Fast passes being enforced

We were always the evil hoarders that would collect FP throughout the day and end up with 5 or 6 for different rides when you could return at any time. We usually rode the ride in standby first and then grabbed a FP for later afterwards.

One of the coolest things I liked to do was to offer random people our unused FP's if we decided to hop to another park instead of staying around. Disney has ruined my magical feeling. I like to be nice and all, but I'm not going to hand my Smartphone or Magicallycraptastic bracelet to them on my way out of the exit.


Yeah, unfortunately, you were violating Disney policy. Disney didnt need you to decide who gets a FP and who doesnt. And you ruined others potential magical feeling by hoarding FPs.


What you are seeing is just a flip side of what they are complaining about. They think they are entitled to tour the way they always have been and now are just bitter and angry their advantage is being taken away from them. And I agree with you, PeterPanic, the way people were using FPs was not what Disney had in mind when they first rolled out the program. Now they are making a course correction and you see the bitterness and entitlement mentality come to the forefront.
Everybody, sing along with me... (to the tune of Kumbaya)

Fast pass plus, my lord, fast pass plus.
Fast pass plus, my lord, fast pass plus.
Fast pass plus, my lord, fast pass plus.

Oh, lord.... fast pass plus.

Someone's riding, lord, fast pass plus.
Auntie Lucy, lord, Uncle Gus.
They hit rope drop, lord, there's no fuss.

Oh, lord.... fast pass plus.

It's got RFID, lord, fast pass plus.
In a bracelet, lord, fast pass plus.
Tied to credit cards, fast pass plus.

Oh, lord.... fast pass plus.

Missed my window, lord, fast pass plus.
My ADR ran late, fast pass plus.
Had to lick my plate, fast pass plus.

Oh, lord, fast pass plus.

Only one E-ride, fast pass plus.
Glacial stand-by lines, fast pass plus.
No more park hopping, fast pass plus.

Oh, lord.... fast pass plus?


:lmao: very nice!
I think we all followed your sentiments and in a good way. Ideally everybody should have an opportunity to get a shortcut in the line of their favorite ride, but logistically it can't happen. Disney created a system that allowed people, once they understood the rules, multiple chances to get a FP to their favorite ride(s). Nobody was abusing the system, just playing by the rules established. With Disney increasing their costs every year (parking, admission, rooms, etc), I don't fault people for trying to maximize the value of their vacation, even if it means the acquisition of multiple FPs.

With the potential of longer lines, more crowds and dwindling "slow" seasons, maybe it's time for Disney to build more attractions at all the parks to spread out the lines and wait times.

You are wrong. People were abusing the system. Violating written Disney rules. But of course, the rules are for other people when they inconvenience them.
What you are seeing is just a flip side of what they are complaining about. They think they are entitled to tour the way they always have been and now are just bitter and angry their advantage is being taken away from them. And I agree with you, PeterPanic, the way people were using FPs was not what Disney had in mind when they first rolled out the program. Now they are making a course correction and you see the bitterness and entitlement mentality come to the forefront.

And I kind of see it the other way. The ones that aren't willing to be at the park at rope drop feel they are "entitled" to the same amount of FPs as my family that will be there at rope drop and spend 14 to 16 hours in the park. The way you see is even if you spend only 6 to 8 hours in the park, you should be "entitled" to the same amount of FPs as our family. Hmmm....more hours/work (not that I think of Disney as work!!) equals greater pay (FPs) or no matter the hours/work the same pay....doesn't sound like me that feels entitled. We've done what we needed to do to "earn" our FP. Don't be mad at us because you don't want to do the same.

And another keep saying that Disney never intented for people to get more than one FP per ride. Where is the information stated?? Or is this just what you want to believe?

I'll drink to that, Mesa! :drinking1 Thank God I can do that in MK now. I'm gonna have to pass the time someway or another.

Oh, and UNC....try and tell me the smiles weren't real when we handed those FP's to Honeymooners, teenagers or a Dad and son. Sometimes the magic is what you make of it. That, and getting there at RD and having an awesome plan of attack. :idea:
And I kind of see it the other way. The ones that aren't willing to be at the park at rope drop feel they are "entitled" to the same amount of FPs as my family that will be there at rope drop and spend 14 to 16 hours in the park. The way you see is even if you spend only 6 to 8 hours in the park, you should be "entitled" to the same amount of FPs as our family. Hmmm....more hours/work (not that I think of Disney as work!!) equals greater pay (FPs) or no matter the hours/work the same pay....doesn't sound like me that feels entitled. We've done what we needed to do to "earn" our FP. Don't be mad at us because you don't want to do the same.

