Girls-Only Trip ~ Old planning thread, see first post for new link

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Morning my diva friends!

Hope everyone is going to have a good day today! Nothing yucky on the plans hopefully!

I am just doing chores round here, mainly laundry. It is so nice to have a nice clean house for a change! :) The good news is Katy found her library book that we were scouring the house for (it was at school the whole time! LOL) And I found her Awana book just like I thought. She thought her teacher at church had it but I knew that wasn't the case and I found it so 2 for 2 :)

I have to take Lynn today to open up a bank account and then the girls have soccer practice tonight but otherwise that's bout it. I also plan to watch DWTS. I tivoed it last night and watched Heroes. So I plan to watch it today so I can catch up for tonight's show. Also last season's Ghost Whisperer comes out on DVD today so I am looking forward to finally getting that. Esp since the new season starts Friday! That is one of the shows I collect on DVD. I am still anxiously awaiting the last season of Lost to come out as well!

Then tomorrow I have not one but 2 doc apts but they are downtown so mom and I are going to use that as an opportunity to have lunch down there. There are some nice restaurants down there. We usually just go to fast food most days so it will be nice to go to a nicer place for a change. And then the girls will go back to Church tomorrow night. They are pretty excited about that.

Then I am working on Thurs so I don't have to work on Fri since my friend will be here and then we pick her up Thurs night and Shane and I are taking her out to dinner. So I am pretty excited about that. So let's of fun stuff coming up!

Anywho that's bout it for me. Hope everyone has a good day today and enjoy all your plans for MA! I am jealous! Sounds like so much fun! SOME day I will go to one! :)
Morning my diva friends!

Hope everyone is going to have a good day today! Nothing yucky on the plans hopefully!

I am just doing chores round here, mainly laundry. It is so nice to have a nice clean house for a change! :) The good news is Katy found her library book that we were scouring the house for (it was at school the whole time! LOL) And I found her Awana book just like I thought. She thought her teacher at church had it but I knew that wasn't the case and I found it so 2 for 2 :)

I have to take Lynn today to open up a bank account and then the girls have soccer practice tonight but otherwise that's bout it. I also plan to watch DWTS. I tivoed it last night and watched Heroes. So I plan to watch it today so I can catch up for tonight's show. Also last season's Ghost Whisperer comes out on DVD today so I am looking forward to finally getting that. Esp since the new season starts Friday! That is one of the shows I collect on DVD. I am still anxiously awaiting the last season of Lost to come out as well!

Then tomorrow I have not one but 2 doc apts but they are downtown so mom and I are going to use that as an opportunity to have lunch down there. There are some nice restaurants down there. We usually just go to fast food most days so it will be nice to go to a nicer place for a change. And then the girls will go back to Church tomorrow night. They are pretty excited about that.

Then I am working on Thurs so I don't have to work on Fri since my friend will be here and then we pick her up Thurs night and Shane and I are taking her out to dinner. So I am pretty excited about that. So let's of fun stuff coming up!

Anywho that's bout it for me. Hope everyone has a good day today and enjoy all your plans for MA! I am jealous! Sounds like so much fun! SOME day I will go to one! :)
You are going downtown?

A perfect opportunity to check out the costume store!!! :banana::banana::banana:
Hi Ladies!

Just wanted to check in from Switzerland. Yodelayhehoo!!

Hi Jen! Thanks for checking in! I have to figure out how to follow you on Facebook. Sounds like a great adventure.

Cassi, first of all welcome. Your costumes and you pics are amazing! What a handsome little prince you have.

I'm so glad you enjoyed your Birthday prize Beth!

Pixie dust to Michelle.

That's all I can remember for now. Oh yeah, congrats to Mel. You are such a sweet lady, I am sure your Grandbabies are the luckiest kiddos around! And congrats to the the ladies that rocked the concierge lounge experience! How fun is that!

