Got home last night!


DIS Veteran
Mar 23, 2000
After a rather harrowing drive through the mountains of Tennessee through the snow storm, we arrived home safe and sound last night. We had a great time spending New Year's at WDW but I don't think we'll go down this time of year again.

The week started out nice and warm but by the end of the week it was very cold. New Year's Eve was dull and cool. We spent 14 hours at EPCOT because we didn't want to leave and not be able to get back in. Disney was packed, which I expected, but I missed the nicer weather we have had on our other trips to WDW.

The special fireworks at midnight after Illuminations were fabulous! We could also see MGM's fireworks in the distance, which lasted several seconds after EPCOT's so no one moved~it was awsome and an wonderful experience I will never forget!

I will post a trip report when I get a chance. In the meantime, I'll be happy to answer any questions.

Happy New Year! :)
Welcome home Julie!:wave:

Nice to hear that you enjoyed yourselves. I know what you mean about the weather as it can get really cold and damp at this time of year.....I think it's still pretty cool right now too!;)

We've been down 3 times at Christmas and twice it's been chilly so next year we're headed down March and April and hopefully it'll be warm and sunny.:)

Scarey stuff going through the mountains! DH says he'll never drive at this time of year due to all the instable weather.

I'll be looking forward to your trip report! Again...... welcome home to even colder weather! LOL:D
Welcome home!:wave: Cant wait to read your trip report.DH wants to drive down in December so I am hoping if we do the weather will co-operate.The fireworks displayed sounded like they were beautiful(if it was cold weather)
WELCOME HOME JULIE! How is the Mouse! S
Welcome home! Can't wait to hear more details.
Welcome back. We had the same experience last year with the cold weather and decided to stick to our April schedule instead. Your brave to take that route through the winter, we chicken out and go I-75.
Glad to hear you got home safe and sound Julie!! :) I was thinking of you and your family driving down when the snow storms were happening. Scary stuff!

I look forward to your trip reports!

Kim :)
Welcome back, Julie! :wave: Glad to hear you made it safe and sound, and that you had an ok trip despite the crowds and weather. They showed just a little clip on New Years Eve on ABC of the Epcot fireworks... they looked amazing!!! What an incredible show that must have been! :)
Thank you everyone, for the welcome home! I've just posted my trip reports under "Return to Disney" Parts One-Three on the Trip Reports board. Enjoy! :)
Good to hear you made it back OK. I'm on my way to the Trip Report Board as soon as I'm done here. Looking forward to your report.

:) We spent Christmas and New Years at WDW staying at the Contemporary for 2 weeks.Agree with you about the weather
it showed much promise at the start but quickly turned cool and remained pretty much that way!
We spent New Years eve at MGM and the fireworks were spectacular! Better than the Millenium
show!Hope you had a great time!
If you're anything like are now rolling 'pennies' for the next time!:)


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