Girls Only~ OLD THREAD, new one linked in first post

Man it was SO much easier last year to be able to just order one! No offense but I hope next year we can do that again cuz this has turned out to be a pain. :)

Kelly, I'm sorry the transfer has been so hard for you. It sounds like it has been a pain for others as well. You know, there are sites such as zazzle or that can make the t-shirt for you. Dan would just need to upload a higher resolution art. I thought the issue most ladies complained about with ordering that way was that there was no way to determine exact fit.

Anyway, if anyone still wants to go the route of having the shirt made for them, let me know and we'll try to help. I see that zazzle has hoodies, but they are expensive to begin with ($34.95). The black v-neck t-shirts are also more expensive to begin with ($26.00).

I personally found a shirt for $6, plus the cost of 1 transfer (less than $4.00). So I get a shirt for around $10.00.

One thing you need to realize about these types of iron-on transfers, is that they don't last forever. After a few washes they tend to crack and peel, so I hope no one is investing too much money in something that won't be lasting a long time.

ONE MORE OPTION: For those who haven't done their shirt and need help, Dan says he could potentially get these professionally printed the same way we did the brown shirts 2 years ago. He just got a bid on another job for a similar project for around $13 a shirt. Not sure if that's a v-neck or what. But I would have the shirts shipped directly to the HoJo and held for us until the Meet & Greet party. My worry about this is the potential for errors which I would have no control over. I would be so sad if someone didn't get the right size or didn't get their shirt at all (like Stephanie during our first year).

Anyway, we can open this back up for discussion, although I'm leaving for Maui for 10 days on Monday and won't want to deal with this until I get back. We already ordered the lanyards, and Dan is working on the downloadable nametags.
A quick hello to you ladies. I bet you're all getting so very excited now.

Callie have a wonderful time in Maui! :cloud9:
Thanks Callie! Yeah it is not YOUR fault by any means and I really appreciate all the work Dan did on making the transfer. My problem is I don't have a good printer. Mine is super old and it doesn't print good in color any more. It always makes lines and the resolution is REALLY bad. I can still print black and white though so that is why I haven't taken the time to get a new one. And my mom uses our copier at work to make all her color copies but I am afraid to put the transfers in the copier esp since the transfer said to use an ink jet printer. I don't mind if we do the transfers but it was nice to have the option TO order them from zazzle if we wanted to like last year for those of us that don't have access to a printer etc. I just know that for me I am ALWAYS cold and that is why I bought a hoodie. I could have bought a t-shirt but I figured the hoodie would be warmer. I know last year I was ALWAYS cold and I don't think I took my coat off the entire time LOL. Lot of good it did to wear the different colored shirts when all you ever saw was my jacket :)

My mom just made the comment yesterday that by the time we bought the shirt, the transfers and paid the trophy place to print and iron them on (since we DEF don't want to mess it up) that it prob would cost the same or MORE than if we had just ordered them. I know last year with the sale that zazzle had we only paid 20 bucks for our tink shirts. I realize it prob would be more if we ordered a hoodie but just for the sheer convenience of being able to just order it and be done with it I know I for one would love to have that option but that's me. I just think for next year it would be nice to maybe have both options again or at least some other type option to order the shirt so that those of us that don't have access to printers etc can do that. That way those that DO have printers and are good at making their own can do that and those that don't can just order one. Just my 5 cents.

Don't get me wrong though I MAJORLY appreciate all the work your hubby has done and am not discounting that at all I just know for "us" we just have problems cuz A we don't have the right equipment and B we just aint crafty LOL. ;)
Are we still doing a group animation drawing after the Ariel lunch?

Yes, please! Although I am not going to the lunch, so I'll need a heads-up for when the lunchers think they'll head over there. I believe they do the "classes" every half hour, so I was thinking 3 or 3:30?

Hello my friends! Marty and I went to PF Changs for dinner last night, walked around the mall (I found an $8 tie dye shirt at Targer) and saw It's Complicated at the movies. I really, really liked it! I even laughed out loud several times, which I don't find myself doing much at movies/TV shows. So two thumbs us from me! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2
Oh, and Stacie I would love to do RBT on Friday, but want to hit up Fantasyland rides first thing since Sat is MM and I leave on Sunday. Can we do that first, and then plan on eating at RBT one hour after opening? If I can just get in PP and Alice, I'll be a happy girl! Of course, I can go by myself if not. I'm sure I could meet up with Callie and others. :goodvibes
This sounds like a great plan to me too. Friday would be the best day for PP and Fantasyland at opening. This is the day that Princess Fantasy Faire is on the schedule and that probably opens one hour after the park opens, so breakfast at that time might interfere but sounds perfect to me. I am personally not interested in doing PFF - I am not that into the princesses and will see enough of them at Ariel's, which I also wasn't going to do but decided to since I have never been there and would not do it on a family trip. Then I want to get over to DCA to get in a few rides before lunch. I am planning to do Animation after Ariel's so maybe we could get that on the schedule if others are interested. The schedule makes it difficult to get in an Aladdin show on Friday so I plan to do that on Sunday, in fact planning to get to DCA before opening that day and stay until I leave for the airport around 2:30.
Hi ladies. I just got off the phone with my mom, who had just gotten the results from a biopsy during her colonoscopy. Turns out she has rectal cancer and will need to have surgery as soon as they can schedule it.

