Sure it's the same pin. the $2 variety pin, right?
I had the two.
A little girl saw me trading with a CM in WS. She asked me about the Variety pin. So I bent over and talked to her about it. Told her that it was $2 and where she could find them. Her mom and two other little girls were with her. If she had been just her am the mom, I would have given it to her.
But she wanted to trade the variety pin for one on her lanyard, so I did. I just explained to her and her mom that it was a regular pin back, and not a tie tack back, and to be careful, etc.
Then I had a couple CM's in passing show interest in it for themselves. But it was always when I was walking into something and didn't relly have the time to stop and chat.
Then while waiting for Ellen's Energy at Epcot, a CM wanted the pin so I traded it with her.
I think it is just a pin many have not seen.