Gastric Bypass Surgery, anybody with experience?

have you experienced this thing they call "dumping syndrome"? And when you over eat just how sick do you get? but being only 7 weeks out you may not have experienced some of this? I guess I am just worried. Sorry about the questions and you or nobody else need to answer if they do not feel comfortable. Its just that I am a Disney Lover as is my whole family, wife and 2 kids, and we have our trip booked for Oct and was wondering how this operation is gonna affect my vacation. Thanks again for you constant support Cinderella.

I've experienced pain worse than anything I can imagine, and something called frothing. The key is to follow the diet and portion sizes, take your vitamins and medicine and stay the course.
I don't know if the need to throw up is dumping, because I have generally tried to make wise choices - but my only relief from the pain of eating something my body could not handle was to throw up. I apologize for being graphic, but that is my experience, and everyone and their body handle food in different ways. Good luck and follow your programs guidelines.
Hi Jeff,

I am currently 3 weeks post op and I am currently on "soft" food which is pretty much anything a baby without teeth can eat. As I read your post I couldn't be surprised at how surprised you were that a 1 hot dog was over eating.

Jeff, I hope you understand that you will not be able to eat a lot of the foods we were so use to eating. So... I ate the teaspoons of mashe potatoes and let me tell you. I was dying... I didn't know what to do to make the aweful pain go away. I felt like my pouch was going to explode and I was going to die. I tried walking, curling up in a ball, laying on my stomach, I even tried vomiting. Nothing. My family was ready to take me to the emergency room but after about an hour I finally threw it up and I was so relieved.

Jeff... Your whole life will change. If you love food as much as I did this is going to be a huge change and you will miss all the foods you will no longer be able to eat. I have lost a lot weight and I am making the necessary changes. Just know that a lot of the food we are so use to eating we will no longer be able to eat for the first 6 weeks and when we do it will be in very small portions.

Goodluck! Do your research and I'm very happy you have decided to take a step to a healthier you.


Hi, I tried to eat a hot dog cut up in very small pieces, just the hot dog no bun - well I died, it was soo difficult and again my only relief was to throw up. What seems like a small portion to my eyes, is much larger than my stomach and I can tolerate. Thanks for sharing your experience and best of luck to you in your journey to find what you can and can't eat.
Hi Jeff,

I am currently 3 weeks post op and I am currently on "soft" food which is pretty much anything a baby without teeth can eat. As I read your post I couldn't be surprised at how surprised you were that a 1 hot dog was over eating.

Jeff, I hope you understand that you will not be able to eat a lot of the foods we were so use to eating. Let me give you an example of my dinner today. I ate half a cup of chicken broth and a little bit of mashed patatoes. I knew that the chicken broth was enough but how bad could it be if I were to eat 2-3 teaspoons of mashed potatoes? So... I ate the teaspoons of mashe potatoes and let me tell you. I was dying... I didn't know what to do to make the aweful pain go away. I felt like my pouch was going to explode and I was going to die.

I tried walking, curling up in a ball, laying on my stomach, I even tried vomiting. Nothing. My family was ready to take me to the emergency room but after about an hour I finally threw it up and I was so relieved.

Jeff... Your whole life will change. If you love food as much as I did this is going to be a huge change and you will miss all the foods you will no longer be able to eat. I have lost a lot weight and I am making the necessary changes. Just know that a lot of the food we are so use to eating we will no longer be able to eat for the first 6 weeks and when we do it will be in very small portions.

The hotdog isn't even recommended because of the sticky and doughy bun which can get stuck in the opening of you pouch causing severe pain; however, if you do eat half a hotdog it would be 6 weeks after surgery.

Goodluck! Do your research and I'm very happy you have decided to take a step to a healthier you.


I think you missunderstoods me, I wasn't surprised that 1 hotdog was over eating, I just thought it funny saying that. Nobody says I over ate and had one hotdog. I was just pointing out the the difference in extremes from eating 4 hotdogs to saying 1 is over eating. I have done plenty of research. But I do have a question. Do you still have the same pain if you "over drink". Lets say you are not eating but drinking water and you take in too much. Does it flow through you, or do you get that same pain as the over eating thing? The reason I ask is I am currently taking my vitamins in powder form that I mix with water. Now (presurgery) I am mixing with 12oz water and drinking it in a couple of swallows. But (post surgery) 12oz will be too much, but what if I over drink? is the pain the same?
I wish I would have looked down on the threads before I posted my post. When I go in September, I will be a year and a month post op. One of the things we are celebrating in Disney is the fact that I lost 140+ lbs (hopefully). Right now, I'm 7 months post op and down 90 lbs since surgery and 120 lbs total (I lost 30 before surgery).

