First trip to DL May 4-8 -- Any tips?


Earning My Ears
Apr 3, 2000
Hi there -- My first trip to DL is almost here -- May 4-8 -- I can't wait. Any tips for a first timer? -- I have gone to WDW about twice a year since i can remember but have never made it over to DL. Any tips or info. on any special events would be appreciated. Thanks,
This will be our second visit...and we're looking forward to seeing DCA and deciding for ourselves whether or not it's worth it!

If you can, do early entry. It will make your life a lot easier.

DO NOT MISS the attractions that they do not have at WDW - notably, INDIANA JONES (hit this first thing and avoid the lines!), THE MATTERHORN, and ALICE IN WONDERLAND.

DO NOT MISS the attractions that are BETTER at DL -- including HAUNTED MANSION, PIRATES, SMALL WORLD. (N.B.: You can get by without doing SPLASH or SPACE MOUNTAIN, which are not as good as the versions at WDW.)

DO NOT MISS the Believe fireworks -- brace yourself for a lump in the throat, a tear in the eye, goosebumps up and down your arms!

You'll find that DL, while older and smaller, has its own distinct charms. The intimacy and loving attention to detail make all the difference. You shouldn't rush through this park, as you might the Magic Kingdom; it's meant for sauntering and savoring. WDW is big and burly and bustling. DL is sweet and charming.

Have a wonderful time!

<font color=blue>
<font face="Alaska">"It's the time of your life, so live it well..."

Greg K.
Forest Hills, NY
<font color=maroon>
Grand Floridian: '96,'97,'99
Disneyland Hotel: '00 '01

I would agree with what was said above but would have say that you should definately do Space Mountain if you like roller coasters as it is very different. The effects are about the same or not quite as good at DL but the coaster is a good one.
Unfortunately, it looks like the Matterhorn Bobsleds will be closed when we're there May 3-6. Not sure when they'll be up again (Mr. Lincoln is closed - but that's being totally re-vamped.) Eating lunch at the Blue Bayou is worth doing because it is so charming (but since meals are less expensive at lunch - that's a better deal.)
Make sure you are aware of which attractions have fastpass - you know from WDW how wonderful these are! The Golden Horseshoe has a fun show that is worth the time.
Personally, I'm looking forward to Downtown Disney & DCA!

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I cant Wait!! -- thanks so much for the replies -- any other tips would be appreciated.

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caesr, who will you be traveling with? Kids? Just grown ups? Teens? Elderly folk? And where are you staying? On site? Off site? What kinds of things do you like/dislike at WDW?

These things might be trigger something with our 'experts' and 'Disneyland Vets' :)



<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>
It will only be 2 of us travelling -- both Disney crazy -- We'll be staying 2 nights at the Disneyland Hotel and 2 nights at the Grand Californian -- we definately want to see things that are a bit different from WDW and unique to the DL resort -- Have any of you taken the tours there? I was wondering if we should take one. We are also considering maybe going to another park, either knotts, 6 flags or Universal -- what are your thoughts? Is universal like the one in FL -- we've been there many times. Thanks for the help!!

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I totally agree with all the above posts! I would like to add that you may want to consider a reservation at the Blue Bayou. If you've never seen it before, chances are you'll love the atmosphere! I would make a ressie for the first lunch seating. At DL, you can't call in advance, unless you're staying at a Disney resort (I think they'll only do it for concierge guests though). You need to go to the podium outside the restaurant when the park opens.

As far as Universal and Knotts, it depends on your travelling party. I love the shopping in the little mall outside Knotts, but for the attractions, I would choose Universal. They also have a City Walk like Orlando, and the park is very different. Hopefully this won't be ruining things for you, but instead of things like Jaws, King Kong, and Earthquake being separate, they are all part of a tram ride.

If you're into hard-core roller coasters, you may want to consider Magic Mountain!
Definitely Blue Bayou! :)

We've never taken any of the tours, but this time we're going to try the Walk in Walt's tour. :)

Did someone mention the dessert buffet for Fantasmic? I'm sure they did. :D


<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>

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