Flying with a Preschooler?


DIS Veteran
Mar 1, 2005
We have both driven and flown to Disney with our now 3 1/2 year old. We like both options for different reasons. Last time we flew he was 1 1/2. I am worried about the air pressure at take off. When he was a baby he took his bottle and everything was good. Now he is too young for gum and way past bottles lol. Did the air pressure changes bother anyone toddlers or preschoolers?

if so what did you do? I was thinking a lollipop or something? Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Dry snacks also work for planes. Chewing and regular swallowing help - it doesn't have to be something you suck on. And a bag of cheerios or goldfish is pretty clean.
For what it's worth, I don't think gum has to be ruled out. I taught both my kids to chew gum at the age of 3, partly for planes and partly for cleaning teeth after meals out. I didn't let them have it unsupervised at that age, but I don't think either one swallowed the gum more than twice (and I started with half-sticks).
I fly with my now 4 year old all the time. This time around should be much easier for you. From 18 months until 2 years, plane rides were a little more difficult. After that, they've been a breeze. I do cheat and bring an ipad loaded with her favorite movies though!

I second the lollipops, but not the spherical ones (like dum dums), those are a choking hazard. Make sure they are flat. I buy Yummy Earth lollipops on Amazon just for plane rides. The ascent never really bothers my daughter, the descent definitely affects her though. I give her a lollipop and that helps some, now she uses chewing gum. If you have a sippy cup with a straw that is a little harder to suck out of, that can help too. The good news is that by time their ears are hurting from the descent, you are almost off the plane!
I fly with my now 4 year old all the time. This time around should be much easier for you. From 18 months until 2 years, plane rides were a little more difficult. After that, they've been a breeze. I do cheat and bring an ipad loaded with her favorite movies though!

I second the lollipops, but not the spherical ones (like dum dums), those are a choking hazard. Make sure they are flat. I buy Yummy Earth lollipops on Amazon just for plane rides. The ascent never really bothers my daughter, the descent definitely affects her though. I give her a lollipop and that helps some, now she uses chewing gum. If you have a sippy cup with a straw that is a little harder to suck out of, that can help too. The good news is that by time their ears are hurting from the descent, you are almost off the plane!

Yes I have seen the Yummy Earth ones at my Whole Foods! I am also planning on the ipad with movies and games lol !thanks!

I will bring snacks too I didn't realize it was any chewing motion thank you everyone!
If you are bringing an I-pad along for your little one to watch movies, don't forget kid friendly headphones. I know Amazon sells many different kinds. You won't be allowed to have anything that makes noise without using headphones, or turning the sound off.
3.5 is a much better age for airplane travel than 1.5 in my experience - 1.5 is pretty much the worst time to travel. We're about to travel with my youngest who's nearly turned 3 and I'm hoping it'll be so much better than the last time we flew with him at 22 months (when... he was just so active, but unable to be reasoned with, and the pilot had the seatbelt light on almost the whole way back from England...)

He's really excited for the upcoming flight because he's newly potty trained and he is just amazed that there are potty's on planes. Anyway.

We abandon all device rules for trips - but make sure your kid will either use headphones or no volume at all on the ipad. Noise carries weird on planes, and you may not hear it next to them but it could be really annoying to people nearby.

The ear pressure issue for your kid should be the same as it would be for an adult. If your kid doesn't have any ear issues they shouldn't have a problem. But if they do, as previous posters have suggested, just bring some snacks. Cheerios, fruit chews, lollipops, squeezy applesauce packs all work. If you're anticipating problems I bring advil as well (well I bring this any way in case someone gets sick) - if you're using the chewable kind it's so much easier though.
I never even thought about that. It shows my local Target has a few so I am going to take him there and see which he likes. If he picks it he may be more apt to wear it lol.
I never even thought about that. It shows my local Target has a few so I am going to take him there and see which he likes. If he picks it he may be more apt to wear it lol.

If you are referring to kid size headphones - yes do this! I fly often and some flight crews are strict about everyone having headphones so its best to involve him now! Let him know the I pad, laptop etc. doesn't work on the plane like it does at home and he needs to wear the headphones or watch on silent.

As for ear popping - any sippy cup is fine, a sports bottle with the sip top or a even a straw will help. We also used lollypops and gummy candy - worked for ears and it was a treat they didn't normally have at home so it was a double win.
Gummy snacks are my choice. Kids love them and they are easy to carry and hand out. I also agree to not rule out gum. Both of mine were chewing it long before three. Make it a big deal and let him choose a kid friendly pack and talk about it and let him practice before hand. As others have said, sippy cups work well too. Bring empty and purchase a favorite drink after you get through security.
I've flown with my kids since they were infants. My oldest had ear tubes at one year old (almost to the date), and he had flown at least 8 times already. He didn't have any problems with pressure, even needing tubes (for multiple ear infections). Unless a child has a problem, he should be fine.

I agree that a 3 1/2 year old is much easier to travel with than a 1 1/2 year old! First time I took the kids solo, my youngest was only 4 (oldest was 6), and they were super easy to deal with alone.

I always brought things to occupy them, but that was before all the electronics we have today. We used the Crayola Color Wonder (not sure but I think they still make them) to color, as the color only appears on the special paper. I brought snacks, which was doubly helpful as my oldest had food allergies, so we needed to have his own. I admit, we did a lot of fruit snacks, which are pure sugar, but heck, it's vacation!
I just found these really cute headphones on amazon for my 3 year old - they are blue with cat ears and he's convinced they make him catboy. He's super excited. For this 3 hour flight to Orlando, I don't think we're going to bring much more than a few toys and the ipads on the plane, maybe a coloring book or two in case of delays.
I think we also taught DS how to chew gum by that age, but before that, Saf-T-Pops were our go-to!

Fruit gummies, any sippy cup or water bottle will work fine. Water bottle you can take empty and fill past security. have a few sips during take off. Definitely get the childrens earphones and get him used to using them before flying.
My daughter was 3 her first flight. We had candy like suckers and gummies and my parents had pretzels and peanut butter crackers. She didnt whine or complain about the pressure in her ears but every now and then would say she couldn’t hear and we’d give her a snack or treat and when her ears popped she’d get excited and tell us she could hear again. She did really great. We also had activities for her and let her bring her comfort items (a lovey, a blanket and a stuffed Minnie Mouse). We also allowed her to move around a little once she was allowed to but she mostly just wanted to sit in the seat. We did have a little bit of trouble with her excitedly kicking the seat in front of her but after she got yelled at she stopped and had no further issues.
I agree with what everyone is posting here! We have flown with our four kids quite a bit. My oldest daughter is STILL the one who has trouble with her ears at 10yo. The chewing and swallowing motion is key! "Fruit" snacks, drinking from a water bottle or sip cup is good. Have a great trip!


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