Girls-Only Mar 3-7 - On our way to Disneyland!!!!

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Thanks Beth! :thumbsup2 I was going to work on a list of FAQ w/ answers this afternoon until I saw this.
You were? One handed and all?? :worship: I knew you'd do great with the thread. :goodvibes Feel free to use yours. I won't be upset. I just figured something posted somewhere that everyone could reference whenever they needed it would make it easier for everyone.
How is your hand by the way? I hope it's feeling better! :hug:

Thanks Beth! :hug: It actually felt okay wearing a skirt and wasn't as scary as I thought. I have been feeling a lot happier lately and I like trying new things. I now like various girly sandals, so maybe I will be one of those women who has many pairs of shoes now! :rotfl:
See? You can do new things, wear new things, AND meet new people. Sandals are a nice fun harmless addiction. I say go for it. :thumbsup2 And have fun in DL.

Drive by hi and hug! :car::wave2::hug:
Thanks Wendall! Back at ya! :hug:

Drive by hi from me too. Hope everyone is well! :hug:
Hope things are well with you too!

My baby girl turns 2 tomorrow!
Sounds like life is good in the SarahMay household. Glad your job is going well. And the happiest of birthdays to your little sweetie! :wizard:

Anyways, I am Jen- from Corvallis Oregon, where we have a small farm, and I run a childcare/pre-school out of my home. I am planning on coming on this trip with 2 of my daycare moms! We are shutting this place down so we can have a kid free fun time! Woohoo!
Hi Jen! Welcome, again (I remember you posting before ;) ). Glad you can make the trip with some friends. Kids free time is a good thing now and then. ::yes::
I'll send you some 'summer', it's been in the 90's here but that's nothing compared to how it will be in a month or so. I live in the High Desert and were used to 100+ weather.

It's been in the 90's here too, but the triple digits will be back in full force next week, if not sooner. :rolleyes:
Your reunion sounds fun! Are you sure it wasn't your 20th?? ;) You look too good to be going to a 37th reunion.
Enjoy your weekend at Disneyland. Hope the crowds aren't too bad. Have a cupcake for me. :mickeyjum
Good morning ladies!

I'm going to pick up my mom from the airport today. :yay: It's been over a year since I've seen her and I can't wait. It'll be a short visit, only until Friday, but some time is better than no time.

I probably won't be on much the next week or so with Ruben being on vacation, so have a great week, and weekend everyone! :sunny:

Tracey, I see in your sig you are taking your mom for the first time in 25 years! How awesome. What a special trip that will be. :goodvibes

Thanks Beth. I am really excited about the trip for so many reasons. My Mom has really been out of commission for years, with taking care of my Grandmother who had Alzheimers, and then her husband who was a stroke victim. When those two obligations were fulfilled, her health basically collapsed, and it has just been the last 3 months or so that she has been feeling back to her old self and on track again. So I was really excited when she called me and indicated she wanted to go on our annual trip to the ocean. (we had always invited her, but she had never been able to make it) Unfortunetly, we had just found out that we had to cancel our ocean trip because of all the showband commitments. So...I quickly decided to do a Disney/Yosemite trip, which she quickly got excited about!

Anyhow, since our last 2 trips have been cancelled, I have been afraid to post or plan or anything. But, finally last week decided to heck with it, this trip is happening and I went for it. The main motivator was that I finally finished my trip report from last fall, and had to change my signature, so decided to just add this trip too!

Now the fun begins, and I am trying to decide if we will do WOC, and what our strategy will be. I did just book us into the kids suite at HOJO, which finally became available, so I am excited about that. I even got one night at the entertainment rate, and am hoping maybe more nights will become available at that rate.

I am worried about the temps, but we plan on taking big long swim and nap breaks, so hopefully will survive. I am so not a hot person. And I hate crowds too. But I know we will have a good time and I am just not going to worry about it. We have 4 GAD passes, and are prepared to turn them all in for fast passes if we need to , although I want one pinset for sure.

I want to do the BBQ too, but other than that, am really able to go with the flow. I think I will plan a diva mini meet at the GC lounge and then arrange to go off with my Mom and I to stroll and enjoy at a more liesurely childfree pace. But still need to hammer out those details and decide on when we will do fireworks, fantasmic etc...
Good morning everyone! Just popping in real quick before my sister drops off my nephews (I have another 15 minutes of peace). Once they get here, it's almost impossible to get a free minute.

Not doing much this summer with the kids. My son has football everyday except for Sunday & on top of that, he has summer school. Also, my DL AP expires in a couple days, so we won't be going there (I'm going to wait until the fall to renew it). My sister did buy me and the kids Knotts AP's so maybe we'll get there a couple days in the summer. I also got free tickets to the Huntington Library & B1G1 Free tickets to Legoland so we may try to hit those 2 places this summer.

