Happy Anni-birth-aversary...A 33 night Celebration & HHN too.....SF & RPR September 2022 TR

We waited for Matt and Rob to appear, and didn`t have long to wait.....and we listened to how the Lady Gaga concert went. They had loved it and although it had to finish early due to lightning they were so glad they had gone. And even Raphael said the same thing, he had loved it....and Raphael`s outfit was incredible!!

As was usual for us now, we all enjoyed some bubbly together and just enjoyed each other`s company, we always had plenty to chat about and never ran out of conversation between us, we were so glad they were here the same time as us this year.

I can`t remember if we headed to the park together for HHN, but we parted ways early if we did, I think they may have been doing the houses to the rear of the park tonight,we wanted to concentrate on the front of the park.

Who doesn`t love the domineering, imperious, dogmatic and egotistical creature that is our Pumpkin Lord......he is brilliant.



The park was busy. Not just busy, but busy with a capital B!! I think this was the first night we had experienced with no rain on some level and the crowd level certainly showed that. This was the busiest night we had seen in a long time.

We wandered down to do Halloween.....it was showing as 100 minutes...crikey, so we hot footed it into the EP line and we walked through expecting to keep walking for a long time as you usually do.....we saw the end of the EP line just outside that outdoor area of the line.......this was crazy!!!! The line from here was going to take at least 45 minutes, we heard later it was 55 minutes from that point. Nope.....we turned and left the line. This wasn`t what EP was supposed to be, especially with what you pay for it.

Leaving that entrance area to get to Chupacabra was hellish....and it`s a short walk, there were just people everywhere and no one wants to move out of the way. We looked and Chupacabra was 110 minutes and Dead Man`s Pier was 120 minutes. We saw a couple of folks walk back out of their EP lines so it must have been just as long as Halloween if not longer. Folks were grumbling to the TM at the front......it`s certainly not their fault and there`s not much they can do for you anyway.

We were a little hungry and we planned to line up for some of the food options tonight for dinner, but if we thought the lines for the houses were bad, jeez aloo.....we`d never eat until midnight judging by the lines.

I was completely astounded by the length of the line to get into the Tribute Store......mahoosive!!!

You couldn`t move anywhere tonight comfortably, it was beyond mobbed. We spoke to a SA friend later who said it was a waste of time him being in the SZ as he couldn`t scare anyone well as he could barely move. This was too much and I say that as someone who has been coming to HHN since 2007, this was the worst night for crowds I had ever seen.

We headed back through the Horrors of Halloween Scare Zone and we just looked and wondered how we were going to plough our way through the masses at this point, but we headed in and somehow we got separated and I couldn`t see Tom within a few seconds.....now I`m well aware I would meet him through the other side but at that point I was completely and utterly surrounded by people and couldn`t move one way or the other......I`m not overly tall and couldn`t see over most people, couldn`t see any SA and generally began to panic as I was engulfed to the point I thought there was going to be a surge and I would be pulled along.

A man and his wife noticed and somehow pulled me to the side through some people and there was a gap in the crowds over there. I was never so glad to get out of anywhere in my life. They asked if I was ok, which to be honest at that point, no I wasn`t, but with them I got to the other side of the SZ and saw Tom wondering where I was.....and was surprised to see me between this couple. We both thanked them and spoke about just how crazy the crowds were tonight, they were HHN veterans of over 27 years and were hating how crowded it was tonight.

They were also leaving but we headed into the store which wasn`t just as busy and found a quiet spot for me to "recover". I say recover which sounds overly dramatic, but it was scary as I felt completely overwhelmed by that crowd and just wanted to take a minute. A TM came over to check if I was ok, I said yes I was but mentioned the crowd and she nodded and said yep, there are too many people out there. She got me a bottle of water, bless her and said if I needed anything else let her know and to make sure I gave feedback about everything which I most certainly did. I drank the water, thanked her again and we left the store.

We headed out into Citywalk and there were still lines of folks heading in for the event.


We were both a little hungry now, so we headed to Vivo which for us is the best restaurant in Citywalk. There are so many we won`t go near which include Bubba Gump and BigFire as they were the worst experiences we`ve ever had in this area. I don`t include NBC as we will go back there for a burger, but anything else from them is sub par for us.

Vivo has never disappointed and despite Italian not being our first choice of cuisine, we do like it here.

