First ever adults only trip!


Jun 2, 2009
So originally our family of 4 was planning on going to WDW in August. The week we have booked just so happens to be the same time that my ex (the girls' father) will be home on leave from the military and of course that is when he will want them.

Instead of cancelling the trip, my girls say they really are okay with NOT going on anyway (not sure they are even my kids after all lol) my husband and I decided we would go just the two of us. Even though I've been several times, this is the first time without kids or without being a kid myself, Haha. What are some of your favorite things to do childless? Honestly I don't think much will change touring-wise as I still enjoy much of the same things as the kids :rotfl2:
We are still going to keep the dining plan and try some places that the kids usually aren't down for as well as some old favorites. No signatures or anything fancy though. Probably my biggest decision right now is trying to decide how much we really want to do the Bon Voyage breakfast, and if that would be best on our Epcot morning or not. And of course deciding between Fantasmic! and the SW show. :confused3

Sorry that was a novel! Disney gets me too excited! :cool1:
Your are going to love doing an adults only trip! I like to do things that I don't enjoy as much when going with our kids such as parkhopping, evening EMH, and table service meals.

On our last couples trip we took a break from MK at Mizner's Lounge and found that to be really relaxing, so on our next trip we want to try more lounges. We are also planning to take a tour like Keys to the Kingdom or Wild Africa Trek as those aren't experiences we can do with our kids.
Definitely make plans for Trader Sam’s! I think a tour sounds great or maybe an after hours event (if offered while you are there).
DH and I went just the two of us in November 2017 and are doing another "just us" trip over Labor Day. It really is lovely! It's very different. We did some resort hopping along the monorail, which my boys would have found boring. Just took things slower, didn't have to be in line/on a ride at all times. Nobody was begging to go back to the resort to swim! LOL. This year, I want to do Trader Sam's, ride the boat to Wilderness Lodge, do Epcot's Behind the Seeds Tour. There will be a number of adult beverages consumed.
I am so jonesing for an adult only trip. Our last one was April of last year, and that was a cruise. Our last adult only WDW was November 2017. I will be doing a solo DLR trip fro D23 and a solo Universal in October. The wait is so long. I keep drooling over all of the restaurants and bars that we could be hitting on an adult only trip. Check out the lounges at the parks and resorts. That's something that our son doesn't really like, but nothing beats sitting at Nomad Lounge with an adult beverage and an app watching all of the Pandora craziness.
We’ve been doing adults only for 18 years, since child went to college. We do lots backstage tours. We’ve done 5-6 at animal kingdom. We eat well. We also park hop. Day park then different park for dinner (or close by resort). Things are slower. We don’t do as many rides.

We don’t do character meals normally. But this time we did Bob Voyage. Rapunzel and Eugene are my favorites. Food was excellent. We got done in time to walk to Epcot before 9:30.

My favorite event is Luch with imagineer at brown derby.
Congrats on the adults trip!! My favorite way to Disney is SOLO!!! You can still do everything you would do with kids but so much more. You can pick up the pace or slow down. Less people to please. Take in some of the resorts. So many of them are very romantic. WL, BW and Poly are faves at night when traveling with DH.
We started with adults only trips, so adding a kid into the mix has cramped our style. I enjoy Jock Lindsay's Hangar Bar over in Disney Springs. Not feeling compelled to cram in all the rides, riding living with the land 8 million times.

Tours were never on our radar, but I've always wanted to do the behind the seeds tour at Epcot.
So originally our family of 4 was planning on going to WDW in August. The week we have booked just so happens to be the same time that my ex (the girls' father) will be home on leave from the military and of course that is when he will want them.

Instead of cancelling the trip, my girls say they really are okay with NOT going on anyway (not sure they are even my kids after all lol) my husband and I decided we would go just the two of us. Even though I've been several times, this is the first time without kids or without being a kid myself, Haha. What are some of your favorite things to do childless? Honestly I don't think much will change touring-wise as I still enjoy much of the same things as the kids :rotfl2:
We are still going to keep the dining plan and try some places that the kids usually aren't down for as well as some old favorites. No signatures or anything fancy though. Probably my biggest decision right now is trying to decide how much we really want to do the Bon Voyage breakfast, and if that would be best on our Epcot morning or not. And of course deciding between Fantasmic! and the SW show. :confused3

Sorry that was a novel! Disney gets me too excited! :cool1:

It really depends on when you are going on Hollywood Studios. If it is before August 29, you can do it in one day, but anytime after you will want a second day just for Galaxy's Edge. Aside from that, take advantage of World Showcase and build the rest of your trip the way you want. Now, when you say no signature restaurants, you may want to consider doing one, since there are some you would never get to do with kids. In particular Jiko, Tiffin's, and Jaleo come to mind here, all of which are dining plan eligible. Alternatives that are only one table service credit but along similar lines are Sanaa and Toledo(opening in July). Something to think about in any case. Enjoy your trip.
Congrats on the adults trip!! My favorite way to Disney is SOLO!!! You can still do everything you would do with kids but so much more. You can pick up the pace or slow down. Less people to please. Take in some of the resorts. So many of them are very romantic. WL, BW and Poly are faves at night when traveling with DH.