I have no idea when it will be, but wanted to let you know that if it is scheduled during the period around our trip, I may need to drop out. I need to go back to CO to be with my mom after the surgery. I'm the closest to her and she really views me as her comfort so I will need to be there for her during the immediate recovery period.

If you pray, would you please say a prayer for my momma? Her name is Jane. :goodvibes
Hi ladies. I just got off the phone with my mom, who had just gotten the results from a biopsy during her colonoscopy. Turns out she has rectal cancer and will need to have surgery as soon as they can schedule it.

I have no idea when it will be, but wanted to let you know that if it is scheduled during the period around our trip, I may need to drop out. I need to go back to CO to be with my mom after the surgery. I'm the closest to her and she really views me as her comfort so I will need to be there for her during the immediate recovery period.

If you pray, would you please say a prayer for my momma? Her name is Jane. :goodvibes

Thoughts and prayers for your mom and your family. I am so sorry Callie.

I know I've been MIA a bit this week so I'm trying to catch up.

Ohio was nice. The last day of the meeting ended early so my friend and I were able to go to the Air Force Museum for a little bit. That museum is huge, we had a great time.

Heather - Great ultrasound pictures. I looked at my 2 girls ultrasound pics and they look similar so I'm thinking the technician is correct in thinking it's a girl. Congrats!

Beth - I'm so glad that you're going to come!:cool1:

I know there is a lot that I have missed. So I'd like to offer :hug: for all those in need.

I hope you all have a nice weekend!

Congratulations, Heather! I'm glad all is going well with your pregnancy and that there's the 80% chance of a girl.

Are you ladies putting the Pink Pirate design on the front or back of your t-shirts?

This is my plan. Friday will be my only chance to get into Fantasyland in the morning. After going thru those rides, I'll definitely be ready for my Steamboat with sausage!

Wow, the Divas might end up creating the lines at PP & Alice on Friday. ;) Erin & My plan was to do the same thing (Fantasyland, then head to PFF). However we will likely just do breakfast in our room since we want to save money for Jazz Kitchen and magicale.

Good morning gals!! Well last night I went to GS and it was OK! I found out one of my friends who has been in the troop since the beginning was kicked out. I was kind of bummed but it is a long story that I can't really get into on the net but I was kind of bummed about that. When Katy started in scouts in kindergarten there was a core group of about 14 girls and Katy, the leaders daughter and this gal and her grandaughter were the only ones left from that group. We have added and lost several since then but she was one of the few that has stuck around and who I pretty much always talked to at the meetings but oh well. I really had hoped the girls could stay in scouts till high school cuz it can be very rewarding and I wanted them to have that core group of friends but that obviously prob won't happen. At this point I don't even know how long this troop is even going to last but we shall see. Anyway cookie site sales is going to start next month so we basically just went over that.

I'm so sorry to hear about GS drama. I was a GS through High School, a camp counselor, & even did a Silver Award event. (I actually still miss it and think that would be one of the main reasons I want to have a little girl when DH & I get around to it.) Just to keep in mind, there is always the Annie Scout option. My mom didn't get along with what the troop leader was doing at my school one year (won't go into the details, but totally appreciate her standing up for me). I didn't like the troop in my home town either because the girls were pretty mean. So for the last year of Juniors, I did Annie Scout and just worked on some basic patches with my mom. Then when I got to be a cadette, I found a really great troop and still keep in touch with some of those girls and my Senior scout leader.

One thing you need to realize about these types of iron-on transfers, is that they don't last forever. After a few washes they tend to crack and peel, so I hope no one is investing too much money in something that won't be lasting a long time.

One tip on this: Wash before you put on the iron on and don't use fabric softener! We did a bunch (~30) of shirts for our wedding/honeymoon and found this worked best. Also, after wearing them, wash them in a delicates bag inside out and hang dry. But you likely will need to regulate them to a comfy, around the house shirt after a few washings.

Also, another option for those who haven't done it yet and don't have a good printer: go to your local Kinkos and see if they can. Usually you can just put the image on a thumb drive and bring it in. They can open it, position it and print it for you. And don't be scared of the Iron on. Compared to the white iron ons, the dark t-shirt iron ons are easy and pretty forgiving.

Are we still doing a group animation drawing after the Ariel lunch?

Yes, please! Although I am not going to the lunch, so I'll need a heads-up for when the lunchers think they'll head over there. I believe they do the "classes" every half hour, so I was thinking 3 or 3:30?