And another keep saying that Disney never intented for people to get more than one FP per ride. Where is the information stated?? Or is this just what you want to believe?

You are trying to put words in my mouth.

I had ZERO problems with people in the past going in at RD and getting as many FPS as they could provided that they used them.

AND I NEVER said that Disney never intended for people to get more than one FP per ride. NEVER SAID IT.

I said, that the way FPs were being used was not what Disney had originally intended. AND I said there was abuse because people were acting as a secondary distribution system for FPs.
It's obvious that no one is understanding this at all. I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about the fact that your three more groups of 4 also did not get those FP's because the first group already got them.

I am obviously oblivious to theme park normality's. Apparently the perks that are given out were designed only for those that got up early and make a vacation into a marathon. I don't think that was the original intent. No one should lose if they snooze. When did this become a contest.

I will end my involvement with this discussion by asking this. Suppose you made a reservation to your favorite restaurant because you had a real craving for their special Steak and Baked Potato. You made that reservation when it could fit in with your life. You get to the restaurant and when you place your order they tell you that they were incredibly sorry but there was this large group of people that came in earlier and had ordered the Steak and Baked Potato and they were all out. They did, however, tell you that they have quite a few bowls of Cheerio's left and they would be more than happy to give you that instead, same price of course. Would that be a suitable substitute for what you wanted? I mean after all it must be fair cause when you snooze you lose.

Love your example, because the answer is YES! If someone arrives before you and they order all the food you wanted, sorry, but you won't get any. Thanks for making a great point. The people that think they can do less and get the same are a much bigger problem than those who are willing to put forth an effort to get what they want.
mom2mickeyfan said:
And I kind of see it the other way. The ones that aren't willing to be at the park at rope drop feel they are "entitled" to the same amount of FPs as my family that will be there at rope drop and spend 14 to 16 hours in the park. The way you see is even if you spend only 6 to 8 hours in the park, you should be "entitled" to the same amount of FPs as our family. Hmmm....more hours/work (not that I think of Disney as work!!) equals greater pay (FPs) or no matter the hours/work the same pay....doesn't sound like me that feels entitled. We've done what we needed to do to "earn" our FP. Don't be mad at us because you don't want to do the same.

And another keep saying that Disney never intented for people to get more than one FP per ride. Where is the information stated?? Or is this just what you want to believe?

100% agree!!!!!
I'll drink to that, Mesa! :drinking1 Thank God I can do that in MK now. I'm gonna have to pass the time someway or another.

Oh, and UNC....try and tell me the smiles weren't real when we handed those FP's to Honeymooners, teenagers or a Dad and son. Sometimes the magic is what you make of it. That, and getting there at RD and having an awesome plan of attack. :idea:

I am sure those smiles were real. Just as real as the disappointment and tears on the other end when people couldnt get FPs because you hoarded them for your own selfish desires. Disney doesnt need a secondary distribution system for FPs. You violated their rules. I am sure you would feel different if the rules were broken and you came out on the short end of the stick. You would be crying all the way to guest relations.

I am all for an awesome plan of attack and RD. I was there in June and did just that. RD and pulled as many FPs as I could and used each and every one of them.
You are trying to put words in my mouth.

I had ZERO problems with people in the past going in at RD and getting as many FPS as they could provided that they used them.

AND I NEVER said that Disney never intended for people to get more than one FP per ride. NEVER SAID IT.

I said, that the way FPs were being used was not what Disney had originally intended. AND I said there was abuse because people were acting as a secondary distribution system for FPs.

Are you saying its abuse to give away fp's that I changed my mind about using?
You are wrong. People were abusing the system. Violating written Disney rules. But of course, the rules are for other people when they inconvenience them.

What rules were being violated with the FP?? If I get another FP during the time frame that I'm allowed to on my current FP, how am I breaking a rule?

Disney could easily program the system currently and only allow one FP per person with a message like it is when you try to get another FP before the 2-hour window.