I am with you on the solo trips. I have a tendency to go full force and when traveling with someone else they tend to want to move much slower. I typically only slow down if I need to get out of the heat or start feeling sick.
Thanks for all the replies!

We will probably still ride just as many rides as we would with the kids, so I'm not sure how different our touring style may be with just us two lol. I am considering some tours and definitely more adult beverages, just can't get too crazy with the budget. I'm interested in the Lion King musical dining at Jiko if it will still be happening in August and the price point actually isn't bad for that one. We also have tentative reservations for places we have never been able to try: Skipper Canteen, Yak and Yeti, Teppan Edo as the girls have no interest in those places. Likes and dislikes for those places? Our other restaurants so far are Be Our Guest lunch, Mama Melrose (my favorite in HS), and Crystal Palace which I'm debating keeping even though I always enjoy.

We’ve been doing adults only for 18 years, since child went to college. We do lots backstage tours. We’ve done 5-6 at animal kingdom. We eat well. We also park hop. Day park then different park for dinner (or close by resort). Things are slower. We don’t do as many rides.

We don’t do character meals normally. But this time we did Bob Voyage. Rapunzel and Eugene are my favorites. Food was excellent. We got done in time to walk to Epcot before 9:30.

My favorite event is Luch with imagineer at brown derby.
Our Bon Voyage breakfast is at 7:30, and we were probably going to try to rope drop TT or Soarin' and spend most of the morning in FW. Would this even work? That day is evening EMH and I wanted to spend sometime after dark in WS, but if nothing is really open, should we flip that day and do the reverse?
We went for the first time last year as adults is SO DIFFERENT AND WONDERFUL! We could just go where the wind took us. I wasn't spending the whole trip worrying about someone else's good time :)

Visit the Boardwalk at night. There are some fun bars, and if you walk over to the Swan there is Karaoke at Kimonos! It's really pretty and peaceful to walk around over there at night.
Thanks for all the replies!

We will probably still ride just as many rides as we would with the kids, so I'm not sure how different our touring style may be with just us two lol. I am considering some tours and definitely more adult beverages, just can't get too crazy with the budget. I'm interested in the Lion King musical dining at Jiko if it will still be happening in August and the price point actually isn't bad for that one. We also have tentative reservations for places we have never been able to try: Skipper Canteen, Yak and Yeti, Teppan Edo as the girls have no interest in those places. Likes and dislikes for those places? Our other restaurants so far are Be Our Guest lunch, Mama Melrose (my favorite in HS), and Crystal Palace which I'm debating keeping even though I always enjoy.

Our Bon Voyage breakfast is at 7:30, and we were probably going to try to rope drop TT or Soarin' and spend most of the morning in FW. Would this even work? That day is evening EMH and I wanted to spend sometime after dark in WS, but if nothing is really open, should we flip that day and do the reverse?

Never heard anything bad about Yak & Yeti or Jungle Skipper Canteen. On a note, Yak & Yeti does accept the Landry's card. Costs $25, but you get a $25 credit plus some discounts and priority seating I believe. Disney Food Blog has information about all of this on their site.
Teppan Edo is in my maybe pile. I have better restaurants near me in that style. I think when we went, the chef had an off day or he was part of the B or C squad, competent cook but sub par on the entertainment.

If you absolutely don't have that style of restaurant near you, definitely try it out.
It really depends on when you are going on Hollywood Studios. If it is before August 29, you can do it in one day, but anytime after you will want a second day just for Galaxy's Edge. Aside from that, take advantage of World Showcase and build the rest of your trip the way you want. Now, when you say no signature restaurants, you may want to consider doing one, since there are some you would never get to do with kids. In particular Jiko, Tiffin's, and Jaleo come to mind here, all of which are dining plan eligible. Alternatives that are only one table service credit but along similar lines are Sanaa and Toledo(opening in July). Something to think about in any case. Enjoy your trip.

We are going early August so no Galaxy's Edge for us. Signature dining, aside from possibly the Lion King special thing at Jiko, I am just not sure. Being on the dining plan it would take up 2 credits each so we would need to pay OOP somewhere for something so it will take some figuring and ik not even 100% sure on some of the choices we already have. Hubs can be picky with his food and not always super adventurous. Although I was digging The Boathouse's menu until I realized it was signature :rolleyes2 so that's a maybe.

Teppan Edo is in my maybe pile. I have better restaurants near me in that style. I think when we went, the chef had an off day or he was part of the B or C squad, competent cook but sub par on the entertainment.

If you absolutely don't have that style of restaurant near you, definitely try it out.

