats at Muppets 3D. The CM at the front of the theatre said several times, "Sit wherever you want, you don't have to move to the end." I know all the entrance video instructions tell people to move all the way down, but there were maybe 30 people and the CM repeated himself the entire time people were entering. So we sat in the middle of a row, like everyone else was doing. Of course one lady got pissy, yelled at us to move all the way to the end, and called me a "dumb b**** who can't follow directions." The CM overheard and spoke up, telling her we were fine and she could sit whenever too. She got all flustered and stormed out the exit.
Wow! That's unbelievable. Some people are really determined to get their butts kicked at Disney, aren't they? One of these days, they are going to get nasty with the wrong person!
The one that comes to mind happened last October while I was waiting for MSEP to start. I was with my disabled mother in the disability parade viewing section in Liberty Square when a group of five or so people came into the area and sat down on the stone wall next to me. I didn't think much of it at first, but a while later a CM came by and asked if they were with anyone. The man next to me pointed at me and acted like he didn't speak English. I know he did because as soon as the CM was gone they were speaking just fine. I was so flabbergasted that I didn't have a chance to say anything before the CM had moved along, but I was boiling that someone was not only coming into the section and taking away spots from those who needed them but using me and my mother to achieve it. Thankfully the woman on my other side had seen this and told them they had to move somewhere else. They were pretending to not understand, but the CM came back and asked again if they were with someone and this time I said they weren't with me. You would think I was the one in the wrong with the looks I got as they had to leave the section!

On the same trip, there were also a lot of dirty looks from people who decided to walk right in front of my mother's scooter. Thankfully she never hit anyone, but she was very nervous any time there was a crowd because many people didn't even seem to see her and would get right in front of her and stop. When we were at HS, one of the green army men actually had to stop the crowd in front of TSM to help her get through because no one was letting her move forward. I wish we could have had him with us the rest of the trip.
Many visits ago, when DHS was MGM, the TMNTs were all the rage. Our ds was stroller age and his teddy bear MAMMA BEAR went everywhere he did. He was waiting for the TMNTs to arrive and fell asleep in his stroller. The show begins and the TMNTs arrival with lights and siren blaring didn't wake him. The TMNTs tried tickling him, tugging on his foot, he didn't wake. We have pictures of each of them and a group photo of them holding his bear. As the autograph session was ending and they started to pull away, he woke up. One of the show directors saw him and the TMNTs came back to see him.

People were mad at us because our ds got the added attention from the TMNTs!

I'm sorry, until you got to the end of this story, that was the cutest thing EVER. Thankfully he woke up though. Could you imagine how upset he would be if he missed it.
One time my mom and I were looking for a spot to watch Spectromagic. My mom wasn't able to stand for a long period or sit on the curb. So we typically found a spot behind someone sitting right before it started. We found a spot on the hub by the bridge to Fantasyland behind a mom and some young kids. I thought we were back far enough not to disturb them, at least 2 or 3 feet. The mom all the sudden said "watch out, they are trying to take our spot"! I just ignored her, she kept making comments. Finally I said "your spot is on the curb, not the entire sidewalk behind you. We don't want your spot". We ended up moving.
It's funny how some people just lose their minds on vacation. I have had meltdowns too, but not at strangers, just at family members.:lmao:

I've been yelled at for line cutting at rope drop at MK. We had an early ADR for CP so we went around the sides to check in with the CM. This lady started screaming at me. I thought it was funny though. I don't do rope drop, the only reason we were there was because of the ADR. That experience showed me I was right to avoid RD, people are crazy!

Last December, I was in line for Soarin' and since I was alone(sis won't ride it) they pulled me out of the line. Minor grumbling from the woman in back of me but not bad. They then put me in back of this family in the A line.

OMG, the "grandfather" of the group was ticked off! He kept glaring at me, then he leaned over to what I assume was the granddaughter and said in Spanish that they should only be in line with family. The granddaughter just gives me an apologetic look and tells him that it's fine.He then goes up to the CM and pleads his case. The CM says "sir, I can't understand you." :)

We get to the ride and the old coot is still giving me the stink eye. He sits down and is promptly confused by the seat belt as is his wife. Wifey figures it out, him not so much,lol. I end up strapping the guy into his seat! Which made him angrier, which was even funnier.

I also had to unstrap him from the ride at the end, BTW. He finally says "Gracias" to which I reply "De Nada". The wife looked mortified that I understood what they were saying before. I speak a little Spanish.;)
This confuses me. I didn't read that your sister told either the kids or the parents after the confrontation that the seat was for someone disabled. Was it just implied that your sister's bf "looked" tired and injured? I'm not picking a dog in the fight, just confused. Either way, none of that should have been directed at you back at the resort. Way out of line and I would have reported the harassment if they didn't walk away too.

I should have been more clear - YES my sister pointed out to the kids twice (though they were kids, and tired so I'm not surprised they didn't react) and the parents one time that the seat was reserved for the handicapped. It's clearly marked on the SOG buses, as well.

It freaked me out, as if she was going to harass me all the way back to the room. An innocent bystander, as it were.
Nice to see that the hen party is still in full swing on the DIS. :rolleyes2

Whenever someone's comment really irks me, I click the "find more posts" for that person because maybe they're having an off day. Usually, I find that they post mostly helpful replies, and I move on and don't comment.

Your previous posts were illuminating. Pot calling the kettle a hen? Here are some of my faves from your last 10 posts alone. Why come here if you have so much scorn for the people on this board? There's a word for that.

"Much like not being able to control me slapping said offender up side the head. I mean, it's not a library.

Just knowing that this so-called loophole annoys certain posters on here just confirms that I want to do this very thing. In fact, I think I'll book a throw away room and have our traveling companions book a throw away, mid-week campsite. Disposable income is a wonderful thing.