Otherwise, I'll be a homebody this summer. Plus it's hard for me to pull my son away from his Xbox. Some of you on FB read that my son got the new Xbox 360 for free and it came in the mail on Monday. It also came with a year free of Xbox Live so when he's not at football he's usually on that thing :rolleyes:.

I started eating healthy and exercising at the beginning of this month & have been doing well so far :thumbsup2. I did splurge at Cheryl's, but I'm allowed a splurge every once in awhile. So hopefully by the next girls trip, you guys won't recognize me :laughing:.

Good morning ladies!

I'm going to pick up my mom from the airport today. :yay: It's been over a year since I've seen her and I can't wait. It'll be a short visit, only until Friday, but some time is better than no time.

I probably won't be on much the next week or so with Ruben being on vacation, so have a great week, and weekend everyone! :sunny:


Have a great time with your mom & family. Hope you get to do some fun short trips & can't wait to hear about them :).

Ta Ta For Now :tigger:,
I just got tickets for the free Jimmy Buffet and friends (Kenny Chesney) concert! I hope that it works out to go while we are in Florida visiting my parents.

ETA. Hoping that mom will be able to watch the kiddos...
Thanks Beth. I am really excited about the trip for so many reasons. My Mom has really been out of commission for years, with taking care of my Grandmother who had Alzheimers, and then her husband who was a stroke victim. When those two obligations were fulfilled, her health basically collapsed, and it has just been the last 3 months or so that she has been feeling back to her old self and on track again.
Oh wow, so it really will be an extra special trip. That's so great she is feeling better and you'll all be able to share this time together. :hug:
You are a pro planner so I know you'll work your magic and make the whole trip wonderful for everyone.

My sister did buy me and the kids Knotts AP's so maybe we'll get there a couple days in the summer. I also got free tickets to the Huntington Library & B1G1 Free tickets to Legoland so we may try to hit those 2 places this summer.

Otherwise, I'll be a homebody this summer. Plus it's hard for me to pull my son away from his Xbox.

I started eating healthy and exercising at the beginning of this month & have been doing well so far :thumbsup2.
Sounds like you'll have some fun things to keep busy with. I haven't been to Knotts in years and years, but we used to like it. Especially the Knotts Scary Farm. That was a tradition for Ruben and I when we were dating.

I hear ya on the Xbox. Most days Adam is glued to his!! As much as I don't approve of that, summer here is like our winter. You stay inside as much as possible when it's 102 or more out there, so I am just grateful most days that he has that to keep busy. Plus he can chat with his school friends on there.

Congrats on the healthy eating!!! I KNOW you can do it. :cheer2:

I just got tickets for the free Jimmy Buffet and friends (Kenny Chesney) concert!
Sounds fun!! :cool1:
I am so excited! i am finally going to get to meet eatmypixie dust! We are meeting on saturday! it's going to be sooo fun!! :cool1:


anybody going to be around and want to join in on the fun?

oh by the wayi am fun ball :wave: my real name is Sara :sunny:!
I think I will plan a diva mini meet at the GC lounge

Yay!!! Your Mom will be at the Mini Meet--right?

Hi ladies--hope everyone's having a good day. I have to go to the doctor today--my right foot has been giving me fits for about two months. After Saturday and being on my feet all day I was in agony--now it's numb. Uh-roh. I'm afraid maybe something's been broken and I didn't realize it and I've REALLY screwed it up this time.

I have a scooter rented for Friday, as usual, so I'll be ok to see WOC with Linda and one man I know and one I don't. I don't know that I would call the one I know a friend--he's more an "acquaintance." Chris and I had lunch with him a couple of years ago and then Mom and I ran into him at the Grand Opening party for the Grand Calif. Villas. Other than that--I haven't ever seen him. But he seems like a nice guy and we're at Disneyland so what could happen--it's not like this is a date. In fact, he may be gay for all I know! LOL

Ok--off to get work done before leaving for the doc. Bella is home today and NOT HAPPY.

Ooooooohhhh, what a nice new thread! Love it Steph...very warm and inviting!

So things are going well for me! My new job is good, lots of fun events with family and friends! Took my son to his first ever fishing derby saturday and he caught his limit of three! His biggest trout was 13 5/16th inches! They are currently in the freezer waiting for a time when my husband can cook them up! I made freezer jam for the first time last night! My mil came over and helped me make the first 3 batches. I ended up having enough berries for 6 batches total and ended up using 3 different types of pectin. Each type had a different recipe to follow for their freezer jam so I am thinking of holding a taste test to determine which kind I like better! It made over 26 containers of jam ranging in size from 8 oz to 16 oz! We are set on freezer jam for a while, though when the raspberries are ready she will be teaching me cooked jam that I can store in the pantry! Crazyness...I feel like a little Betty Crocker! Never realized how much sugar was in jam though...probably why it tastes so good!
I have blueberries and strawberries from Saturday I need to use. .. . maybe I'll make jam!

