Fossil solidifies T. rex link to birds


Backup Driver to Car#1
Dec 29, 1999
An article on MSNBC website today. Go read VERY INTERESTING, particularly the last line about people not believing this connection belong to the Flat Earth Society. Wonder if this story will make it to the papers in Kansas and Dover, Pa.?
DisDuck said:
particularly the last line about people not believing this connection belong to the Flat Earth Society.

The line quotes a scientist as having the opinion that people that don't believe that birds and dinosaurs are relate must be in the Flat Earth Society. Seems needlessly provocative to me, but I guess it makes for controversy and the opportunity to sort folks out.
Most illuminating, now whatever happened to that macro versus micro Evolution thread?

ford family
Interesting article. I’d hardly consider it conclusive in terms of a link between birds and dinosaurs, but then again, I belong to the “Flat Earth Society.” :teeth: ;)
It was an interesting article and here is the quote by Jack Horner the OP mentioned.

"Anyone who would argue that birds and dinosaurs are not related — frankly, I'd put them in the Flat Earth Society group."

I'm no authority on such matters but over the years I've read many accounts where claims have been made only to later find out that they've been hoaxes or upon futher study proven wrong. Evolution is no more a proven fact than creation. Both rest on a foundation of faith from what I can tell. Despite the continual search for the evolutionary "smoking gun" one hasn't been found.

This is true for many other scientific discoveries and pronouncements down through the ages. Hey at one time it was accepted scientific fact that the earth was flat. In the 70's scientists were lamenting global cooling, now it's global warming. I'm sure some are probably concluding that I'm against scientists and scientific research. No, not hardly because the world we live in today would not be what it is without scientists, inventors, and engineers. But, that doesn't mean that I blindly accept what these people peddle. Past experience show that they are wrong a good bit of the time and sometimes very wrong. For example, take the issue of eating eggs. At one point in time they were good for us, then bad for us, then good, and now somehere in between. Science does not have all of the answers. Some questions may simply be unanswerable by us humans.

I see this as yet anothe example to try and prove the unprovable. Perhaps I am wrong but I wouldn't bet the farm on it.
Oh, I would bet the farm. Considering the Earth flat as a wrong turn by scientists is stretching it just a 'little'. This observation was made with actual investigation just like the Sun revolved around the Earth. Once instrumentation was available to take measurements and observe the 'heavens' better these ideas were debunked.

There is an exhibit currently touring the country, at The American Museum of Natural History in NYC until Jan. 2006 then moves on to other places like Chicago & Philly (I think). There are presentations showing much more detail in the relationship of dinosaurs to birds then written in this article. The T. Rex finding evidenced by the 'soft' tissue found in the bone just added another piece to the puzzle in support of this thesis. This dinosaur was 'ovulating' when it died so the process could be studied. Now why would birds use the same 'shell' layering as a dinosaur if not because its (bird) ancestor was a dinosaur. Makes no logical sense otherwise.

Now over the years opinions on dinosaurs have changed. But this change was from 'picturing' them as clumsy/lomburing(sic) animals to actually at lot more agile then thought. There are dinosaur fossils with similar pelvic structures as modern birds. Tails did not drag but held aloft so as to act as a counter weight in balancing the body. All these new findings do not negate the evolutionary process they just fill in the gaps.

As to your comparison to 'eggs' and first good then bad then good, etc. Well, I really on my Registered Dietician whose knowledge of body chemistry is more than mine and eggs in and of themselves are not 'bad' but it is the interaction with your bodies chemistry that can make them 'bad'. If your cholestral is high then eggs will add to that problem.


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