Glad you got that apparent guilt off your chest. I had no idea you were so well connected to WDW.

It's good to see that that the usual WDW apologists are out in full force. Just another reason I rarely visit this board anymore and another reason that I'm thankful I've never had the misfortune to meet any of you in person. As my dad used to say, "If you put their brains in a bird's butt it would fly backwards!"

After reading this thread it's very clear to me why this country is in such bad shape. Wow."
whenever someone's comment really irks me, i click the "find more posts" for that person because maybe they're having an off day. Usually, i find that they post mostly helpful replies, and i move on and don't comment.

Your previous posts were illuminating. Pot calling the kettle a hen? Here are some of my faves from your last 10 posts alone. Why come here if you have so much scorn for the people on this board? There's a word for that.

"much like not being able to control me slapping said offender up side the head. I mean, it's not a library.

Just knowing that this so-called loophole annoys certain posters on here just confirms that i want to do this very thing. In fact, i think i'll book a throw away room and have our traveling companions book a throw away, mid-week campsite. Disposable income is a wonderful thing.

Glad you got that apparent guilt off your chest. I had no idea you were so well connected to wdw.

It's good to see that that the usual wdw apologists are out in full force. Just another reason i rarely visit this board anymore and another reason that i'm thankful i've never had the misfortune to meet any of you in person. As my dad used to say, "if you put their brains in a bird's butt it would fly backwards!"

after reading this thread it's very clear to me why this country is in such bad shape. Wow."

oh snap!
I have annoyed so many people, and I really do try to make people's day brighter, but it just doesn't always work!

Last trip on Soarin, there was a man and a woman with a handicap child in a wheelchair in the same row as we were. They walked in and pulled the wheelchair up to the side of the glider and began getting the child out. I figured they wanted that side of the glider, and continued to the opposite end with my family. The woman said to the man, they stole our seats. I said I am so sorry! I thought you wanted that end. She again said those are our seats. I said I will trade with you right away, I am so sorry. The man said it isn't a problem we all have a seat, but she was really mad, but wouldn't let me trade seats with her either. I felt so horrible!!!!
March 2013, we are doing a family reunion trip, all 12 of us. On our last night, my mom and sister tell dh and I that they are going to watch the kids (we rented a big house) so we'd be able to have a night off. We happily head for Epcot for a few rides but mostly to watch IllumiNations, which I just love. After trying a few spots, we decide to watch it from Canada since there is a very nice unobstructed view and we can lean on the fence. We then sit there, our backs against the fence a good 45 minutes before the show. As time gets closer, a mom with her 2 kids (and her own mom I think, not sure if I remember correctly) comes and sits right behind us (well in front of us since we're sitting with our backs against the fence but they would end up behind). 15 minutes before the fireworks is about to start, we stand up and turn around to face the lake, we are NOT moving around because we want to make sure no one will try to slip in front of us. As the show started, this woman was obviously annoyed at us because we wouldn't budge to let her kids in front of us but we refused to even ackowledge her, we didn't want to start a fight and ruin our only night alone! When it was all over, she profusely and loudly thanked the people to our left for "letting her kids see the show" but we again didn't peep a word. I mean, we go with our 4 kids and they know we need to find a spot and hold it for a while if we want to be front row, we NEVER try to push and shove them in front of other people who have been waiting. I expect other people to do the same, with or without children. So I'm pretty sure she considered us rude but I don't really mind ;)
Last year was at Disneyland Paris waiting to watch the Dreams show. Had staked out a spot in the hub about 20-30 minutes before for the show - thought all was well and good (and had an amazing spot with pretty much an unobstructed view).

So there was this family just to our right. At first I didn't pay too much attention to them. But as the show started I think they realised that where we were standing meant that we slightly blocked their view of the show, and they started making unhappy noises and comments about how we were blocking their view. I almost felt sorry for them (although we got the spot fair and square!), until they started taking FLASH photographs during the show...
In 2011 I stayed at the Polynesian. It was our last morning and Mom and I had some breakfast at the food court before we left to catch the magical express to the airport. I had a couple of snack credits left so I decided to get us drinks from the cooler to take with us. I get to the cooler. There is someone in front of me getting a couple of things and a lady that walked up on my left. When the first person was done, I go to get my drinks out and the lady to my left steps in front of me, glares, and says 'I was next' in a really nasty tone. I just laughed and told her to go ahead. She sort of raised her head at me and smiled like she was entitled or something. At Disney, I guess there's even a line for drink coolers. :rotfl:

In 2012 me my friend and her children had lunch at the Crystal Palace. When they were done getting their food I went up. I went through the first station, and at the next station, I didn't want anything, so I skipped it and went on to the next station. Next thing I hear is 'some people just think it's okay to get their food before everybody else' I turn around and a lady and her husband are grinning at me sarcastically. I just laughed at them and moved on.
1. I may have exaggerated how close I am when I do the loud whisper. I'm not right up in their ear and usually the girl/woman (never to a guy, a girl with a guy, or a kid) gets startled and the person with them laughs their butt off.

2. Part of the reason people go on this ride is wanting to get scared a little. I'm just helping them out. :)

1. Why do you only think it's acceptable to do this to women? It's not acceptable to do that to anyone, but that statement really adds a little extra "ick."

2. Yes, to be scared by the attraction, not by a random creep!


No, you are just being a rude, jerky, creep! As a female I'd think something was wrong with you and consider it harrassment. By the way no way would that work as a pick up line. All you'd do is turn any female completely off. I'm married, but my husband is not as big a WDW fan as I am, so I often make a solo trip to WDW a couple times a year. Personally, if you tried that on me, I'd probably punch you (just a knee jerk reaction you understand), plus I'd report you to a CM for harrassment.
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