We do have hibachi places near us so I was on the fence about it as well. Hubby loves hibachi though so it may be one of his requests although I'm sure there are others he wouldn't mind trying. We had a dinner reservation at La Hacienda but I ended up cancelling. We are there our last trip and liked it well enough and we were actually able to watch Illuminations while eating but I wasnt sure we would get lucky like that again and as this is the last time we will see that show I kind of want to watch from outside.
We are going early August so no Galaxy's Edge for us. Signature dining, aside from possibly the Lion King special thing at Jiko, I am just not sure. Being on the dining plan it would take up 2 credits each so we would need to pay OOP somewhere for something so it will take some figuring and ik not even 100% sure on some of the choices we already have. Hubs can be picky with his food and not always super adventurous. Although I was digging The Boathouse's menu until I realized it was signature :rolleyes2 so that's a maybe.

My point was really you do have the option, since it is just the two of you, to do one night that is something special that you ordinarily would not get to do. That said, if you do choose to do that, pay for your cheapest table service out of pocket. You may also be able to find a similar restaurant for one table service credit if you look a bit. My solo trip, I happen to be going during a time that overlaps with the opening of Galaxy's Edge, for a 10 night/11 day trip, and will be doing a few signatures simply because Food & Wine takes care of most of my Epcot days. Don't forget that, starting next Wednesday, you have the option of upgraded MagicBands in your account as well. The open editions will be a $10 charge and any limited edition ones they offer will be from $20 up for the upgrade. Also, given you are going early August, you may want to consider doing one of the Villains After Hours events, if you can budget it and your dates allow. I would tend to look at special events or finding ways to enhance your trip to make it special for you two or get the most out of your time there. Only you will know what is ultimately worth it for you. For me, my focus for my trip is Food & Wine, MNSSHP, H2O Party(arrival day and I love water parks), and being the foodie(trained in restaurant management actually) I am, unique dining experiences. You will have your own priorities, which you and your husband can decide between yourselves, and once you have those it will make it much easier. I am not sure, but I believe the Guardians of the Galaxy concert will be going on at Epcot through sometime in early August, but you will have to verify on the Disney site if that is of interest to you.
We have gone the last few years as adult only trip and it is so much fun. We go during Food and wine and love it.
As mentioned above, Trader Sams is a lot of fun.
It was fun with the kids when they were smaller and its fun now without the kids, just different.
This fall will be different again when we go with our son and his wife.
My point was really you do have the option, since it is just the two of you, to do one night that is something special that you ordinarily would not get to do. That said, if you do choose to do that, pay for your cheapest table service out of pocket. You may also be able to find a similar restaurant for one table service credit if you look a bit. My solo trip, I happen to be going during a time that overlaps with the opening of Galaxy's Edge, for a 10 night/11 day trip, and will be doing a few signatures simply because Food & Wine takes care of most of my Epcot days. Don't forget that, starting next Wednesday, you have the option of upgraded MagicBands in your account as well. The open editions will be a $10 charge and any limited edition ones they offer will be from $20 up for the upgrade. Also, given you are going early August, you may want to consider doing one of the Villains After Hours events, if you can budget it and your dates allow. I would tend to look at special events or finding ways to enhance your trip to make it special for you two or get the most out of your time there.

I have the feeling we will change restaurant reservations several times before we nail them down completely. I have been looking at several tours and we are actually interested in the Villains After Hours event even though it is a bit more pricey than I'd like. I didn't notice, but is it like MNSSHP where we can visit a different park until party time and then enter MK with our event ticket? Oh I would LOVE to visit during F&W sometime. Here's hoping!

We have gone the last few years as adult only trip and it is so much fun. We go during Food and wine and love it.
As mentioned above, Trader Sams is a lot of fun.
It was fun with the kids when they were smaller and its fun now without the kids, just different.
This fall will be different again when we go with our son and his wife.

Hopefully we will get to visit during F&W eventually. This is the second comment about Trader Sam's so I will look into that as admittedly I know nothing about it lol.
I'll tell you one thing my DW and I do when we travel solo that is exactly what we did when we brought the kids - go back to the resort mid day and take a nap (or do what I always called "extra magic hours"). Seriously, avoid the hottest time of the day and enjoy the resort. So if you really don't need a nap (we actually do so we can stay up till 2 am), then hang out at the resort pool.
Things we do without the kids are explore the resorts, take our time shopping and drinking around the world, do the monorail drinking tour - or whatever it is called, get massages at the GF spa. I write about this all the time, but my favorite thing is to go over to AKL and look at the African art on each floor, the Martin and Osa Johnson area (then read the book "I Married Adventure" - a true story), look at the animals with the night vision goggles, and finally have a drink at Victoria Falls. The restaurants and bars at Disney Springs are pretty good and some are pretty new. Have fun.
I have the feeling we will change restaurant reservations several times before we nail them down completely. I have been looking at several tours and we are actually interested in the Villains After Hours event even though it is a bit more pricey than I'd like. I didn't notice, but is it like MNSSHP where we can visit a different park until party time and then enter MK with our event ticket? Oh I would LOVE to visit during F&W sometime. Here's hoping!

Hopefully we will get to visit during F&W eventually. This is the second comment about Trader Sam's so I will look into that as admittedly I know nothing about it lol.

After Hours, to my knowledge, does work identically to MNSSHP. From my understanding, the only hard ticket event that doesn't is Early Morning Magic.


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