$ for teens


Mar 16, 2001
Hi all, leaving in 9 days for Universal vacation.
Was wondering, how do you handle your teens and spending money? Last year on vacation, I gave my boys each $100.00 just for spending, I found that they pretty much hoarded it, thinking it would be nice to bring some $ home with them. (I tend to buy them whatever they want while on vacation, afterall, it's an excuse to splurge.) Should I just give them so much $ per day? Curious as to what other parents do, any suggestions out there would be appreciated. Patt
I think that all teens would try to hoard the $$$ if you just give it to them. There isn't that much for them to buy at this point in the parks. I make my children bring their own money for souviners. We are purchasing the passes and the air and the food so... anything extra they can get themselves. If they want something they are more prudent and decisive when it is their money. Last year my DD bought a Fan in Japan and my DS bought a decorative sword for his room. He is into fencing. They seem to have appreciated the purchases they made. Its funny how they want something when you are paying for it then when you get it home they have no idea of where it is. Both children will have part time jobs this summer so they will have alot of desposible income. I am suggesting they put part of it into a fund for college and spend some on the things they think they need. Neither of my children are into clothes or things like that but they do love computer equipment and Video games. I am trying to make them understand that the colleges they are interested in are very expensive and when they get there it isn't a big sleepover party. I am really finding all of this responsibility teaching difficult but necessary.
Thanks a lot! Guess I just needed someone to talk to about this. You're absolutely right though, it's not like they need toys & trinkets from the parks anymore.... I must add that they still have their souvenirs from our first trip to Disney, 8 years ago. They treasure their stuff from our trips. Thanks again for making me think-- it's not really necessary for them to be carrying cash. Now, to have them start packing.... :)
In my humble opinion, the best memories I have as a child were of my uncle giving us the famous book of E-Tickets when we went to Disneyland. It was unexpected, and we were encouraged to go wild, and we did. It was fantastic. In this vein, when we get to the airport I give each of my 4 teenagers $450 for their week's food, souveniors and mad-money. If they lose it, they are warned that it will be a miserable trip, so they guard each penny. They are told that I will cover the room, the park tickets, and transportation; but they are responsible for their meals and fun. Any money they want to save is theirs. It forces them to appreciate how fast money can be spent on food, snacks and miscellaneous goods. But the biggest benefit to me is that I don't feel like I'm constantly being nickeled and dime'd to death by the kids. I can relax and enjoy the vacation. The kids end up seeing that money does go fast, they eat what they want, but balance it against what it costs. It works great for us.
I cover the room, eats and tickets and constantly remind the kids to save every dime for vacation to buy the snacks and extras they always seem to want. My oldest has been saving her snack money I give her for school and the others have been doing extra chores at home to get money. My youngest is always on the lookout for loose change in washer and couches. LOL. I have learned that when they have money, they don't want to spend as quickly or carelessly.
We will be traveling to WDW in July with 2 teens
Age 18 & 16. Since we feel that they will want a little (maybe more) independance away from mom and Dad. My Husband and I have decided to give them each $30.00 per Day to spend on whatever and to pay for there lunch while in the park. If they decide not to eat and not to spend that will be their decision. I think this will out better then Just giving them a lump sum of Money at the beginning of the trip.


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