Yes, please from me too!!! I really like doing this and only get a chance to when only DH & I go alone. Other times we go with kids who either aren't interested or are too young.

Hi ladies. I just got off the phone with my mom, who had just gotten the results from a biopsy during her colonoscopy. Turns out she has rectal cancer and will need to have surgery as soon as they can schedule it.

I have no idea when it will be, but wanted to let you know that if it is scheduled during the period around our trip, I may need to drop out. I need to go back to CO to be with my mom after the surgery. I'm the closest to her and she really views me as her comfort so I will need to be there for her during the immediate recovery period.

If you pray, would you please say a prayer for my momma? Her name is Jane. :goodvibes

:hug: Of course. I hope they can schedule her quickly and recovery is quick. Lots of prayers her way (and yours). :hug:

Dan just told me that the price went up a wee bit this year. Not sure why, maybe it's because we are ordering less? But anyway, the total per lanyard is $4.00 now. I hope that's not a problem for anyone. :goodvibes
Hi ladies. I just got off the phone with my mom, who had just gotten the results from a biopsy during her colonoscopy. Turns out she has rectal cancer and will need to have surgery as soon as they can schedule it.

I have no idea when it will be, but wanted to let you know that if it is scheduled during the period around our trip, I may need to drop out. I need to go back to CO to be with my mom after the surgery. I'm the closest to her and she really views me as her comfort so I will need to be there for her during the immediate recovery period.

If you pray, would you please say a prayer for my momma? Her name is Jane. :goodvibes

I'm so sorry Callie! I know her a little from Facebook, and she is such a sweetheart. Please let your mom know that she is in my thougths and prayers! :hug:

Dan just told me that the price went up a wee bit this year. Not sure why, maybe it's because we are ordering less? But anyway, the total per lanyard is $4.00 now. I hope that's not a problem for anyone. :goodvibes
Well, I'm not sure - that extra dollar might just put me over the edge! :laughing:

Thank you and Dan SO MUCH for doing all this work for our trip! :goodvibes

I will be praying for your mom.
Hi ladies. I just got off the phone with my mom, who had just gotten the results from a biopsy during her colonoscopy. Turns out she has rectal cancer and will need to have surgery as soon as they can schedule it.

I have no idea when it will be, but wanted to let you know that if it is scheduled during the period around our trip, I may need to drop out. I need to go back to CO to be with my mom after the surgery. I'm the closest to her and she really views me as her comfort so I will need to be there for her during the immediate recovery period.

If you pray, would you please say a prayer for my momma? Her name is Jane. :goodvibes

So sorry Callie. I'll pray everything goes smoothly and quickly. :hug:
Aw, Callie. I'm so sorry about your mom. :hug: Hopefully it was caught early, and she will be on the mend before you know it. Please keep us posted.
Yes, please! Although I am not going to the lunch, so I'll need a heads-up for when the lunchers think they'll head over there. I believe they do the "classes" every half hour, so I was thinking 3 or 3:30?

We're not eating at Ariel's either. But really wanted to meet up with everyone after.

Hi ladies. I just got off the phone with my mom, who had just gotten the results from a biopsy during her colonoscopy. Turns out she has rectal cancer and will need to have surgery as soon as they can schedule it.

I have no idea when it will be, but wanted to let you know that if it is scheduled during the period around our trip, I may need to drop out. I need to go back to CO to be with my mom after the surgery. I'm the closest to her and she really views me as her comfort so I will need to be there for her during the immediate recovery period.

If you pray, would you please say a prayer for my momma? Her name is Jane. :goodvibes

:hug: Absolutely. That is good they found it. Smart lady to have the colonoscopy. :wizard: for Jane.
Hi ladies. I just got off the phone with my mom, who had just gotten the results from a biopsy during her colonoscopy. Turns out she has rectal cancer and will need to have surgery as soon as they can schedule it.

I have no idea when it will be, but wanted to let you know that if it is scheduled during the period around our trip, I may need to drop out. I need to go back to CO to be with my mom after the surgery. I'm the closest to her and she really views me as her comfort so I will need to be there for her during the immediate recovery period.

If you pray, would you please say a prayer for my momma? Her name is Jane. :goodvibes

:hug: Prayers for Jane...I am so sorry Callie...I hope it all works out.

I am getting so frustrated trying to book the HOB brunch...I originally was going through the group department but we no longer have enough people to do this...then I called the box office who told me they no longer sell the tickets:confused3 and to get them through ticketmaster or this other one. I tried calling the other one and they couldn't find it...I tried ticket master and they only had it through the I go on and I can't even find any for february! What is going on!?!?

Could we get the Animation Drawing on the schedule for 3:00? That should give us plenty of time at Ariel's and still have time to do a couple of more things afterward at get to Carnation Cafe in time.


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