Going into labor when you have a c-section scheduled?

Mrs. Charming

I'm not your entertainment, get a life.
Jul 8, 2009
I have a question, I was just couting down the days until my estimated c-section date of 38 weeks, and I was just curious... what happens if you go into labor before that? Has this happened to any of you?
It happened to me with my first. I went to the hospital and they decided to go ahead and do the c-section.
If your water breaks or you go into labor you need to call your physician and they will instruct you to go to the hospital. It is important to call them first if you can so he/she can notify the hospital you are coming. They will confirm you are in labor and proceed with the cesarean. There is a rare exception to this depending on the reason for your cesarean delivery. Hope all goes well for you. (I am a labor and delivery nurse)
I was induced with my first child, now 11 for 2 days, but eventually had a CS. Because I am a diabetic (a good one though!) my doctors automatically scheduled a CS with my second child, now 5. I felt funny the night before and couldn't seem to get comfortable, but didn't think anything about it. When I arrived at the hospital and they hooked up the fetal heart monitor the nurse gave me an odd look and asked me if I knew I was in labor! I had no idea! My doctor still performed the CS as scheduled-no problems! Best of luck to you and your family!
It happened to me, and it turned out great!

My first child was delivered by c-section, but that was after many hours of labor, a pitocin drip, pushing, several hours of pushing and three failed vacuum attempts (with no epidural :scared1:). It was exhausting, but I finally had my little baby boy :lovestruc

So, my second child was a scheduled c-section. My water broke about a week and a half early, and I called my OB as soon as it happened. We went straight to the hospital, and 2 hours after my water broke I was holding my beautiful baby girl! :lovestruc And, since my body had not gone through the stress of labor and everything else like I had the first time, I felt great and was cruising the halls of the hospital, pushing DD in the bassinet, two days after delivery.
If your water breaks or you go into labor you need to call your physician and they will instruct you to go to the hospital. It is important to call them first if you can so he/she can notify the hospital you are coming. They will confirm you are in labor and proceed with the cesarean. There is a rare exception to this depending on the reason for your cesarean delivery. Hope all goes well for you. (I am a labor and delivery nurse)

Thanks! I had to do the same thing with my last pregnancy, except it was for bleeding (previa) instead of water breaking. Cool, so that's old hat. :goodvibes

I was induced with my first child, now 11 for 2 days, but eventually had a CS. Because I am a diabetic (a good one though!) my doctors automatically scheduled a CS with my second child, now 5. I felt funny the night before and couldn't seem to get comfortable, but didn't think anything about it. When I arrived at the hospital and they hooked up the fetal heart monitor the nurse gave me an odd look and asked me if I knew I was in labor! I had no idea! My doctor still performed the CS as scheduled-no problems! Best of luck to you and your family!

Thanks! :goodvibes
Haha, that's awesome you didn't even know you were in labor. Glad it worked out for you... I guess your body knew it was time!

It happened to me, and it turned out great!

My first child was delivered by c-section, but that was after many hours of labor, a pitocin drip, pushing, several hours of pushing and three failed vacuum attempts (with no epidural :scared1:). It was exhausting, but I finally had my little baby boy :lovestruc

So, my second child was a scheduled c-section. My water broke about a week and a half early, and I called my OB as soon as it happened. We went straight to the hospital, and 2 hours after my water broke I was holding my beautiful baby girl! :lovestruc And, since my body had not gone through the stress of labor and everything else like I had the first time, I felt great and was cruising the halls of the hospital, pushing DD in the bassinet, two days after delivery.

Oh gosh, your first pregnancy is why I'm afraid of a VBAC! (Ok, many reasons, but this is one of them!)

I'm very happy to know it went so smoothly for you! I hope I make it to my c/s date, but if I don't, I'm happy to know what will probably happen if I don't!