Our preference is to sit at the bar over waiting for a table, it always seemed so confused and unorganised in here for folks waiting to dine. I think we were lucky tonight with bar seating as there was only a couple of seats left, so we snagged them quickly before anyone else did.

This is one of our favourite bars to eat at.....staff are fabulous and we were delighted to see Sean who have know for a long time working on this bar tonight, he is the best!! His partner in crime Tommy wasn`t working tonight but we had Kira who was nice too. Sean always remembers us and is a very good barman too!!


Although Sean makes some engaging cocktails, we decided on wine tonight and I was surprised tonight to notice they sold this malbec, Trapiche is one you regularly see on grocery store shelves, I had tried it when someone brought it one evening and it was fine to drink, nothing special, but then neither was the price point.



Tom has tried many dishes in here and had enjoyed them all, except maybe the underseasoned meatballs once, but tonight he went back to his original dish of linguine with clams. Tom likes pasta more than I do, I rarely eat it unless it`s lasagne and that is not an every week dish, so he will order pasta now and again when we go out.

I do taste a clam or two and the sauce is divine, there is just a hint of spice, but it`s not too spicy of you don`t like food too hot.


I cannot see past my chicken piccata dish in here, always substitute the pasta for their incredibly delicious and buttery potatoes...they are beautiful. The chicken is also beautiful, just the right amount of lemon and although it wasn`t sizzling hot, it was hot enough, I really enjoyed this dish.


Sean was talking to us about the Dead Coconut Club and he`d heard it was quite quiet tonight, yes because they were all in the bloomin park!!! He suggested we head up as you can see quite a lot more when it`s so quiet. He works there some nights but obviously not tonight, so we said yes, we`d head up there for a rumble around.

The normally named Red Coconut Club had been transformed for HHN and renamed Dead Coconut Club and they had done it amazingly well.



As soon as you go in you are immediately immersed into the old classic movies that Universal are ultimately known for, these are the movies that made Universal into the Studios they are today, so to be able to be surrounded by a bar themed to these classics is wonderful and it was an incredibly popular addition as so many folks enjoyed it and the feedback has been incredibly positive which means it will come back, I`m sure of that.



Sean was correct, it was dead tonight....pardon the pun......but did give us a chance to have a good look around with very few folks around.

I loved The Invisible Man on piano.......and yes, this happened, I mentioned to someone who shall remain nameless to save their blushes that the Invisible Man was playing the piano......they said in all innocence....I never saw him.......well, I was gone, I burst into laughter and couldn`t stop and no one but Tom got why I was laughing.......until they did get it......... Doh:rotfl:










We did find a spot and sat with the cocktails we had, we didn`t buy the souvenir one`s just the regular cups which do look a little bland but we don`t need another souvenir mug......I got the Bleeding Eye which was tequila, creme de cass, lime juice, ginger beer and agave and came with a blueberry lychee eyeball, it was very nice. Tom had the Java Monster which had 2 rums, kahlua, fruit juices and bitters, this wasn`t as nice, I think it was the Kahlua that put us off this one.

No one was dancing tonight which was a shame as the music was very good......and no I`m not one to start the dancing going.....I much prefer to blend in with others!! I always admire the first folks that get up to dance anywhere!

The atmosphere was a little flat as it was so quiet, but we`d be back and it did get better, but we had enjoyed tonight albeit a little quiet.

It was a beautiful night and we would be walking as we were already nearer to the path than the boats and didn`t take us long. On the way we caught up to a couple who were staying at Aventura and asked if we had been to HHN, we said earlier on we had but left, they said they couldn`t believe how mobbed it was either. They didn`t have EP and were disappointed with only being able to do a couple of houses.


Once back in the room we reflected on the night and decided if it was like that again, we`d just leave. It had been crazy and everyone who was there said the same thing, some folks of course may have had a different experience, but for us, it hadn`t been worth it tonight.

Feedback was given and it was addressed, but it doesn`t change they are seemingly selling too many tickets for this event.

We had enjoyed Vivo which is always good and the Dead Coconut Club had been good to see.

We were in bed for around 11.30 and looked forward to another park day tomorrow.
all caught up!

Now I want those sauces lol,

While I’m elated you had a great time at Vivo and Dead Coconut club (love the invisible man playing piano!), I am so sorry about HHN. As I’ve mentioned previously in the post all I kept seeing was how bad it was this year. And much like you, I’m short and I actually always try to find the SA in their SZ because I know that worse comes to worse they will lead you out of a chaotic area.

