Girls-Only Trip ~ Old planning thread, see first post for new link

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i am so lucky to have such great friends!!! :goodvibes

a box was delivered to my house today. Inside was an early birthday present from donna, steph, tina, theresa and tracey!!
There were a couple items all wrapped in halloween tissue, orange with black spider webs. :thumbsup2
inside were glow in the dark bats, a fun sharon osbourne dressed as a witch from claire's, a dracula glossy pic, some cute halloween scrapbooking supplies, a birthday card and at the bottom, the best of all.............

The haunted mansion life board game!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: (and yes, i was jumping up and down, not a pretty sight especially with a broken toe, but i didn't care, haha!!)

thank you so much ladies. I am so thrilled with this. I spent way too long just looking at the game box. Lol it's too pretty to open. (oh, but i will of course!)

i cannot wait to play it. Thank you all for thinking of me.


(i took pics, but will have to wait for ruben to get home to post them. I don't know how to get them from the camera into my photobucket account. Lol)

Congratulations on the baby news, Auntie Mel! :goodvibes

Beth, what a great gift and a happy surprise. :banana:

I hope everyone is having a great day!
Melody, how exciting that you have 2 grandbabies arriving so close together. Congratulations! :cloud9:

Beth, hooray for special surprises from Divas! :banana:

Hey howdy hey to everyone else! :wave2:
We should try and arrange a small meet up on Friday night or Sunday morning. I know there's others who are going as well... Ladies??

Works for me. Maybe breakfast on Sunday morning? We won't want to stay out too late on Friday (trust me). Or maybe even Sat. night after the MouseAdventure?
Beth- Sorry to hear about your toe. I know that had to hurt :headache:. But I bet the birthday surprise helped ease the pain. What a wonderful gift :wizard:.
Good evening! Monday is a lot better now that I'm out of class. I made puppy chow! It's cereal squares ( I used Life) mixed into melted chocolate chips and peanut butter, than covered in powdered sugar. It's amazing! BUT I'm definitely force feeding it to my roommates because I don't want it lingering too long in the fridge. Can't handle the temptation!
I'm starting homework now, it's due in 2 hours online. :rolleyes:
Hi Ladies!

Just wanted to check in from Switzerland. I've had the chance to post on facebook from my iPhone, but getting "real" internet access on a computer has been difficult. All is well here. We've moved into our new apartment, my husband has started work and the kids have started school. I am taking care of the house and cooking for the time being, though I did have a job interview with a recruiter last Friday (for a job that I would love!), so hopefully all will work out soon!

Switzerland is very beautiful. We live in a village with farms and vineyards, a cheese shop and a butcher (and also apartment meets old, eh?). So far, we're the only Americans here as far as I can tell. I've had a couple runs since I"ve been here: one in the forest along the river and another uphill in the vineyards and farms. Incredibly beautiful but I"m way off track for any WDW Jan '10 marathon training. I"m thinking that's something that's probably going to "fall off the plate" with all the new transition stuff moving to Switzerland.

I take the kids into school by bus everyday, which is about 30 minutes each way. Then I pick them up later and during the day am basically trying to figure out where to shop and do laundry and take care of the garbage and all those little things which take so much longer to do here since I don't know yet how anything works. Spend a lot of time and money not accomplishing very much, it feels like.

Well, I'm not sure why I'm getting internet connection here at home, since our connectivity doesn't get turned on until the 24th. But I better post this before I lose my Internet connection.

Take care ladies!!


Even with all the new things you are dealing with, I so envy you. You are on a wonderful, amazing adventure. How fun and exciting it all will be. Thank you for keeping us posted. BTW, I love seeing the pics on FB.

Works for me. Maybe breakfast on Sunday morning? We won't want to stay out too late on Friday (trust me). Or maybe even Sat. night after the MouseAdventure?

Count me in. I don't have my team totally formed yet. Got to convince Tay and James how fun it will be. But I am all for meeting up. I thought dinner last time after MA worked out well.

Good evening! Monday is a lot better now that I'm out of class. I made puppy chow! It's cereal squares ( I used Life) mixed into melted chocolate chips and peanut butter, than covered in powdered sugar. It's amazing! BUT I'm definitely force feeding it to my roommates because I don't want it lingering too long in the fridge. Can't handle the temptation!
I'm starting homework now, it's due in 2 hours online. :rolleyes:

That sounds yummy. You will have to make some for the Ladies trip to have in the room.

Mel - congrats on two grandbabies on the way!! My DD and my brother's oldest son are only 6 weeks apart and are so close. For the first few months they were together all the time. I will have to post some pics. I took one just a few weeks ago and they were sharing an over sized chair together just like when they were babies. And both are on their way to being 14. Taylor is also super close to my cousins DD who is 10 days older. They are besties.

