Family splitting/going to diff parks?


Earning My Ears
Feb 6, 2001
We are planning our first trip to WDW in October. My dh, myself, and two dd's who are 3 and 5. Also joining us is my sil and nephew, who is 11. We are staying offsit at a Premier Home. Will it be a big hassle to drop them off at a different park like MGM and then us proceed to MK? Or would it be better, say, for us all to go and park at MK and then them catch a bus or something to a different park?
Actually, you can't really park at park at the TTC and then take the Monorail to the MK. You could therefore park there and some could take the Monorail to MK, others could take the Monorail to EPCOT, and I imagine you could also take buses to MGM and AK (although I haven't done that before.)

Have a good trip!
If you want positive control over where the young ones (the 11 year old might fit if mature enough) are, tell the first CM you come to directing traffic after the toll booth and tell them you are dropping off, they will let you drive up to where the bus's let off (Except MK - there you just drive up like going to one of the resorts). If you feel secure with the older kids (11 would be young for me) running loose then the kids seem to enjoy the transportation (monorail, boat, bus, etc.) as much as the parks!



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