I feel they are overselling (well at this point oversold) and honestly shouldn’t have bought back frequent fear. Or if they did in a better capacity. It’s not thing we liked about having Boo Bash over MNSSHP at Disney last year was they didn’t oversell the event and from what I’ve heard in regards to this year it made MNSSHP slightly manageable because they learned so much. Hopefully, HHN sorts it all out.

I’m genuinely worried about the scare actors after this year. People just ruin things for no good reason, and I’ve seen video footage from other haunts of people attacking them. It’s scary. Hopefully they listen to the thoughts of everyone involved and all who went.
Carole, thanks for recommending Vivo. We really don't know where the best restaurants are at Universal, so we will definitely give this one a try. I was surprised that you didn't like Big Fire. It gets so many good reviews that I was thinking about it too.
I am so glad you got out of that scary crowded situation! Universal shouldn't sell so many HHN tickets as it sounds unsafe! I, too, wonder about the SA's trying to do their jobs with a crowd that big. It's nice to know there are nice people in the world who would help you get away from all that. Renews my faith in people:)
I've been taking note of your food suggestions, but I love Italian food so Viva has stuck:) thanks....

I think we tried to sleep later this morning but failed miserably, there`s something about being an early riser, you can never get out of the habit as much as we might try, me more so than Tom who could sleep longer given the choice...
But, we took our time this morning as we planned to go to IOA today and we like to wait until the line goes down then go in as it seems pointless to line up.

As usual I started the day with breakfast served with some lovely bubbly......and very nice it was too. Tom stuck to coffee as we were planning to head out this afternoon for lunch but he wasn`t bothered at all. Matt and Rob came in and we had a quick chat before the set off, I forget what they were doing today but we`d see them later in the lounge anyway I was sure of that.

The walk is always a pleasure and by the time we got to IOA there was no line so we got straight in and walked into the store as we were feeling the heat this morning, Tom more so which is unusual.

I did wonder about him as he said he didn`t feel like getting on any bigger rides today, not like him, he said he was feeling fine but he looked a little off this morning. The thing about these parks are we can wander round and not go on any rides......we love just smelling the roses and chilling out walking from area to area. I see folks asking how we can do the same parks time after time and not get completely and utterly bored.......we just don`t. I always wonder why folks care too to be honest.

Taking pictures is something he does love to do anytime so we have a stroll round the parks and stop off at all our favourite areas of the park.....and there are many of those!

The lagoon area is just beautiful from whichever side you stand.



Boris and Natasha..I know those names from somewhere...:laughing:



It truly was a slow meander round today, we at one point we passed the line for the Raptor Experience.......holy moly it was almost as long as the line for that Bakehouse place in Downtown Disney!!! It`s a decent experience, but once was enough, we`d only do it again if it was a complete walk on.


By the time we got round to the Velocicoaster Tom felt he wanted to ride it, so we tootled in.


I forget the time that had been put up, but it was only around 25 minutes today to get on, it would have been quicker, but there was a stoppage for maybe 5 minutes or so, but we wished we had waited for the front as the line there didn`t look to bad rather unusually.

We got the back row........and wow.......you almost forget just how exciting this coaster actually is. I`m afraid we had someone in front of us who absolutely hated the ride....she screamed in pure terror and cursed every single curse I`ve ever heard and then some......and she wasn`t being overly dramatic, she got off and cursed her friend all the way down the steps to the locker! Oops.

I have to say we loved it, but Tom just wasn`t his usual chirpy self.....the guy is never low or down, especially here, so I was a little concerned.



I got us some water in case he was maybe a little dehydrated, and he drank a whole bottle, we usually share one, so I was glad I bought two and then we carried on wandering.

Seuss is one of the areas having several places refurbed and seeing things boarded up is not the nicest impression to lead for folks, but it is essential and worth it when it`s done.



Seuss was certainly a strange one with some very strange tastes in art he produced. It`s an interesting read to digest his life and experiences, some a little disturbing but fascinating too.


We headed towards the front and ready to head home but we did of course take some pictures as there are some beautiful spots and images to capture.



This must be the most beautiful entrance to any Guest Services anywhere!!!





And again, for a basic bathroom, this must rank as one of the prettiest exteriors ever.





I only took this as I realised I had only imaged the Lighthouse from the other side.



More to come.....
all caught up!