Hope you all have a great day. Tracey
LOL Mel. Well I am not sure if I will have time but I will see! My first apt is at 10 at the Fort Sutter bldg which is on the other side of town and then my next one is at 1 in the bldg right across the street. I did it that way on purpose although I would have rather they been closer together so I didn't have that big gap in the middle but that was the only time my other doc had thus the lunch in between. Not sure if we will have enough time to go all the way to Old Sac or not. I'll have to see what mom thinks although I would LOVE to go to Joe's Crab Shack! YUM! ;)
Morning ladies!!!

Naughty girl, you're not supposed to announce stuff like that :lmao: :happytv:
Thanks to this thread and ya'll, I cannot say "watch tv" now without thinking dirty thoughts. :rotfl2:

Beth - :bday: (I know it's early). I'm so glad you liked your surprise. :goodvibes Sorry to hear about your toe :hug:. Hope it heels quickly.
Thanks! On both counts.
Sorry you had such a hectic day. I hate the dentist too.

I'm so sore from playing TSM!! My right arm is really sore, and then I played again today and now my left arm is getting sore, too!!
Time for the muscle cream! Or a soak in a hot tub if you have one. ;)

I agree Beth...while I'm very sad we had to cancel our trip...I'm really looking forward to hearing about all the other trips and seeing all the pictures!

Beth!! I am so happy that you got your HM game. :cool1: I didn't know you broke your toe. Or did I and I forgot?? :rolleyes1

It just happened on Sunday so, no biggie. :)
Oh, and you are blessed with a wonderful family and they are blessed with you!

I watched Atlantis the other day and it was great. I had not seen it in a looong time.
I've never seen that movie. :confused3

About the tshirts....personally, I love the Pirate Princess theme, but I'm not terribly into the "dark" skulls and crossbones. I DO like black. I think it's very slimming. And, it's not all that likely to be very warm when we're there.
Well, I don't typically wear skulls and crossbones, but what if we kept it on the cutesy side? Would that be ok? I don't want anyone uncomfortable, but it's only one day and we'll keep it Disney-ish.

Then I am working on Thurs so I don't have to work on Fri since my friend will be here and then we pick her up Thurs night and Shane and I are taking her out to dinner. So I am pretty excited about that. So let's of fun stuff coming up!
YAY for fun stuff!!!

I'm so glad you enjoyed your Birthday prize Beth!
I do very much. :goodvibes
Does anyone have Donna's or Tracey's address? If so, can you PM it to me? :flower3:

Donna or Tracey, if you pop in and see this, can you send me your address? Thanks!! :goodvibes
Happy Tuesday Everyone:)

Congrats on your early b-day present, Beth. How sweet of the girls to do that for you.:grouphug:

I just wanted to say that I am going to be at DL over MA weekend (Dec 12-13) but won't be doing MA. I just want to enjoy all the holiday decorations and festivities. But I really would love to have a group meal (or two).;)

I love how we always have so many mini-meets going on - and now we are already talking about May 2010. We are out of control!:dance3:
Thanks for the addresses! Got 'em both. :thumbsup2

Linda, you mentioned for your tie dye tee that most likely you'd want something solid color with maybe a tie dye Mickey in the middle? I bought a shirt at Disneyland in that shop across from Jungle Cruise last time I was there and it sort of reminded me of what you were describing. It's not exactly tie dye but close.
I think for those who are shying away from the tie dye, something along these lines would be nice. Not this exact one of course, but you know, something more toned down.



Just a thought on how to incorporate the tie dye for those who aren't tie dye fans. :)

My fun early birthday package! :teeth:



And finally, just because, the pic of Noelle and I taken for her student of the month award. Poor thing had just finished PE! And then had to put on the black school tee over her regular clothes for the pic. (I blurred out the school name which is why it looks all funky like that. lol)

Stacie, Where did you find your Toy Story Wii? I looked the other day for one at Target and saw squat! It sounds like you are having fun with it?? Any comments would be great! :thumbsup2

I pre-ordered it on Amazon for $38.99; I know some of the other ladies did this, too. Not that we're addicted to the game or anything...:rolleyes1 Now they need to come out with Buzz Lightyear for the Wii! My kids would never get to use the Wii if that happened!!

