"ENCHANTED TALES with ROB" - A Birthday/Christmas DISer Celebration! **NEW TR LINK**

What a fun meet and a Birthday celebration. Fun.
MMM, slushies. I was not allowed to have them this trip but next time I will make up for it.
I agree about the line for Aurora when Maleficent opens.
Lucky you seeing Tink at Epcot.
The fish and chips look good.
That is funny you took the pic of the merry mixer sign. Vinny and I were at the beginning of the line. We were number 4 & 5 on it. I do not see us in the line going in so we must have been inside already.
Caught up again.
I'm new to DIS and stumbled upon your TR and just wanted to say I've really enjoyed it so far!! Sounds like you had a great time!! (I'm not completely through it yet though). I think it's so interesting to read about other people's trips and it helps give you ideas for the next time you go. I will be at WDW the first week in Dec this year for my honeymoon so reading this is definitely making me excited for all the decorations and MVMCP!!
It's true. You can hear some fascinating comments made by people when you just listen (or eavesdrop, as it may be....), especially when kids ask random questions and the adults come up with answers that are either: (1) :scratchin completely wrong and pulled from thin air; (2) :mic: completely wrong and coming from a know-it-all (NOT!); (3) :joker: a complete lie to make the child happy or satisfied enough to stop asking questions.

There are times I want to chime in with the correct information, but usually I just walk away chuckling :laughing: or shaking my head. :sad2:

I hope I get to Dismeet with you some time. Unfortunately, my next "planned" trip is not until May/June 2015. :sad:


(P.S. I saw there is another Linda on here with a Tink moniker. Cool. :wave2: Tinker minds think alike, I guess. Linderbells perhaps?)
It's true. You can hear some fascinating comments made by people when you just listen (or eavesdrop, as it may be....), especially when kids ask random questions and the adults come up with answers that are either: (1) :scratchin completely wrong and pulled from thin air; (2) :mic: completely wrong and coming from a know-it-all (NOT!); (3) :joker: a complete lie to make the child happy or satisfied enough to stop asking questions.

There are times I want to chime in with the correct information, but usually I just walk away chuckling :laughing: or shaking my head. :sad2:

I hope I get to Dismeet with you some time. Unfortunately, my next "planned" trip is not until May/June 2015. :sad:


(P.S. I saw there is another Linda on here with a Tink moniker. Cool. :wave2: Tinker minds think alike, I guess. Linderbells perhaps?)

Hi there Stinkerbell, love your name! Both of them! I have a one year old granddaughter and I call her Stinkerbell.

Nice to meet you. :tink:
Bawhahaha - the sheep phenomenon. That's everywhere - not just Disney! :rotfl2: It's sort of akin to everyone quick take shelter as the first raindrop falls. :rotfl2:

Nice meets with the aurora and tink. My son gave me a tink shirt. I couldn't remember who was on it when I brought it down to Disney. I thought it was a princess until I pulled it out. Yeah - so not Disney cool! :rolleyes1

Great pictures of the story tellers. I can't wait to go back to WDW during Christmas, although, sadly it will be a few more years.

Fun update. Probably missed another while I was away. Hopefully I will eventually get properly caught up!
You rock Rob! Thank you so much. :littleangel: I think I'm a bit intimidated by computers, wrong generation. :badpc:

Still enjoying your TR and now also reading "If this is a Dream" TR. :thumbsup2

You write very well. Are you a journalist, English teacher or some other profession where you write? I'm so impressed, along with all your other fans here on the Dis.

Thank you again, Linda :flower3:

It's my pleasure Linda! You just can't let a ticker go unnoticed.

Thank you and I really hope you enjoy the other TR of my very first solo trip. The current one is becoming less and less solo all the time, lol.

Aww gee THANK YOU!!! Nope, none of the above. I actually work in finance/accounting, so I guess this is my outlet to do something I enjoy, lol.

My pleasure!

Why is the Pickle Tree extra important to you? Perhaps your heritage? :upsidedow

Haha, no, no heritage. It's really just because it's up all year long and really cool (and fairly well known by most DISers). So at Christmas time it's a little more special.

What a fun meet and a Birthday celebration. Fun.
MMM, slushies. I was not allowed to have them this trip but next time I will make up for it.
I agree about the line for Aurora when Maleficent opens.
Lucky you seeing Tink at Epcot.
The fish and chips look good.
That is funny you took the pic of the merry mixer sign. Vinny and I were at the beginning of the line. We were number 4 & 5 on it. I do not see us in the line going in so we must have been inside already.
Caught up again.

A lot of fun Scott. Plus free stuff is ALWAYS fun.
Ooooh they're so good. I'm not a Disney drinker, but those Slushies are my weakness.
I think it'll be interesting to see if that happens. I think it will.
Oh totally. It's so cool to happen upon a little training area like that. There's hardly ever a line.
So good!
OMG seriously???? That would have been hysterical if you were in the picture.