Now I want those sauces lol,

While I’m elated you had a great time at Vivo and Dead Coconut club (love the invisible man playing piano!), I am so sorry about HHN. As I’ve mentioned previously in the post all I kept seeing was how bad it was this year. And much like you, I’m short and I actually always try to find the SA in their SZ because I know that worse comes to worse they will lead you out of a chaotic area.

I feel they are overselling (well at this point oversold) and honestly shouldn’t have bought back frequent fear. Or if they did in a better capacity. It’s not thing we liked about having Boo Bash over MNSSHP at Disney last year was they didn’t oversell the event and from what I’ve heard in regards to this year it made MNSSHP slightly manageable because they learned so much. Hopefully, HHN sorts it all out.

I’m genuinely worried about the scare actors after this year. People just ruin things for no good reason, and I’ve seen video footage from other haunts of people attacking them. It’s scary. Hopefully they listen to the thoughts of everyone involved and all who went.

We still haven`t opened them, trying to make them last a little longer!

The first couple of weeks weren`t as bad, the nights we were there anyway, but from that night onward for the most part it was the same, odd exception of course. But, they did sell too many tickets for the event, I am 100% sure about that. I don`t think there`s anything particularly wrong with the multi night tickets...whatever way they cut it up and asign names to tickets, they still sell too many.

There were a few incidents with SA this year that shouldn`t have happened, and I`m not sure they will listen to folks comments. It`s become a monster event and I doubt we`ll rush back, but a little like folks who won`t go back to Disney, they won`t care as there are plenty folks waiting to go.

We did enjoy some of it, some of it was incredible, but looking back, it wasn`t worth it. I don`t mind what we pay for anything, as long as it`s worth it.
Carole, thanks for recommending Vivo. We really don't know where the best restaurants are at Universal, so we will definitely give this one a try. I was surprised that you didn't like Big Fire. It gets so many good reviews that I was thinking about it too.
I am so glad you got out of that scary crowded situation! Universal shouldn't sell so many HHN tickets as it sounds unsafe! I, too, wonder about the SA's trying to do their jobs with a crowd that big. It's nice to know there are nice people in the world who would help you get away from all that. Renews my faith in people:)
I've been taking note of your food suggestions, but I love Italian food so Viva has stuck:) thanks....

Vivo for us is absolutely the best restaurant in Citywalk.....and genuinely, I`m not a fan of Italian food unless it`s lasagne or pizza......lol.....I don`t eat pasta and so many dishes are based on that, but they have some lovely dishes where pasta doesn`t need to be part of it.

We had so many friends, a lot from the hotels told us for ages not to bother going to Big Fire......we should have listened. It`s average at best and completely overrated. Bubba Gumps is dreadful but has nice cocktails, tried it twice over the years, never again. To be honest Vivo, Cowfish and Margaritaville are the only restaurants we`ll happily eat in, for table service anyway.

That couple were lovely and I was so grateful. Didn`t catch their names but they were very nice. We just hear so many negative comments from folks whose opinion we trust that there were many issues this year with one thing and another. Yes, too may tickets sold was one of them for us.

I think you`d like Vivo :)
Vivo for us is absolutely the best restaurant in Citywalk.....and genuinely, I`m not a fan of Italian food unless it`s lasagne or pizza......lol.....I don`t eat pasta and so many dishes are based on that, but they have some lovely dishes where pasta doesn`t need to be part of it.

We had so many friends, a lot from the hotels told us for ages not to bother going to Big Fire......we should have listened. It`s average at best and completely overrated. Bubba Gumps is dreadful but has nice cocktails, tried it twice over the years, never again. To be honest Vivo, Cowfish and Margaritaville are the only restaurants we`ll happily eat in, for table service anyway.

That couple were lovely and I was so grateful. Didn`t catch their names but they were very nice. We just hear so many negative comments from folks whose opinion we trust that there were many issues this year with one thing and another. Yes, too may tickets sold was one of them for us.

I think you`d like Vivo :)
Thanks, Carole, we'll give Cowfish and Margueritaville a try in February:)
Thanks, Carole, we'll give Cowfish and Margueritaville a try in February:)

I will say I don`t like the sushi from Cowfish, it`s not up the standard of places like Orchids in RP, anyone I`ve tried has been quite tasteless, but their burgers are very good.

