flex pass...early entry hours


Earning My Ears
Mar 7, 2001
do you still get early entry if you purchase the four park flex pass? what are the times? does everyone else enter at nine a.m.?
I called a couple of weeks ago and this is what I was told. The people that stay at one of their hotels, get in early every morning and unlimited express passes(just like fastpasses). The people that purchase the multi day tickets, get in early Sunday and Thursdays to Universal Studios and Monday and Wednesday to IOA. They also can choose 3 express passes at a time. One day tickets do not get too much. Please let me know if you have any questions. And I hope this helped.
I am sorry, the time will depend I suppose on the season, you will probably have to check on this. 1-800-uescape
Guests staying in on-site hotels have early theme park access on the following days:
Sunday & Thursday: USF
Monday & Wednesday: IOA

Multiday ticket holders (Flextickets included) do NOT get early theme park admission anymore.


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