I know we're staying at Pop and someone at my travel agency told me to call the chef and ask if they can make a tye dye cheesecake sugar free for me. I thought that was silly b/c I only really want a piece of it. We're on the Basic Dining b/c I will be traveling with my hubby (who is sooo tiny and a BIG eater) and my mom, and our 2 boys. I already made my reservations, and most places I can eat protein.
I wish I would have looked down on the threads before I posted my post. When I go in September, I will be a year and a month post op. One of the things we are celebrating in Disney is the fact that I lost 140+ lbs (hopefully). Right now, I'm 7 months post op and down 90 lbs since surgery and 120 lbs total (I lost 30 before surgery).

I know we're staying at Pop and someone at my travel agency told me to call the chef and ask if they can make a tye dye cheesecake sugar free for me. I thought that was silly b/c I only really want a piece of it. We're on the Basic Dining b/c I will be traveling with my hubby (who is sooo tiny and a BIG eater) and my mom, and our 2 boys. I already made my reservations, and most places I can eat protein.

So Heather what does your diet consist of being 7 months out? Can you run down a general day from breakfast to bedtime? Have you experienced any ill effects?
So Heather what does your diet consist of being 7 months out? Can you run down a general day from breakfast to bedtime? Have you experienced any ill effects?

Jeff....First of all, I feel FANTASTIC! No ill effects at all. I am really lucky, knock on wood!! I'm going to the gym and LOVING it. I would have never thought I would enjoy the gym. I have actually been out for a little over a week due to muscle spasms in my back. I'm still having a little bit of pain, but am going to a massage therapist, so hopefully that will do the trick and I can hit the gym next week.

As for my food. I pretty much eat mostly protein. An example of my meals...

Breakfast...egg beaters with some sort of meat (ham, Jimmy Dean Sausage crumbles...YUM, etc) and shredded cheese. I usually make enough for 2 meals b/c I will have the leftovers the next morning.

Lunch...I will usually have whatever was left over from the previous night's dinner. I will reheat it at 50% power for a little longer just to keep the moisture in.

Dinner...I will usually eat whatever I make for my family. For example, tonight, we had steak. I know a lot of people can't handle the steak, but I personally can. I pretty much can eat whatever I want to be honest. The only thing I CANNOT eat is tuna fish made at restaurants. I tried the Subway tuna and started feeling sick. I think b/c of the mayo. When I make tuna, I use Miracle Whip light.
I will eat a chicken drumstick if we have bbq chicken on the grill, I will eat about 1/2 a turkey burger, steak, fish, etc.
I have started having a low fat snack at night while watching tv. I bought a popcorn popper at Wal-Mart the other day and will pop some pop corn and use either parm cheese, or the butter buds on top. I will have between 2 and 3 cups of popped popcorn. It satisfies me and I feel better eating something while watching tv (that's when I used to snack before).

I know our dietician says to eat the protein first and then eat the rest. That's exactly what I do. I will have some green beans, broccoli, etc on my plate, but I try to eat most of the protein first. If I have room for a little bit of mashed potatoes, veggies, etc, great. If not, fine too. That's just me personally though.

I'm not sure what your doctor says in regards to drinking while eating. I know I stop drinking 30 minutes before I eat, I DO NOT drink while eating and I wait an hour after I'm done eating to drink again. That's just what our doctors recommend.

I can drink skim milk (a cup or so at a time), I drink the Trop 50 OJ (I LOVE OJ in the am), Light lemonade, etc. I DO NOT drink soda, even diet.

I also limit my sugars b/c I'm SOOO afraid of dumping syndrome. I heard horror stories and I do NOT plan to go there.

I hope that helps. Did you have it done or when are you having it done?
HI Heather, thanks for sharing so much of your experience. I had Gastric Bypass surgery on February 3, 2011. What I am finding is that I get protein from the protein shakes in the morning. I am unable to eat lean pork or anything with a sauce. I'm a little anxious about trying steak so I will have to wait and see. It was really helpful to read what you are able to eat and while I know everyone is different in what they can tolerate it's helpful to know what might be possible.

Thanks again,
HI Heather, thanks for sharing so much of your experience. I had Gastric Bypass surgery on February 3, 2011. What I am finding is that I get protein from the protein shakes in the morning. I am unable to eat lean pork or anything with a sauce. I'm a little anxious about trying steak so I will have to wait and see. It was really helpful to read what you are able to eat and while I know everyone is different in what they can tolerate it's helpful to know what might be possible.

