first time at poly

This is not true for Pago Pago. There is only one elevator and it is by the entrance furthest the GCH, not centrally located in the longhouse like Tokelau and Moorea. I was recently in room 2113 and it was at the complete opposite end of the hallway. I actually walked my suitcase up the staircase rather than walking down to the elevator and back to my room. I did eventually venture off to see how the elevator was in the event my mom who uses an ECV stayed there and it looked like it would be very difficult for her to navigate. I would definitely request a ground floor room for her!

I don't know for certain what room I was in at Pago Pago but it also was at the end nearest the GCH - either the last room or second to the last. Rolling my suitcase the entire length of the buildings was not that fun over the carpet. However I did think the elevator was in Pago Pago was larger than any of the elevators in the other 2 DVC buildings. I actually rode the elevator with someone in an ECV and their companion while toting my suitcase. I don't know that I would in any of the other buildings.
We stayed in Moorea in a Standard view on the third floor. We were at the far end of the building by the TTC. I absolutely loved this location because we could quickly walk to the TTC to hop a ferry to the MK or a the Monorail to EP. It wasn't noisy at the time we were staying, but I've heard complaints recently about construction noise from the TTC. So, that might be something to keep in mind to ask about if you are going soon.
We didn't spend much time in the ceremonial house, so it didn't bother us that we were farther away from it. As long as the weather is nice, it's a lovely walk to get there though.

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