Linda, you mentioned for your tie dye tee that most likely you'd want something solid color with maybe a tie dye Mickey in the middle? I bought a shirt at Disneyland in that shop across from Jungle Cruise last time I was there and it sort of reminded me of what you were describing. It's not exactly tie dye but close.
I think for those who are shying away from the tie dye, something along these lines would be nice. Not this exact one of course, but you know, something more toned down.


Wasn't there also a purple one? If there was, that's the one I wanted. I'll have to look in WDW when I'm there... in 10 days!!! I checked in online this morning... Can't wait, and DH still doesn't know where we're going!!
Wasn't there also a purple one? If there was, that's the one I wanted. I'll have to look in WDW when I'm there... in 10 days!!! I checked in online this morning... Can't wait, and DH still doesn't know where we're going!!
I'm not sure. It seems there WAS another color, so you're probably right.

10 days!!! Wow, almost to single digits!! How exciting that he still doesn't know. :banana: I cannot wait to hear all about his reaction and the trip!
I'm not sure. It seems there WAS another color, so you're probably right.

10 days!!! Wow, almost to double digits!! How exciting that he still doesn't know. :banana: I cannot wait to hear all about his reaction and the trip!

Shouldn't that be single digits?? I know, you're having too much fun with your game to worry about other things :rotfl2:
Oh my gosh I am back from my morning. What a CRAZY day it has been SHEESH! I went to the post office and first I got a bill from the surgery center for my surgery! I SHOULD have known when the check in lady said there was no charge that she was WRONG! I had to pay a co-pay when I had my surgery back in Feb but she said there was no charge. Well sure enough there was so I got a nice big bill today! UGH! That sucks when you aren't expecting something like that! Plus I still haven't gotten the bills yet from my 2 visits to the ER but I KNOW those are coming! :(

Anyway so then we went across the street to Walmart and NO Ghost Whisperer. They didn't even have ANY seasons of it. So I DID get the birthday card for my uncle but they didn't have much of a selection. I REALLY don't like that Walmart. But anyway so then we went to the credit union that I was going to have Lynn open her acct at and it didn't open till 10! Mine opens at 9! So we were right next to Target so I went in and luckily they had 1 copy of GW! I don't think they had very many to begin with since it JUST came out today but anyway I got it luckily but then when I went to pay they said my debit card didn't work. Luckily it also works as a visa so we were able to get it but I was like AHHHHH!

So anyway then we went and got ALL the way through this process of opening up her acct and then they wouldn't let her do it because I had to be on the acct and I had a bankruptcy 10 years ago and they wouldn't let us do it. I was like for goodness sake. I was NOT happy! So we drove to one of the branches of MY bank and I couldn't get IN! It turns out at THAT branch you have to slide your atm card just to get in the door! I was like for the love of mike! We finally got in the door only to read that they couldn't issue any debit cards. I was like NOW WHAT! I was NOT having a good day!

But anyway so then we had to drive all the way over to MY bank where we have our account but the good news is at least THERE Lynn was able to get her OWN acct AND she was able to get a debit card not just an atm. So it turned out ok in the end but what a nightmare! SHEESH!

I am just glad I am home now. As soon as I finish my lunch I plan to watch DWTS finally and then start watching GW!! :)

Hope everyone is having a better day then I! TTYL! :)
Shouldn't that be single digits?? I know, you're having too much fun with your game to worry about other things :rotfl2:
LOL Uhhhh, yeah. Single digits is much more exciting. :thumbsup2

Oh my gosh I am back from my morning. What a CRAZY day it has been SHEESH!
Blah, I hate days like that when it's one little thing going wrong after another.

Where is everyone???? This thread is so quiet. Where are our regulars? Where's Cheryl, Dawn, Wendy, Deb, Stacie, everyone?? I know some were on vacation, but still. It's too quiet, like a ghost town. :rolleyes1
I'm here...just being a stalker and not saying anything. :tiptoe:

Beth, that game of LIFE looks like fun!

