Firs Trip ......Looking for help in making it extra special


Love the Mouse and the World!
Jan 12, 2001
This is our first trip to Disney -- DD, DS(5) and DS(2). I want to make it extra special. I had read in a post awhile ago about having baskets of goodies in the room when you arrive. Any inofrmation on this would be greatly appreciated?? Did you do this through WDW Florist? Are there pictures of the baskets available?

Thanks for the help! This board is full of wonderful advise!!!!

74 days and counting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have no idea but I will bump this up!
Welcome elmo, click on the search button above (on the pink line where your login name appears) and type in: gift baskets...this will call up a bunch of previous threads where people talk about getting baskets.
Hope this helps. Have a wonderful trip.
Colleen :)
OH MY G-!!!!!

I only have 74 more days to go.. And I want to get a disney goodie basket...

WOW!! Great minds do really think alike..

See you there, I will be the mom in tears when i get there, I have been planning this vacation so long, i think I am going to burst the minute I step off the plan!!!
I also have a 2 and 5 year old (both boys). I ordered 2 autograph books and 2 fat pens from Gifts of a lifetime and then went to local Disney Store and found some odds and ends at KMart and Target...made my own basket with a "personalized" note to my sons from Mickey and shipped to the hotel for our arrival. The bell hop brought it up after we checked in and my son's couldn't believe that Mickey knew they had arrived! They were things that I would have bought in the park anyway (t-shirt for each, pez dispenser, etc.) Have a great time!
.... but several years ago at the brown derby in MGM, my parents had some connnection with the restaurant and had Goofy (yes, the real Goofy) give me a phone call while eating lunch. I was absolutely stunned, but casually talked to Goofy as if we were best friends. Looking back on it, it is this absolutely hilarious!! But i remember how happy I was and i still remember it! Getting to the may want to inquire in a restaurant whether you could to something like that- it will make your trip extra special!!! Hope this helps!! :D :D

<font size=4 color="#FF9900"><font face="Bradley Hand ITC"><marquee direction="right align="middle" behavior="alternate">"Por favor montegan se alejardo de las puertas"</marquee></font></font></font> <font size=4 color="#FF9900"><font face="Bradley Hand ITC"> -the monorail at WDW

Next Trip!: 3/25/01-Disney World and 3/29/01- 3-Day Disney Wonder </font></font></font>

<font size=4 color="#006600"><font face="Bradley Hand ITC"> ****Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!****</font></font></font>
I made an "invitation" from Cinderella, inviting my daughter to a very special breakfast. I brought iridescent, heart shaped confetti and when my dh took my 5yo dd down to look around the pool, I sprinkled the "Princess dust" from the doorway to the bed, and left the invitation on the bed. The invitation had a color picture of Cinderella, and I had my mom (who has great handwriting) write the message. You should have seen the look on her face - she was so excited that I started crying. That made our whole trip absolutey worth it.

I also picked up Disney stuff at the Dollar Tree -suckers shaped like characters, Pez dispensers, etc...and gave dd a little something each morning.



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