Hope everyone is enjoying their Monday so far. My tivo will be working OT now.
Mel YAY! That is so awesome!! Congrats to your son and DIL!! And congrats to YOU!! All these grandbabies. I bet, no I KNOW you are an awesome grandma! Although you sure don't look old enough to be one! ;)

Beth I am so sorry to hear about the toe! Ouchies! But what a fun surprise!! I am so glad they did that for you! How fun! And enjoy!!!

I have some exciting news! I posted it on the Oct site but for those who don't go over there we just changed our ressie from the Desert Inn to the DLH!!! We got a REALLY great rate so we said what the heck. This is the one and only trip Shane and the girls and I are going to take to DL this year so we just went for it. We NEVER stay on property and the rates are NEVER this cheap so we just said why not! We are really excited!

Anyway less than an hour to Heroes and DWTS! Enjoy all! See ya! :)
Works for me. Maybe breakfast on Sunday morning? We won't want to stay out too late on Friday (trust me). Or maybe even Sat. night after the MouseAdventure?
I was thinking it would be nice to meet up too. What about breakfast at Whitewater Snacks before the event, or dinner somewhere after? After would probably be more fun because we won't have to rush and can share our experiences.

About the team name, we wanted just Quack Attack, but can you believe someone already took that name? :confused3
I was thinking it would be nice to meet up too. What about breakfast at Whitewater Snacks before the event, or dinner somewhere after? After would probably be more fun because we won't have to rush and can share our experiences.

About the team name, we wanted just Quack Attack, but can you believe someone already took that name? :confused3

Hey all! I'm so excited that so many of us are doing MA! I like Cheryl's idea of breakfast Sunday morning. We will be tired Sat evening, and they might have a little shin-dig for the participants. Although, with it being a smaller version of MA, maybe they won't.

Beth, that was a very nice thing for those girls to do. I know from experience that Donna knows how to spoil a birthday girl, and the others are just as worm and generous as she is. I'm so glad it brightened your day. :goodvibes

Congrats Mel on the babies! That is wonderful news. :yay: I posted some links to sweaters on the Oct thread for you. Some are close, and one is almost dead on...however a little pricey for a costume.

I'm doing well! I'm looking forward to our trip and am sad that F! won't be showing. I think we should all think about a mini meet in May or so to (hopefully!) see WOC! I Stacie already said she was up for it. I'm hoping they have some sort of priority seating for it like the dessert seating at F!.

Have a divalicious evening everyone!
Hi everyone. Yes, I was very happy with my early birthday surprise, and the Divas do rock!

I love all the planning going on for the meets in October and December. Even though I can't join the fun, it's nice to know some of you will be meeting up and sharing good times. :goodvibes

I'm off to watch some tv! Night all. :cloud9:

Mini-meet Divas - sounds like you all had a great time.

Mel - Congratulations! Keeping them in my thoughts and prayers.

Kelly - congrats on the great rate, I'm sure you all will have a great time!

Beth - :bday: (I know it's early). I'm so glad you liked your surprise. :goodvibes Sorry to hear about your toe :hug:. Hope it heels quickly.

MA Divas - sounds like you all will have a great time. I wish I could come to see you all but if I'm going to go the following week I won't be able to, not enough $$$ for everything. :sad2:

Heather - I like the idea of getting together to see WOC

Today was a long day.:headache: We were going all day today. All 3 kids had school (of some sort today, Rhys had speech). Then we had to pick up the girls early to get them to the dentist for teeth cleanings. Selena had to go to her orthodontist first so they could take the wire off. Rhys is not fond of going there. but he did better this time than last time...we're hoping he'll continue to improve with each visit. After all of their teeth were cleaned we had to go back to the orthodontist for Selena. Then we headed to Wal-Mart to get the latest Little Einstein movie (Rhys loves them so much). Of course they see McDonald's and they all start saying they're hungry. So after they ate an early dinner (I caved in to Happy Meals) we headed home. On the way Raine and Rhys fell asleep. They stayed asleep and are in bed (they were really tired. ) Poor Selena had about 2.5 hours of homework tonight. :eek:

Tomorrow I have my teeth cleaning. :sad2: I hate going to the dentist.

Oh well sorry for rambling. I hope you all have a nice evening and a great day tomorrow.

Good evening! Monday is a lot better now that I'm out of class. I made puppy chow! It's cereal squares ( I used Life) mixed into melted chocolate chips and peanut butter, than covered in powdered sugar. It's amazing! BUT I'm definitely force feeding it to my roommates because I don't want it lingering too long in the fridge. Can't handle the temptation!
I'm starting homework now, it's due in 2 hours online. :rolleyes:

That sounds good! I usually make it with Chex cereal and never thought to make it with Life!! YUMMY even more sugar!!