I'm new to DIS and stumbled upon your TR and just wanted to say I've really enjoyed it so far!! Sounds like you had a great time!! (I'm not completely through it yet though). I think it's so interesting to read about other people's trips and it helps give you ideas for the next time you go. I will be at WDW the first week in Dec this year for my honeymoon so reading this is definitely making me excited for all the decorations and MVMCP!!

Well first, WELCOME to the DIS and second, THANK YOU SO MUCH for joining in and saying hello! I hope you get lots of great ideas, and make sure to get your Just Married buttons and display them constantly. You never know what magic you might encounter. Christmas is a great time to visit. I have another MVMCP coming up too, so stay tuned.

It's true. You can hear some fascinating comments made by people when you just listen (or eavesdrop, as it may be....), especially when kids ask random questions and the adults come up with answers that are either: (1) :scratchin completely wrong and pulled from thin air; (2) :mic: completely wrong and coming from a know-it-all (NOT!); (3) :joker: a complete lie to make the child happy or satisfied enough to stop asking questions.

There are times I want to chime in with the correct information, but usually I just walk away chuckling :laughing: or shaking my head. :sad2:

I hope I get to Dismeet with you some time. Unfortunately, my next "planned" trip is not until May/June 2015. :sad:


(P.S. I saw there is another Linda on here with a Tink moniker. Cool. :wave2: Tinker minds think alike, I guess. Linderbells perhaps?)

Goodness you are so right Linda. Some of my favourite adventures are "listening" to these people. I especially enjoy the know-it-all.

I've been known to chime in from time to time, but only when they are so far off from reality that I just can't help it. More often than not though, I do the walk away chuckling. Usually loud enough for them to hear though. :laughing:

Me too. I love meeting Disney people. I'm still "planning" for September and I was "planning" for May next year, but that may have changed.

Haha, yes indeed!!!

Hi there Stinkerbell, love your name! Both of them! I have a one year old granddaughter and I call her Stinkerbell.

Nice to meet you. :tink:


Bawhahaha - the sheep phenomenon. That's everywhere - not just Disney! :rotfl2: It's sort of akin to everyone quick take shelter as the first raindrop falls. :rotfl2:

Nice meets with the aurora and tink. My son gave me a tink shirt. I couldn't remember who was on it when I brought it down to Disney. I thought it was a princess until I pulled it out. Yeah - so not Disney cool! :rolleyes1

Great pictures of the story tellers. I can't wait to go back to WDW during Christmas, although, sadly it will be a few more years.

Fun update. Probably missed another while I was away. Hopefully I will eventually get properly caught up!

It's an amazing thing to watch isn't it and so entertaining? And you're right, it's not exclusive to Disney.

They were both fantastic. Haha, I'm going to consider your faux pas to simply forgetting and not misidentification.

Aww thanks Mary Ellen. They are so fascinating to watch. Every one so unique.

THANK YOU!! Don't worry. I think you're pretty much completely caught up.
Santa Duffy is SO cute! I'm so glad I finally understand who he is :goodvibes

Very pretty Aurora... and kudos for throwing in the Once Upon a Time reference! I've been wondering how the character interaction goes with that, since they're kinda the same but different. I don't anticipate Peter Pan being very happy with how he's portrayed. Hahah.

You get free dessert and you drop it? Sheesh. Glad you were still able to eat it!! I like to bake and I get cranky when stuff doesn't look the way I think it should, but every single guy in my office assures me that they don't care one fig about how it looks. I'm fairly certain that statement only applies to food. :rotfl:
Santa Duffy is SO cute! I'm so glad I finally understand who he is :goodvibes

Very pretty Aurora... and kudos for throwing in the Once Upon a Time reference! I've been wondering how the character interaction goes with that, since they're kinda the same but different. I don't anticipate Peter Pan being very happy with how he's portrayed. Hahah.

You get free dessert and you drop it? Sheesh. Glad you were still able to eat it!! I like to bake and I get cranky when stuff doesn't look the way I think it should, but every single guy in my office assures me that they don't care one fig about how it looks. I'm fairly certain that statement only applies to food. :rotfl:

Oh yes he sure is Sue. I'm definitely in the pro-Duffy camp. He's Mickey's bear, what's not to like. :)

She was beautiful. Haha, glad you liked that. Certainly the characters on the show are quite different in most respects from the animated versions, but it still needed to be done.

I know, I'm awful, but I still blame evolution. It was still edible, so not a total loss. PLUS, I still always have the memory (and photos) of when I got it, so that's way more important. Haha, I'd say your assessment is completely accurate.

Day 7 – December 9, 2013 Part 4

After yet another amazing and impromptu DISmeet, I had to turn on the jets (or so I thought) and get over to DHS post haste.
I raced through the Gateway and saw a Friendship boat already at the dock.