Thanks again,

You are more then welcome. A friend of mine had such a hard time with any meats/chicken after surgery. She had hers in November and she is finally able to tolerate them. I felt bad for her. I would say it took her about 2 months or so. I'm not telling you this to scare you. Just take it easy. I try to do a protein shake at night as a "snack" but I'm not a huge fan of them. I did drink them in the beginning. Keep me posted on how you do!! I think we should be in Disney around the same time. We're going to be there Sept 18-25 and staying at Pop.
First of all thank you slipper you have been checking back and posting regularly and it really helps. Heather thank you so much also. I really appreciate your replys and I hope you continue to check back and update. I am so nervous right now. It is sunday night ppm and I? go in tomorrow morning at 5:15am My surgery is the first of the morning tomorrow at 6:50am. Thanks Heather you have given my alot of hope. I hope I can eat like you, pretty much whatever is served. Just in much smaller portions. I guess it will take some time before I am eating solid foods for awhile. But I have been on this liquid diet now for some time and am looking forward to any kind of meat. Slipper thank you you have given me so much. I guess i am feeling kinda sappy but I guess im just a bit scared. I almost wish I can cancel.. This is a big step and I am giving up alot. BUT, I got myself into this mess and I will get myself out. If I wasnt a diabetic I probably wouldnt be doing this. But since my liquid diet my blood sugars have been outstanding. So I expect much of the same after the operation especially since I am on a insulin pump now and I expect to get my A1C down to below 7. Thanks again all , I will update you shortly after the operation.

You are probably in surgery right now and I just said a prayer for you, your doctors and care providers. I'm sure you will do well. I tell everyone (because I was told it too), the pain is only short term and when you are able, walk and sip. The walking will definately help with the gas pains. I will definately keep checking back on this thread. As of this morning, I weighed in (and I'm not supposed to, but I swear, I'm addicted to the scale) and I'm now less then 20 lbs away from my goal I set with my dietician through the hospital I had my surgery with. I want to get lower then my goal b/c I want to be a "Normal" BMI.
I am the "oldtimer" here having had my gastric bypass back in fall of 2006. It was a great decision! Sugar doesn't make me "dump" but too much grease does. Usually. Fruit juices are too high in sugar so no jungle juice at Tusker House for me. Corn bread doesn't work, either. But any protein I can usually eat just fine.

At Disney, I avoid the quick service restaurants and eat at table service where I have better choices for protein. A hamburger is fine now and then, but steak, chicken, pork, is usually better for me. I can't handle chicken nuggets in the MK as I have tried, and I get sick. Buffets are actually great because you can take protein and skip the rest. Cape May for me is 100% crab legs. Steak is great at Jiko, Yachtsmen steakhouse, California Grill, etc. Salmon at Artist Point. There is a chicken salad at Liberty Tree that is great.

I remember before surgery thinking there were restaurants I'd never see again and things I'd never eat again. That really hasn't been true. We still go out, I just bring back a lot of leftovers. Those become lunch OR they get tossed if I can't get to them to finish them. Some things in restaurants can easily be 3 or 4 meals for me, even now. I can eat a LOT more than I could the first year or so after surgery. NOT eating it is the challenge.

Good luck to all of you who are just starting this journey. YOu will be happy that you did, I'm sure of it.
You are more then welcome. A friend of mine had such a hard time with any meats/chicken after surgery. She had hers in November and she is finally able to tolerate them. I felt bad for her. I would say it took her about 2 months or so. I'm not telling you this to scare you. Just take it easy. I try to do a protein shake at night as a "snack" but I'm not a huge fan of them. I did drink them in the beginning. Keep me posted on how you do!! I think we should be in Disney around the same time. We're going to be there Sept 18-25 and staying at Pop.

Heather I am learning that it takes time to find out what I can eat and what the new reality is of a portion size is for me. I get into problems when my eyes get bigger than my new stomach and the smells encourage over consumption. Every week gets better and better. I dumped the sherbert with the high fructose corn syrup into the trash and I am an avid label reader. I do occassionally indulge in a mini choc cup cake, but nothing regular. Any other desert is always sugar free if any. Thanks again for sharing and I'd love to keep in touch. We will be at POFQ September 19 through the 29th.
It is sunday night ppm and I? go in tomorrow morning at 5:15am My surgery is the first of the morning tomorrow at 6:50am. This is a big step and I am giving up alot. BUT, I got myself into this mess and I will get myself out. If I wasnt a diabetic I probably wouldnt be doing this. But since my liquid diet my blood sugars have been outstanding. So I expect much of the same after the operation especially since I am on a insulin pump now and I expect to get my A1C down to below 7. Thanks again all , I will update you shortly after the operation.

Hi Jeff, I just found your message so I'm sending you my prayers and best thoughts for a wonderful recovery. You are giving yourself and your family the very best gift you can give. The gift of more time with you in their lives. I'm cheering for you from here and can't wait to hear how well you are doing.
I am the "oldtimer" here having had my gastric bypass back in fall of 2006. It was a great decision! Sugar doesn't make me "dump" but too much grease does. Usually. Fruit juices are too high in sugar so no jungle juice at Tusker House for me. Corn bread doesn't work, either. But any protein I can usually eat just fine.