Works for me. Maybe breakfast on Sunday morning? We won't want to stay out too late on Friday (trust me). Or maybe even Sat. night after the MouseAdventure?

Count me in. I don't have my team totally formed yet. Got to convince Tay and James how fun it will be. But I am all for meeting up. I thought dinner last time after MA worked out well.

I was thinking it would be nice to meet up too. What about breakfast at Whitewater Snacks before the event, or dinner somewhere after? After would probably be more fun because we won't have to rush and can share our experiences.

About the team name, we wanted just Quack Attack, but can you believe someone already took that name? :confused3

Hey all! I'm so excited that so many of us are doing MA! I like Cheryl's idea of breakfast Sunday morning. We will be tired Sat evening, and they might have a little shin-dig for the participants. Although, with it being a smaller version of MA, maybe they won't.

I'm doing well! I'm looking forward to our trip and am sad that F! won't be showing. I think we should all think about a mini meet in May or so to (hopefully!) see WOC! Stacie already said she was up for it. I'm hoping they have some sort of priority seating for it like the dessert seating at F!.

Have a divalicious evening everyone!

I already told Heather we would not be staying out late on Friday night! We probably won't get there until 8pm, if we wait for Allyson to get out of school!! So Saturday night or Sunday morning both sound good! Hey, we could do both!!

Definitely a trip in May, I'll have to get Christine from school the week before Memorial Day, sounds like a plan!!

I'm so sore from playing TSM!! My right arm is really sore, and then I played again today and now my left arm is getting sore, too!! I tried to play 2-player with 2 remotes... Yeah, NOT working!! But it was fun!!
Hi everyone. Yes, I was very happy with my early birthday surprise, and the Divas do rock!

I love all the planning going on for the meets in October and December. Even though I can't join the fun, it's nice to know some of you will be meeting up and sharing good times. :goodvibes

I'm off to watch some tv! Night all. :cloud9:

I agree Beth...while I'm very sad we had to cancel our trip...I'm really looking forward to hearing about all the other trips and seeing all the pictures!
Beth!! I am so happy that you got your HM game. :cool1: I didn't know you broke your toe. Or did I and I forgot?? :rolleyes1

To the ladis who bought Beth's gift.
How nice of you to do that!!! :goodvibes

Stacie, Where did you find your Toy Story Wii? I looked the other day for one at Target and saw squat! It sounds like you are having fun with it?? Any comments would be great! :thumbsup2

Steph, it good to see you around.:goodvibes How is your ankle holding up?

Wendy!! How ya been girl??

And last but not least....

Thanks everyone for your congrats. I am so excited for the spring to come. Fisrt it will be our ladies trip to DL, and then I get to look forward to my grand babies.
I am blessed with family and special friends. :grouphug:
Good evening everyone.
I'm done with homework today, it was really frustrating!
Now I think I'm going to just chill and watch a movie. Not sure what yet... I watched Atlantis the other day and it was great. I had not seen it in a looong time.

I just learned that my good friend and former youth leaders are having baby #2! I guess baby magic is in the air!
Naughty girl, you're not supposed to announce stuff like that :lmao: :happytv:

Good evening! Monday is a lot better now that I'm out of class. I made puppy chow! It's cereal squares ( I used Life) mixed into melted chocolate chips and peanut butter, than covered in powdered sugar. It's amazing! BUT I'm definitely force feeding it to my roommates because I don't want it lingering too long in the fridge. Can't handle the temptation!
I'm starting homework now, it's due in 2 hours online. :rolleyes:
Yum!! Puppy chow! Have you ever seen a gift item called "White Trash?" :laughing: It's actually like Puppy Chow in a little white trash can. It's a rather fun present to give. :rotfl:

I agree Beth...while I'm very sad we had to cancel our trip...I'm really looking forward to hearing about all the other trips and seeing all the pictures!
You and Beth are so sweet, and have such good attitudes!! :thumbsup2
Beth....whoo hoo on the cool bday gift. How fun! What great divas! Sorry to hear about your toe., DLH. Way to go girl! your tie dye shirts...I'll have to look you up, no way I could do anything close to that!

Mel...congrats on the new grandbabies. How cool!

About the tshirts....personally, I love the Pirate Princess theme, but I'm not terribly into the "dark" skulls and crossbones. I DO like black. I think it's very slimming. And, it's not all that likely to be very warm when we're there.

Dec. MA ladies....if anyone would like an extra person for their team, I'd love to join one. Or, if there are others who would like to do it, I'd be willing to start one (as long as there are spots still available). Just let me know.

I'll be heading to DLR next Friday for DS's bday. Gotta get him in free for his bday!

Hugs and pixie dust to everyone!
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