DD was early, so this is why I'm a little concerned. She was 36 weeks, and I was having contractions and beginning to bleed (in the hospital, thankfully) so they decided to just do the c/s right then and there. Luckily I don't have a previa this time, but I really have no clue what to expect!
Just an FYI I don't know what your situation is or why your having a C-section but with my third child I was schedualed to have one. My Dr was out of town and the on call Dr wouldn't do it said there was no need and made me deliver naturaly. You really should have a plan B and make sure that you and your Dr. have talked about the issue if you have true consern that you might deliver early because some Dr's won't do a C-section unless absoutl emergency.
Just an FYI I don't know what your situation is or why your having a C-section but with my third child I was schedualed to have one. My Dr was out of town and the on call Dr wouldn't do it said there was no need and made me deliver naturaly. You really should have a plan B and make sure that you and your Dr. have talked about the issue if you have true consern that you might deliver early because some Dr's won't do a C-section unless absoutl emergency.

Luckily, the OB group I'm with is really lenient with the non-VBAC decision. I'm afraid they'll make me do it v**inally (and something bad would happen)! I'm going to my appointment on Friday and making sure that it's all in writing and on the books that I should be having a c-section.
My first son was born via c-section after a very long labor that ended with him being stuck! So, I was scheduled for a c-section with my second child, and my OB planned to do a pelvic ultrasound to check the size of his head before we'd decide whether to go ahead with the surgery or try a VBAC.

Well, five weeks before my due date my water broke, before I'd had the pelvic ultrasound. At the hospital, the residents on call pressured me to go ahead with a c-section, and the on-call doctor from my OB's office (sadly, not my doctor) was very laissez-faire about it, saying he'd do whatever I decided. I ended up having the c-section.

I think when you have a section scheduled, especially if you've had one before, most doctors prefer to go ahead with it.
It happened to me......I was scheduled to have a repeat c-section with my 2nd baby. I had preterm labor so they scheduled the cs for 38 weeks. I started contracting a few days before the date (37 weeks). The dr on call wanted to send me home to wait it out but she called my doctor in the morning (at my request) & he came in at 7am to do the cs. It went great & I was home less than 48 hrs later!

my first baby was a little early bird (35 weeks) and even though I was already on bedrest due to preterm labor, the c-section was unexpected b/c she was breech. I didn't know what to expect with the 2nd one. However it turned out better than I planned and my recovery was way better. God is good!!

good luck to you!
This happened to me too!!! I went into pre term at 32 weeks and the quack dr that was on call in the small little hospital I was at wanted to do a c-section right then and the nurses talked him into sending me to a facility with a NICU....so I went and they managed to stop the labor....

Then at 36 weeks, I went into labor and my regular dr Who I saw earlier that day, and I told him I would be having the baby that night if not the next day said nah, you'll go to the 39 weeks and we'll do the c-section then....Soooo. That night at about 2am, I went into labor. We went to the hospital at about 4am. He said yep, you're in labor, we'll go ahead and do the c-section as soon as the OR is clear...SOOO I was in labor for about 9 hours before I had the c-section. I was already dialated to 9. I wish he would have just let me deliver but he said that the hospital wasnt equiped to handle an emergency...that is if my uterus burst from my first c-section. So we did the c-section and I had a beautiful baby boy at 36 weeks. He was tiny, 6lbs 4oz, but his lungs were developed and he was perfect. He's 3 now.

CONGRATS to you and your new addition!!!
It happened to me......I was scheduled to have a repeat c-section with my 2nd baby. I had preterm labor so they scheduled the cs for 38 weeks. I started contracting a few days before the date (37 weeks). The dr on call wanted to send me home to wait it out but she called my doctor in the morning (at my request) & he came in at 7am to do the cs. It went great & I was home less than 48 hrs later!

my first baby was a little early bird (35 weeks) and even though I was already on bedrest due to preterm labor, the c-section was unexpected b/c she was breech. I didn't know what to expect with the 2nd one. However it turned out better than I planned and my recovery was way better. God is good!!

good luck to you!

Wow, your first sounds so similar to my first. I was 35 Weeks and we wanted to go to my moms, 2 hours away, and spend the weekend so my dr gave me the clearance. We got up there and at midnight, my water broke and I had to have an emergency cs cause she was breech. different town, different drs, different everything. We didn't have ANYTHING with us for her, so we had to go buy a carseat, clothes, diapers, everything....
Just happened to me this week!

