
Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Hi all! Are we still getting together at Square One in February? I think it's a great time of year ~ low crowds. It's just before Julie's WDW trip! What a great way to prepare for a WDW trip!

What are good dates for everyone?

Feb 1st and 22nd are not good for me.



Sandra, dh, dd, ds
Karen, dd
Janet, dd
Baboo, dh, dd
Suzanne and Smiley Ryleigh (6)
Tigercat ?
Depending on the time and date maybe my dd & I can come just let me know. I know my dd can't come on Saturdays.
The 1st and the 8th are out for me. I would love to meet up with some Dis people. Met a few down in WDW in Dec at Chef Mickey's but only had a few minutes then. Let me know!
Sounds like fun. Keep me posted. It's easy to get to right???? Talk to you soon. It'll be fun since I'm in the throws of planning our summer trip and my friend made me a great "disneyvacationmom" photo album for Christmas. See you soon. Kathy
Name the time and date, and I'll make sure the pictures are develped!

How about Sunday, Feb 9th at 11:30am.

Only the Walmart and a few counter restaurants are open in the food court at that time of day and it's not very busy. We park at the Walmart and walk to the food court from there. The Disney Store is across from the food court. Today, we went to a drive-thru Tim Horton's because the food court Timmy's is pretty busy at 11:30am. The DS opens at noon so we can have a chat before it gets too busy. What do you think? S
And it even gives me enough time to watch Coronation Street!LOL

Sunday, February 9th is okay with me, Sandra. :)

We'll all be looking forward to seeing your pictures, too, Janet! :bounce:
Sounds good to me. Daughter has swimming at 10 but I can see if hubby can take her. I'll work on it.
Hopefully that will work for us. DS will be in Quebec the next weekend, so this one is better for us. I'll try to get the Sunday off.
I will be there with DD (11:30, right?) unless the weather is bad.

Sandra, dh, dd, ds
Karen, dd
Janet, dd
Baboo, dh, dd
Suzanne and Smiley Ryleigh (6)
Tigercat ?

Looks like a good crowd! See you in a couple of weeks! S
I have no idea who I will be looking for but if ya see a cute little kid being pushed in a wheelchair with her hands in her mouth... as always... someone grab us. We should be there between 11:30 and 12.
Suzanne and Smiley Ryleigh (6)
I hope DH and I can make it to this, I'd love to meet up with all the other Bobble Head people! ;) :)

Kim :)
I think I'll be in Missassauga that weekend for school:Pinkbounc
So I'll be to meet up with the bobblehead disers too.
Great picture Karen, you look lovely!! :) I've met that rascal Disneycub..lol :)

I look forward to meeting you!
Sounds like fun! I'll see if I can take that Sunday off from work ...


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