Sorry to hear about your frustrating day Kelly. :flower3:
I'm lurking too--trying to get back to 'REAL' life. Had a really fun weekend with Dawn although we weren't in the parks that much. A few negatives (Disney's definition of "concierge" and ours differs quite a bit). Getting work done today because TOMORROW I get to go to grand opening of the Villas at the Grand Californian! Whoo hoo! I actually got to see a villa Sunday night because my guide was staying there with his family and invited me over. It was AWESOME. They had a great view of Paradise Pier--even on the second floor. I'm hoping that we get a park view too--but whatever I'm just excited to be there!


I'm here...just being a stalker and not saying anything. :tiptoe:
I thought I felt someone watching me! :3dglasses
Well, speak up woman! I know I speak for everyone when I say, we miss you Wendall. ;)

I'm lurking too--trying to get back to 'REAL' life. Had a really fun weekend with Dawn although we weren't in the parks that much. A few negatives (Disney's definition of "concierge" and ours differs quite a bit). Getting work done today because TOMORROW I get to go to grand opening of the Villas at the Grand Californian! Whoo hoo! I actually got to see a villa Sunday night because my guide was staying there with his family and invited me over. It was AWESOME. They had a great view of Paradise Pier--even on the second floor. I'm hoping that we get a park view too--but whatever I'm just excited to be there!


Hey Chery! Oh, I bet getting back to real life would be quite a challenge after the fun you've had lately.
And it seems the fun continues! How very cool you get to go to the villas! I'd tell you to enjoy that but I know you will. lol ;)

So you'll have to elaborate on the whole Disney concierge comment. I'm curious. Not that I'll ever stay anywhere concierge but I'd like to hear your thoughts on it. ::yes::
I'm around too - trying to multi-task, that's all!;)
I went to the Disney Store this morning for the Halloween exchange. $60 later (obviously not all for the exchange) I left the store wanting to drive immediately to DLR! :scared1: They had some good deals.
But it was the music that was doing me in! I :love: DLR music!
Cheryl, it sounds like you and Dawn had a great time! How exciting about the grand opening of the Villas tomorrow and the sneak preview you got on Sunday! :banana:
Hi ladies!!
Wow I had alot to catch up on!!

:grouphug: Big hugs to all of you. :grouphug:

Welcome Cassi!! I love your pictures!!

I am jealous of the conceirge ladies!!! What fun!!!

I have big news!!

I'm going to be a grandma again. My DIL who had the miscarriage in May is expecting again.:goodvibes So now I have 2 grandbabies on the way, only a month apart. I'm going to be a busy grandma!!! :cloud9:

I'm going to talk to my son about designing a shirt, and see what he thinks about a pirate princess theme, and how to go about it. Just because I do this, does not mean we have to do it. I just want to get some ideas. I hope that is OK?

Congrats mel! :goodvibes Good Vibes for a healthy pregnancy for both! Also I think it would be great if he could work on the design and I agree with Beth on everything she said!

I am so lucky to have such great friends!!! :goodvibes

A box was delivered to my house today. Inside was an early birthday present from Donna, Steph, Tina, Theresa and Tracey!!
There were a couple items all wrapped in Halloween tissue, orange with black spider webs. :thumbsup2
Inside were glow in the dark bats, a fun Sharon Osbourne dressed as a witch from Claire's, a Dracula glossy pic, some cute Halloween scrapbooking supplies, a birthday card and at the bottom, the best of ALL.............

The Haunted Mansion Life board game!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: (and yes, I was jumping up and down, not a pretty sight especially with a broken toe, but I didn't care, haha!!)

Thank you so much ladies. I am so thrilled with this. I spent way too long just looking at the game box. lol It's too pretty to open. (oh, but I will of course!)

I cannot wait to play it. Thank you all for thinking of me.


(I took pics, but will have to wait for Ruben to get home to post them. I don't know how to get them from the camera into my photobucket account. lol)

That is so great!!!!! What a fabulous idea they had to get that for you! Have fun playing it with your family!

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