I was scheduled to have a C Section on May 24, and went into labor on May 16. I called my doc, headed to the hospital, and once they confirmed that I had started to dilate he came in and did the C Section. That had been the plan all along, if I went before the scheduled date a section would be completed anyways (due to complications with my first DD). I was 38W and 3D.
My first was born by c-section after a 14 hour labour. With the second i was booked in for the Monday for another c-section but went into labour on the Wednesday before. DD number 2 was born naturally after about 3 hours of labour.
I have had three c-sections. First was obviously not planned. Second one, I was scheduled on a Monday and went into labor that Friday and for my third, I actually went into the labor the morning I (well during the night) I was scheduled.

I was so embarrassed for my second one. Since I had no plans on obviously going, I had eaten like a cow. I was asked over and over again by everyone what I had eaten and when .............. because of this, I had to have a spinal and was not too happy.

Good luck to you!
hey girl! It's kind of funny - DD was a scheduled c-section (breech) at exactly 39w. While I was waiting on the anesthesiologist to come shoot me up, I started having contractions. WOW! It was bad. He came at the perfect time. Hopefully that won't happen again. I'll be having the next DD at 38w5d. Two days early - maybe I can trick her. :thumbsup2
OMG! OK. I had no idea this happened as often as it does! I seriously figured I'd wake up and there wouldn't be another response... lol.
I see the Dr. on Friday, and granted we can't "book" the c-section yet.. (side note: I just said to myself, oh shoot that's coming sooner than later, too! I can schedule it at 28 weeks!:scared1:) but I'm definitely going to have a heart to heart with him about this! Deep in my heart, I just don't think we're making it to 38 weeks. Hopefully I'm wrong, but it's just one of those mothers intuition things!

Thank you all soooo much for your responses, I had no clue there would be so many! :worship:
Yep, happened to me too with my second. First was an emergency c-section after I failed to dilate past 5cm and baby was in distress...

My second was a scheduled c-section because:

1) I didn't want a VBAC.
2) My doctor figured I wouldn't be able to do a ******l birth successfully anyway after my first stalled labor
3) My hospital (where my insurance would pay) would not do VBAC.

So, I had a second c-section scheduled for 38.5 weeks. (I had my first at 39 weeks, so my doc assumed I'd go early with the second as well).

Well, at 35w5d, my water broke. I knew it was going to happen that night. But, I had no contractions or anything. We leisurely made our way to the hospital. Had to wait for my DSIS to show up to stay with our little one, and after I got to the hospital, since I was "comfortable" and not having hard labor, they called my doctor, who showed up around 7:30am, and my c-section proceeded as scheduled. My baby was born at 8:36am.

It happens a lot. No big deal.
To OP -- My first was born via c-section because of a full previa at 33 weeks. My water broke prematurely (which is apparently common with previas) and then 3 days later I went into labor. Amazingly, I went to 10 cms without any bleeding. It was the middle of night and the resident dismissed my contractions (which weren't being picked up by the machine either), since she said it was impossible to be in labor with a previa without bleeding. To make a long story short (I know, too late), when the doctor on call final got there and said that we should probably take a look, I was 10 cms dialated and all they could see was placenta so they whisked me to have an emergency c-section. And to top it all of, because they had to move so quickly, I had a vertical incision -- which guaranteed my second c-section.

Fast forward two years later, because I was a "mandatory" repeat C-section, they had scheduled me for 37 weeks because they didn't want to risk me going into labor. Of course, I went into labor naturally at 36 weeks -- and all of the ER's were booked at the time so I labored again to about 10 cms before I had another c-section. (So much for not laboring.)

To be honest, the whole thing was ridiculous -- had I been of clearer mind (I was too focused on the pain) I think I would have demanded they let me deliver ******lly -- or at least make a go of it.

In the end, I have two beautiful healthy children, so I know I'm extremely lucky. I still can get upset sometimes, however, that I wasn't able to (and probably never will be able to) deliver ******lly.

Oh, and finally, I'm actually glad I went into labor first. There is probably no rationale reason for this, but I was really freaked about having a scheduled C-section -- that the baby would have complications because she was just plucked out of me at a random time. I felt better that I went into labor first (and labored for a while) because I think it gets the baby ready to be born.

Good luck with everything. And I apologize that this response is a bit rambling.


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