Margaritaville is not gourmet by any standards but it`s decent and just a fun place to eat and of course the Blackberry Margarita is lovely!!
Oh my, you had a scary experience! The reports I’m reading confirm my suspicions this is not an event for me. I will be contented with the holiday celebration 🎄

We had a poor experience at Cowfish and won’t be back for awhile. I think we like Margaritaville because we expect slightly better bar food and good cocktails— so we don’t think it’s a fine dining experience. Vivo is delicious! We also prefer dishes without pasta, so there are great options.

You did get some amazing photos on your wander. I also don’t feel the need to do every ride every day, so it’s really fun to take in the details in your photos 🤩

So tell us how you find the correlation between HHN nights and daytime crowds, if there is one?
Oh my, you had a scary experience! The reports I’m reading confirm my suspicions this is not an event for me. I will be contented with the holiday celebration 🎄

We had a poor experience at Cowfish and won’t be back for awhile. I think we like Margaritaville because we expect slightly better bar food and good cocktails— so we don’t think it’s a fine dining experience. Vivo is delicious! We also prefer dishes without pasta, so there are great options.

You did get some amazing photos on your wander. I also don’t feel the need to do every ride every day, so it’s really fun to take in the details in your photos 🤩

So tell us how you find the correlation between HHN nights and daytime crowds, if there is one?

I know what you mean about your Cowfish experience, we`re like that with NBC, no rush to go back at all, but will try it at some point in the future. In Cowfish we`ve had much better experiences since we began sitting at the bar instead of waiting for a table and avoid lunchtimes.

Margaritaville is steady and reliable usually, you know what to expect and anyone that does a Blackberry Margarita is fine by me!

We love wandering round at a snails pace and just enjoy the sights and sounds some days......we never get bored doing that, yes, some days we don`t feel the need to do all the rides either.

For us, it was the busiest most congested crowds we had ever seen there, and we`ve seen it busy!!! I can`t speak for all the park as we never went to the other areas, but in that moment where we were it was horrible. We spoke to several folks who said similar things and I know social media covered it too, so I know it`s just not us.

The parks are never usually as busy as night times in HHN.....I exclude Christmas and Easter themselves as we`ve never been there on those specific dates and very close dates which do get crazy busy. On a HHN date, The Studios usually get progressively busier as the day goes on, but once the event starts it`s just busy.
We walked back and cut through the pool which is our favourite onsite pool, it`s perfect for us and we never bother pool hopping anymore, we did that many years ago just to try the other pools, but this one is fine for us. Not that we ever use the pool during daylight hours, maybe once or twice in the past if we had plenty of parasols, but usually we are Moon-Bathers, preferring to enjoy the pool in the dark instead of in the heat and blistering sunshine during the day. But, it is a gorgeous pool.




We were heading down to Icon Park today for lunch, last time we were there, we had discovered Sloppy Joe`s and had really enjoyed it, so we did want to return.

It`s a 5 minute drive to the parking garage and they have changed the parking in here since we last visited. You used to be able to park anywhere for free on any level, now you have to drive up to the 4th floor to get free parking which isn`t an issue of course, as there are elevators, but they don`t really advertise the charges now in place. Parking is right next to all the attractions so it is very handy.


It was bloomin hot again today.....and it was fabulous!!

Sloppy Joe`s had only a few folks in when we went in and we got a nice booth, this place is quiet right now but I do think at night it would be bouncing and lively.

Sangria was my drink of choice today, I did offer to drive, but Tom said he didn`t feel like a drink, so who was I to argue....😉



He does love a lemonade......


They have a live webcam up on the wall which shows you Key West and they have a countdown till sunset down there every day, looks so beautiful although we`ve never really wanted to go all the way down there. Maybe one day.


Our waiter was very different from the one we had last time in here who was fabulous....this guy was perfectly fine, no complaints, but he had no real character about him, didn`t smile and just took our order with few words. We do like some banter between folks, but there was zero interaction with this guy, he really did have the demeanour of someone who had gambled everything on red and it came up black!

Tom ordered the Mahi Mahi with fries and coleslaw which came with a shrimp and lobster sauce which was very nice.


I was so tempted to get the same dish as last time with the crab and avocado, but I went with the Luau Salad which came with Chicken, pineapple, mango, strawberries, red peppers, mandarin and a peanut dressing, I did omit the macadamia nuts as I really don`t like them and there was no issue with doing that, he did make sure I knew there was a peanut dressing in case it was an allergy, but I told him, just a preference.