Hello Ladies- I am checking in real quick! I tried to keep up with the other thread, but it grew so fast! Anyways, I am Jen- from Corvallis Oregon, where we have a small farm, and I run a childcare/pre-school out of my home. I am planning on coming on this trip with 2 of my daycare moms! We are shutting this place down so we can have a kid free fun time! Woohoo! Can't wait to meet all of you,and we are looking forward to the fun. Will try to stay more tuned in to this thread :) Also, can some of you send some of your "summer" this way- we are stuck in gloom and doon up here! :thumbsup2

Glad to see you again Jen!
:goodvibes i am like a kid in a candy store right now! I am reading through this thread, and i am getting excited for a big meet. but my question is. can we do like little meets before then? :confused3
:goodvibes i am like a kid in a candy store right now! I am reading through this thread, and i am getting excited for a big meet. but my question is. can we do like little meets before then? :confused3

Hi! In between all of our previous trips there have been several mini meets. It basically comes down to someone mentioning that they're going to DL and what date(s) they'll be there. Depending on how many people are going to be there or show interest a spinoff thread would be needed as this thread is for the big meet. Hope that helps.

Welcome to the group.

See? You can do new things, wear new things, AND meet new people. Sandals are a nice fun harmless addiction. I say go for it. :thumbsup2 And have fun in DL.

Thanks Beth :) A lot of my friends are all proud of me for trying new clothes. I'm going shopping with one of them tomorrow. I told her I want to find more sandals, so we are going to Camarillo Outlet tomorrow :)

I hope you have a good time with your mom and your DH :)
After much lurking I've finally decided to say hello! I've been interested in the girls only trips since I joined the dis. I'm Jolene from Portland, or. I can't wait to get to know everyone here! One thing I've been thinking, would anyone be interested in driving down together from the Portland area? Flying just won't be in the budget and driving that far alone doesn't sound too appealing! :)
After much lurking I've finally decided to say hello! I've been interested in the girls only trips since I joined the dis. I'm Jolene from Portland, or. I can't wait to get to know everyone here! One thing I've been thinking, would anyone be interested in driving down together from the Portland area? Flying just won't be in the budget and driving that far alone doesn't sound too appealing! :)

Hi Jolene! I'm Rochelle but people also call me Pix or Pixster :)
I am getting really excited. I hope to meet lots of friends and I already know it will be so much fun!! I can't wait to eat at yummy places, and enjoying the magic of Disney!! My name is Amber and I live in Salt Lake City, Utah and I can't wait to meet you all.
HI ams and jolene(is that your name? is that how u spell it) :cool1:


i am glad you meet you guys! i am Sara i am 30 and i live in orange county, you can call me that or my screen name witch is funball :rotfl:! i hope to see you guys at a meet!

:ccat: :dumbo:
Good morning ladies!

I'm going to pick up my mom from the airport today. :yay: It's been over a year since I've seen her and I can't wait. It'll be a short visit, only until Friday, but some time is better than no time.

I probably won't be on much the next week or so with Ruben being on vacation, so have a great week, and weekend everyone! :sunny:


I hope you have wonderful time with your Mom and on Ruben's time off. But I know you will:thumbsup2

I just got tickets for the free Jimmy Buffet and friends (Kenny Chesney) concert! I hope that it works out to go while we are in Florida visiting my parents.

ETA. Hoping that mom will be able to watch the kiddos...

I've seen Jimmy Buffet. I'm not a real parrot head, but it was still fun!

Yay!!! Your Mom will be at the Mini Meet--right?

Hi ladies--hope everyone's having a good day. I have to go to the doctor today--my right foot has been giving me fits for about two months. After Saturday and being on my feet all day I was in agony--now it's numb. Uh-roh. I'm afraid maybe something's been broken and I didn't realize it and I've REALLY screwed it up this time.

I have a scooter rented for Friday, as usual, so I'll be ok to see WOC with Linda and one man I know and one I don't. I don't know that I would call the one I know a friend--he's more an "acquaintance." Chris and I had lunch with him a couple of years ago and then Mom and I ran into him at the Grand Opening party for the Grand Calif. Villas. Other than that--I haven't ever seen him. But he seems like a nice guy and we're at Disneyland so what could happen--it's not like this is a date. In fact, he may be gay for all I know! LOL

Ok--off to get work done before leaving for the doc. Bella is home today and NOT HAPPY.


Yes, my Mom will be at the Diva Meet. We will indoctrinate her:)

Take care of that darn foot! Can't be having it slow you down now.
Hmm...a friend???

After much lurking I've finally decided to say hello! I've been interested in the girls only trips since I joined the dis. I'm Jolene from Portland, or. I can't wait to get to know everyone here! One thing I've been thinking, would anyone be interested in driving down together from the Portland area? Flying just won't be in the budget and driving that far alone doesn't sound too appealing! :)

Welcome aboard! Hey, I bet you will be able to get airfare that will be as cheap as driving, unless you could find two people to split the cost.

I don't mind driving, but can never spare the extra time, when I don't have my family with me.

Welcome aboard!
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