People may not think it's fair because they didn't get a FP for whatever reason, but I don't believe any rules where broken. Maybe the spirit of the FP or Disney's plan for them was, but that can and sounds like will be fixed.

As I said before, some people try to maximize their trip to Disney due to costs, and if collecting their allotment of FP helps them feel like they did that, good for them.

Maybe lines were shorter (or went through quicker) prior to the FP, and maybe FP+ will bring back the days of yesteryear, but as of now, no one is abusing the system.
Oh boy, at this rate I'll be under the table faster than that Nepalese dude against Marion Ravenwood. I gotta bail.
What rules were being violated with the FP?? If I get another FP during the time frame that I'm allowed to on my current FP, how am I breaking a rule?

Disney could easily program the system currently and only allow one FP per person with a message like it is when you try to get another FP before the 2-hour window.

People may not think it's fair because they didn't get a FP for whatever reason, but I don't believe any rules where broken. Maybe the spirit of the FP or Disney's plan for them was, but that can and sounds like will be fixed.

As I said before, some people try to maximize their trip to Disney due to costs, and if collecting their allotment of FP helps them feel like they did that, good for them.

Maybe lines were shorter (or went through quicker) prior to the FP, and maybe FP+ will bring back the days of yesteryear, but as of now, no one is abusing the system.

The tickets plainly state they are non-transferable. So when people gave them away in the past in order to grant "pixie dust" to others it was abuse. Plain and simple.

Again, I had no problems with people maximizing the FP system WITHIN the rules.
Love your example, because the answer is YES! If someone arrives before you and they order all the food you wanted, sorry, but you won't get any. Thanks for making a great point. The people that think they can do less and get the same are a much bigger problem than those who are willing to put forth an effort to get what they want.

Well said...but this must mean we feel we are "entitled". I mean...what I crazy idea that someone that is willing to put forth more effort should expect to get more from the park experience!! ;)
The tickets plainly state they are non-transferable. So when people gave them away in the past in order to grant "pixie dust" to others it was abuse. Plain and simple.

Again, I had no problems with people maximizing the FP system WITHIN the rules.

No problem there. I was just curious since you quoted my post saying I was wrong and people were abusing the system when I didn't address the transferring of FP to other people, only the ability of park goers to get their allotment of FP according to rules. And for the record, I understand your frustration if people are grabbing FP with no intent on using them and then giving them away, but I don't have a problem if they planned on using them, but something came up (ADR, got tired, etc) gave those FPs as "pixie dust."

Regardless, hope the new system is one everybody is happy with.
mom2mickeyfan said:
And I kind of see it the other way. The ones that aren't willing to be at the park at rope drop feel they are "entitled" to the same amount of FPs as my family that will be there at rope drop and spend 14 to 16 hours in the park. The way you see is even if you spend only 6 to 8 hours in the park, you should be "entitled" to the same amount of FPs as our family. Hmmm....more hours/work (not that I think of Disney as work!!) equals greater pay (FPs) or no matter the hours/work the same pay....doesn't sound like me that feels entitled. We've done what we needed to do to "earn" our FP. Don't be mad at us because you don't want to do the same.

And another keep saying that Disney never intented for people to get more than one FP per ride. Where is the information stated?? Or is this just what you want to believe?

You are forgetting that those other people have put in the same as you in that they paid the same as you did for their tickets. As such, thy have just as much expectation to come away happy. At the end of the day, these people aren't going to be mad at the FP 'hoarders'. They will be mad at Disney. As such, it us in Disney's best interest to spread the happy, even if it means that you and I no longer get to FP TSMM four or five times.
No problem there. I was just curious since you quoted my post saying I was wrong and people were abusing the system when I didn't address the transferring of FP to other people, only the ability of park goers to get their allotment of FP according to rules. And for the record, I understand your frustration if people are grabbing FP with no intent on using them and then giving them away, but I don't have a problem if they planned on using them, but something came up (ADR, got tired, etc) gave those FPs as "pixie dust."

Regardless, hope the new system is one everybody is happy with.

But according the the logic being used in this thread, if i worked hard to get my FPs and got up early and did RD, why should someone who was gifted FPs and didnt do any of the hard work I did be in front of me in any line?


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