getting to SW from AllStar Movies


Caffeinated Insomniac
Mar 27, 2001

I am trying to find out the best way to get from AllStar Movies to Seaworld for two adults

Its $50 round trip from one of the towncar services. Does anyone know what a taxi would run? Would it be cheaper on the taxi to leave from Downtown Disney?

I have also heard about the Lynx busses - anyone use them? Is it a hassle?

Help!! :D
I'd rent a compact car at the airport for the week.
Look up or or whatever car rental company you like. Avis is a little bit more, but their lines are slightly less at the airport.
A 1 week rental usually costs about $120. I don't know what the rate would be for Orlando, you'd have to look it up based on your length of stay and car you choose. But now you can go anywhere you want. Go up and down International Drive, visit restaurants, stop at a grocery store to buy snacks and fill up a styrofoam cooler. Let's see, you'll save the $50 round trip fee (plus tip) to SWF, and if you stop at a grocery store and buy drinks, then you don't have to hit the bar, and that's probably about $50 right there. You break even and can go anywhere.
Drive to SWF and park across the street at the Renissance resort for free. You literally walk across the street into the SWF parking lot saving you the $7.
I saw on the Transportation Board that Mears will take you for $12 round trip pp. I'm am also interested in transpo to SW. I haven't called yet...but it's another reasonable option.
here is the schedule for 50 (the one you want) - you have to determine how much trouble this is - I think it lets out across the street from SW - so you would still have to walk.

to get to the ticket and transportation center - take the bus to the MK and then take the monrail here - ask at the bus route which is your bus.
Super easy on I4 driving.. maybe 10 minutes max.

The bus stop was right near the SW entrance.


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