This was beautiful I have to say and it was more filling than it looks as it was very dense and I thought there wouldn`t be enough dressing, but there really was, it was lovely.


This had been a beautiful lunch and it was getting really busy now, and it`s funny our waiter who had no interactions with us at all apart from taking our order, bringing our food and drinks with no smile or hope you enjoy your food comment......suddenly became Mr Sunshine who wanted to be our best friend when he brought the check......hmmmmm.


What a change in direction......but, I guess, what else is he going to do bringing the check after not really speaking the whole lunch......

We had a wander round Icon Park and it is beautiful, it was quiet today but we had been down here when they had some events running and it has a fun atmosphere, but apart from the Orlando Eye, there isn`t much we`re interested in down here.


We had planned to go to the Mall next but Tom said he was feeling a little off and just wanted to go back home, unusual for him, it`s usually me claiming to be poorly, so we headed back to the car and got home in 10 minutes and we went straight up to our room where he just went straight to bed.

I sat for a while in the sitting room of our suite with a book I had brought and hadn`t opened yet, then I snoozed for about half an hour, but ended up grabbing my ipad and went down to the lounge to sit and it was more fun than sitting on my own in the sitting area of our room. Tom was out for the count and I`d bet a pound to a penny he`d know exactly where I was when he finally woke up ::yes::

Of course, it was fun......Alex was in so it was always going to be fun......and it was lovely and quiet initially as no one was in except for me and the team so we managed to get some good chats in before folks appeared.

Matt and Rob appeared soon after and sat with me which was lovely as we always have a fabulous time with them and today was no different.

Alex came over and said a couple wanted to meet me, they had seen us and thought we looked very "comfortable" in the lounge and wondered how long we had been coming.....lol.....many folks ask the same thing. It does feel like it is our front room at times, but they are so welcoming in here it does feel very comfortable. I think their names were Tony and Allison and they were very nice.

Matt, Rob and I were having a lovely time and Alex was topping us up with fizz....sometimes again when we didn`t notice....she is like a ninja with that bottle at times!!! Eventually Tom appeared and he got a cheer when he made it in from us......he joined us but was sticking to coffee as he felt ok to go out for dinner tonight and said he`d drive....well, he really had to as the three of us had been enjoying this evening relaxation tonight.....


The more time we spent with Matt and Rob the more attached we became to them, and we were already dreading leaving as we would miss them a lot....but it seemed so far away right now, so we just had fun!!!

I asked Tom where he fancied eating tonight and he looked at me and smiled......I knew it.....he wanted to go back to Red Lobster, the one down by the Convention Centre......I said ok, lets go. I had been slightly reluctant to go back after the last time, it was deserted and felt like we were eating in a morgue. But, one of the housekeeping staff told us they had gone a few weeks ago and it was good, so we thought why not, we`ll give it a try.

Tom and Kyle both love Red Lobster a little bit more than I do, Kyle gets the steak though....he`s there for the chocolate dessert though!

We did eventually drag ourselves away from the guys and headed to get the car.


With the lights it took us around 10 minutes to get down to this Red Lobster and there were cars parked in the lot which was good to see. Inside we could see it was certainly busier than last time, but still not as full as it used to be before the pandemic, however staff were nice and there were plenty of them around which boded well I thought.

I was surprised Tom wanted seafood for the second time today, but certainly not complaining as we do love seafood. And as I had been sipping bubbly, I stuck to white wine as my drink of choice tonight.


We both failed miserably at not eating the cheddar bay biscuits before our meal arrived, but we were very good at turning down the waiter`s offer of bringing us another serving of them....not easy though as they are delicious. They are really easy to recreate back home, although I do try not to make them too often as they disappear as fast as I can bring them out of the oven!!


Our appetisers were crab stuffed shrimp rangoon and lobster bisque which we were going to share between us, however I think the bisque won as the shrimp were a little too crispy and not too much filling, but they weren`t awful and we did eat them, I just wouldn`t order them again.

The bisque was rather nice to be honest, and it was boiling hot!



I have to say it was a pleasant place tonight, folks were arriving all the time, so it didn`t feel as vacant as it had been our last visit.

Tom had opted for surf and turf, sirloin with the lobster tail and I went for the stuffed flounder, both with fries and coleslaw, the coleslaw here is gorgeous, it`s sweet and not filled with huge chunks of cabbage. Some of ours in the UK comes like that and is not as nice, I much prefer US coleslaw.