At Disney, I avoid the quick service restaurants and eat at table service where I have better choices for protein. A hamburger is fine now and then, but steak, chicken, pork, is usually better for me. I can't handle chicken nuggets in the MK as I have tried, and I get sick. Buffets are actually great because you can take protein and skip the rest. Cape May for me is 100% crab legs. Steak is great at Jiko, Yachtsmen steakhouse, California Grill, etc. Salmon at Artist Point. There is a chicken salad at Liberty Tree that is great.

I remember before surgery thinking there were restaurants I'd never see again and things I'd never eat again. That really hasn't been true. We still go out, I just bring back a lot of leftovers. Those become lunch OR they get tossed if I can't get to them to finish them. Some things in restaurants can easily be 3 or 4 meals for me, even now. I can eat a LOT more than I could the first year or so after surgery. NOT eating it is the challenge.

Good luck to all of you who are just starting this journey. YOu will be happy that you did, I'm sure of it.

Thanks for your input. I am sort of looking forward to the "challeng." I figured the day we eat at Mama Melrose, I'm going to ask for the chicken parm with no breading. HOpefully they will do that for me.
The operation went very well. Went directly to intensive care. Was not expecting soooo much pain. The first day was bad, well really the first 8 hrs was unbearable pain. Nobody warned me of that. The doc also fixed an umbilical hernia which may have had something to do with the pain. I had alot of info from these boards, my nutritionist, and doctor, but nobody ever mentioned the post op pain. My nutritionist, that works in the same hospital, saw me on day 2 and said "oh yea". I guess its better not to know and I think thats how they see it. Cause I was worried enough and that definetly would not have helped. They put me on a morphine pump, but they couldnt go any higher on the dosage because I was stopping breathing. But after about 6-8 hrs things started to improve and it has really gotten better every day. got out of intensive care late on day 2 and started my clear liquids around noon today. Really only had a couple spoonfuls of broth, sucked on a sugar free popsicle, and about 3 oz of sugar free lemonade. Been sippin water the rest of the time. Doc says I am doing good got up early on day 2 for a small walk and have progressed to a long walk about a half hour ago, maybe halfway down 1 halway and all the way down another to a waiting room where we sat for 15 minutes then headed back.

Thanks all for your prayers and well wishes, I will keep everyone updated. I decided that I am gonna get the DDP even if I lose money. I still want to experience the nice restaurants and hopefully 7 months out I will be able to eat some of the meals, even if its only a little bit.

Also thanks Inkmahm for your input and welcome to this thread. Please check back regularly and add input from time to time. I have a feeling I am not the only new guy who is going through this. Maybe over time this thread may climb the charts.

Thanks again
Congratulations, Jeff! It will get easier over time, but it is still NOT the "easy way out" for trying to lose weight, no matter what many people believe. I didn't mention it before but I was in the hosptial for a week. I had emergency surgery about 36 hours after my first surgery when a leak in the "old" stomach caused contents to leak into my abdominal cavity. I have never known such pain. Even with that behind me, I'd do the surgery again in a heartbeat if I had the choice to make again. It changes your life.
Congratulations, Jeff. Each day will definately continue to get better and better. Just do what the doc says and what the nutritionist says. Take it easy and keep walking. That will help get rid of the gas pains.
Congratulations on your progress Jeff. I am so glad you started this thread and I hope it continues to grow. Inkmahm - you are correct about saying that this surgery is no easy way to lose weight. Figuring out what you can and can't eat is a slow process - as well as keeping and starting healthy eating habits.

Jeff I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Finally home now and feeling pretty good. The doc prescribed me liquid Lortab, which is vicodin in liquid form. I have pills but he doesnt want me taking my pain pills yet. My nutritionist wants me to work my way up to 40oz of liquids a day, which at this time seems really tough. SF popsicles and jello seem to be my only substinance at this point. Broth is a part of just about every meal.
Sorry to hear about your trouble Inkmahm. I had a little point in the hospital when I was scared they were gonna have to go back in. I spiked a 102.4 fever and all kinda things went through my head. Turned out to be my catheder was a little infected, but they removed it and put me back on IV antibiotics for another 24hrs and it all cleared up. Weather sux here in the Chicago area right now, but plan on walking everyday.
How long were you guys/gals out of work? My doc says its 6 weeks average. I am in no hurry thats for sure. My short term disability pays 100% for up to 6 months.

Sounds like you're doing well, Jeff. I'm glad you're home now. You will get stronger just being at home.

As for seems like the people that have the surgery where I had it, seem on average to be out 2-3 weeks. I work part time at the mall (my Full time job is a Stay-at-home-mom) and I was back 2 weeks after surgery. I was dealing with the kids again practically right after surgery. lol.


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