The food was lovely. Tom`s steak was medium rare as he asked and he said both that and the lobster were very tasty.

My stuffed flounder was smaller than it had been previously, but it was very well cooked and I cleared my plate, more importantly, the food arrived as hot as it should be. I didn`t have the heart to tell him he forgot my coleslaw.....I ate most of Tom`s anyway, but we had enjoyed this tonight and would happily come back again another visit.

We got home and it was only around 9.45, but we didn`t bother going anywhere for a drink, I think Tom was still tired so we got into jammies, poured a glass of wine and watched Halloween in bed.....again!!!
We still haven`t opened them, trying to make them last a little longer!

The first couple of weeks weren`t as bad, the nights we were there anyway, but from that night onward for the most part it was the same, odd exception of course. But, they did sell too many tickets for the event, I am 100% sure about that. I don`t think there`s anything particularly wrong with the multi night tickets...whatever way they cut it up and asign names to tickets, they still sell too many.

There were a few incidents with SA this year that shouldn`t have happened, and I`m not sure they will listen to folks comments. It`s become a monster event and I doubt we`ll rush back, but a little like folks who won`t go back to Disney, they won`t care as there are plenty folks waiting to go.

We did enjoy some of it, some of it was incredible, but looking back, it wasn`t worth it. I don`t mind what we pay for anything, as long as it`s worth it.
There was tht video going around of someone physically attacking a SA (I forget where) and I was horrified, like how do you live with yourself?!?!?

And yes it is getting to the point where caring is not as big a deal. And not just at theme parks-on a lot of levels.

And I don’t blame you for not wanting to open the sauces either!

I think we both slept solidly and never woke up once during the night, Tom was still looking tired but said he felt fine once he was up.

We had breakfast with Matt and Rob again and Tom joined us on the fizz this morning!!!! Yay......we did plan to go out for dinner later, but we were taking an Uber, so alcohol was fine for today. s usual we chatted and laughed and then we headed out to the boats as we were going to The Studios and when we went out again this morning, the heat engulfed us straight away....wow it was hot.

The boat took a little longer this morning, they were struggling for Captains and although they were training several, it took time. But, it was only a 10 minute wait, we kept arguing with ourselves we should just walk. But, we didn`t. And when the boat arrived we knew everyone waiting wouldn`t get on it, but we would and some folks at the back were griping the boat wasn`t full they should be able to get on. The Captain explained he was allowed to carry a certain amount of people and his clicker counted accurately.....he was right of course, the guy waiting was being an asp.

Studios seemed very quiet today which suited us just fine especially after the last time we were in the Studios. But, once in the park we headed down towards Bourne as we hoped to see Scooby Doo and the gang again but they weren`t out, maybe we were too early for them.

Showing my age here 🤭 but everytime I see this building, I always remember that overpowering perfume we were all wearing way back in the 1980`s....Giorgio Beverly Hills!!!

My goodness, you put that on and it never wore off!! That alongside the uniquely scented options of Opium, Paris and Poison that all adorned my dresser back then!!

I can`t be alone in those choices back then.....or can I ☺️


It took me about 5 years of visiting Universal to notice the stop lights on this sign changed.....frequently!!! I can`t remember which one of us noticed, but it took some time......and that`s one of the things I love about these parks....no matter how many times we visit, we always see something we`ve never noticed before, it might be a small detail, but every visit there`s something.


We had a very quick wander into Five and Dime and I saw the tee shirt someone back home had asked us to get them......I had said I wasn`t doing any shopping for folks, but I would get this as it was for one of our good friends kids, they were coming to HHN next September so they wanted one of this years shirts. I`d wait till we were back in the main store and pick up a few other things too and have them sent back to our room which is so handy, saves carrying them around.



We never bothered going into the AP lounge this trip, I really don`t get the point of it apart from charging your phone.....so I think we had gone in maybe twice since it opened, but if you haven`t gone in, you`re not missing anything.




It`s nice seeing folks using this building as they do use them for the various tours they offer in the parks, day tours as well as for HHN and folks say it`s quite nice inside....I`m sticking to my opinion that it would make a great park restaurant for a higher end restaurant. But, I concede, it might not be a popular choice.



We were having a slow meander through the almost deserted scare zone and a lady I thought I recognised walked past us.....she turned and looked at me and I could see her thinking.....I know you too...then I recognised her, she had worked in Orchids Lounge in RP many years ago, maybe 2009/10. She was here in the park with her young granddaughter, and we had a nice little catch up, she wasn`t surprised we still stayed at RP as she remembered how much we loved it. I couldn`t remember her name to my shame, I usually do, but I didn`t ask....Tom had no clue who she was, but he did remember her later when I reminded him it was her who recommended Peach Valley Cafe to us all those years ago. That seems like a lifetime ago now, still it was nice to see her after all this time.


ET was our first ride today and it was as cute as always.


We never usually take pictures in here, you can`t use the flash and they don`t come out so good normally, but we did grab a couple, but we prefer to enjoy rides without taking pictures to be honest the pics we got today were definitely a one of. ET is a must ride every visit for us, it`s cute and the whole family can ride it.




Gringott`s was up next for us today, but we had a wander round the Travel Agent inside Diagon Alley for a bit......another classic little store worth a visit, it has some cute little displays and some lovely merchandise, as most of the stores do of course.




Diagon Alley is full of themed decor on the walls, everywhere and it is magical to see the amount of imagination that had gone into every single corner of these parks.


Gringott`s was as good as ever today, the line wasn`t too long for EP and I think it took around 10 minutes from the start till we were on the ride. And everyone went to their correct row today!! TM must have been thrilled.


Our plan today was to do the Horror Make up Show and we wanted to do the first one, so we were there in plenty of time to have a wander round the building and have a look at some of the displays they have before you go through to the show. They are very good and I particularly love the old pictures from the make up room, nothing like seeing Boris Karloff having tea with a proper cup and saucer while turning into Frankenstein`s Monster.

Classic HHN icons, Jack the Clown and The Caretaker of course......they are some of the more famous ones from the past.



There are so many displays with references to some of the classic movies from Universal and many images from them too. The Alfred Hitchcock one is particularly impressive.

As is Halloween of course.




The EP line gets in first after the disabled line, and you get the front row with EP, which are the best seats, no doubt, but there isn`t really a bad seat in here.

This show started in June 1990 just shortly after The Studios opened and it has been a huge success despite not everyone knowing about the show or what it was....but word of mouth soon spread and it became a huge show for the parks.

The show is basically two actors on stage explaining how make up works in the movies and it is very funny and very well written.



We had Robyn, pictured below and Alex who was male as the double act today, I was a little disappointed as I love the combo of Robyn and Summer Aiello, who is Mike Aiello`s wife, and if you haven`t heard of him, he is Mr HHN himself......

Summer is a complete star in her own right and I only found out last year she was married to Mike...I had no clue. But, she has starred in many roles around Universal over the years, not just the Horror Make up show. I also like they swap roles, sometimes Summer is the host, other times she is the make up artist....and they do both parts exceptionally.

It is scripted, but they do a lot of improv and audience participation is needed for this show and it`s always very funny.



Through the show, the audience member is put through some experiences which are clever and very funny if you`re not on the stage of course, but they are very good at putting people at ease up there.

The old fake knife trick is one of the most well known of Hollywood tricks in movies and this is funny, especially if the volunteer reacts well to direction and does look as if she is being cut.....lol.....


There are some very clever jokes that have been long standing mainly they don`t have to be nice to you as it`s not Disney which always gets a big cheer.....but they have also updated some of the jokes to include some very obvious ones to include the Kardashians, which although I`ve never seen one single episode of any show they are in, I do know who they are. Not sure I could pick one apart from the other though.....🥴


More to come....

I should add, I am trying to get through this as quickly as possible, it`s a very long trip and I hate to drag these out for too long. So, will get it done as fast as I can...... :wave2:
Sorry to hear about the frightening time in the park and that Tom was feeling unwell. Glad that the sleep did him good and you were able to enjoy dinner. The food looks tasty indeed.

Thanks, I made sure to never be in that situation again, and yes, I think the sleep did him a power of good, I did worry he was coming down with something.

Food was lovely for sure these few days......
There was tht video going around of someone physically attacking a SA (I forget where) and I was horrified, like how do you live with yourself?!?!?

And yes it is getting to the point where caring is not as big a deal. And not just at theme parks-on a lot of levels.

And I don’t blame you for not wanting to open the sauces either!

Is that the one from California? I did see that one. Awful.

I`m going to open one soon.....they keep looking at me every time I open the spice cabinet.....lol......

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