I stopped and surveyed the situation, but realized they hadn’t even unloaded the passengers yet.
I knew it would be a bit before it was even ready to leave, and also knowing its speed isn’t exactly the bullet train,

OK, let’s be real... The cars at the Tomorrowland Speedway and the boats of Small World move faster...

I elected to continue walking.

As I was traversing the Boardwalk, I ran into Barb (jabead) who was outside the Boardwalk Villas waiting for Brenda to come down.
Since they were some of the folks I was rushing to meet at DHS, I wasn’t late after all (or we were all late),
And a few short minutes later, Brenda herself arrived

Em was coming, but wasn’t quite ready yet, so the three of us made our way towards the DHS walking path and well, walked.
Brenda and Em were texting back and forth, so we knew she was on the way, so we stopped and waited once we got off the path by the DHS parking lot.

Amusingly (to me anyway) Brenda announced her daughter coming down the path, only to realize when the person got closer that it was in fact NOT her daughter.


A short time later though, Em did arrive, although Brenda did the wait and see approach this time, lol.
We continued our walk to DHS, and on inside, as I continued my non-documenting of the trek by way of non-photographs.

The goal for the evening was twofold.

We all had FP+ for Tower of Terror, so that was goal #1.

Goal #2 involved a handful of pretty neat lights.

We headed down Sunset, as did most of the rest of the planet apparently.


We met up with Vicki and Paula near the Tower entrance and then headed inside, except for Vicki as she was not riding.

One of the things I really wanted to get was a DISmeet ride photo, so I was extra happy to be riding ToT with everyone.
What I wasn’t extra happy about was “Arm In Front Of My Face Guy” (his Native American name by the way).


Once we collected all our ride photos, we also collected Vicki and headed over to the Streets of America.
Barb, Em, and Vicki couldn’t wait…


Crowd wise (while still busy) was the complete opposite of my previous visitation attempt a few night’s prior.





I posted on Facebook:
"Words cannot describe."




It had been four years since I first stood in complete awe of this amazing spectacle, and it was every bit as beautiful as I’d remembered.
If this doesn't produce the Christmas spirit in you, then you just don't like Christmas
Not only was I getting to see this spectacle again, but I was getting to do it with fellow DISers.









It makes me really happy that the Osborne family name remains as part of this, and "Spectacle" is truly appropriate for it.


Some of the group got in line for the photopass, but Vicki and I passed on that and just strolled around, and I really enjoyed chatting with her.
I’d been told that the projections in the windows started in 2010, which explained why I hadn’t seen them before.






There’s not much you can say about the lights and even pictures do not do it justice.
They absolutely need to be seen in person, and I am hoping the rumors are true and they will in fact be back this year.

The dining group once again had a dinner reservation coming up, so we all reluctantly left the magnificent lights behind.
We would all be at the Christmas Party the next night, so I bid them all a goodnight, as I had some plans of my own.

I had to make up for a brutal error made on my Birthday Evening, and spend some late night Extra Magic Hours at Magic Kingdom.

As it turned out, this would be a night completely unlike any I had ever experienced in Disney and one of my favourite nights ever…

… All thanks to a fabulous new DIS friend… and a very special little girl.

Haha, even with Arms in Face Guy, that's still a great photo!

Sighhh I love those lights :lovestruc so beautiful!

YES! Wishes O'Clock is nigh!
Awe, I don't want to whine, but (I'm indeed whining) where did you go?

So funny "Arm in front of my face guy." LOL :rotfl: I love TOT, that guy looks like a giant!

Lights are awesome, can't wait to see them at Christmas again.

I will be checking back periodically for the MK evening. I think I need to get another job! lol :sad2:
The lights really are amazing, aren't they? We took friends last year, and they were completely blown away! Looks like a wonderful (if crowded) little meet-up!

Can't wait to hear about your MK late night. With our kids getting older, we're hoping to do more late nights when we go in October. We can sleep when we get home!
Ohhhh those lights! Just seeing pictures makes me giddy. There's a good possibility that seeing them in person would render me catatonic.

That's so funny about Brenda thinking someone else was her daughter. I do stuff like that ALL THE TIME.

Great ride photo, even with the giant arm. And even without the arm blocking your view, he still kind of has a presence. Wouldn't it be funny if he was reading your report right now? :rotfl: Yeah, that's the stuff I think about.
It's okay that Brenda didn't get it right about Em :P Moms can't be perfect. Mine frequently calls me Jasmine (my sister's name) and when I informed her that I'd be visiting soon she said and I direct quote, "Cool." So I'm still ranking Brenda high on Mom points ;)

Ugh, people who put up their hands in ride photos are the worst. Like, keep your hands down unless you're in the back row. Geez people.

The dancing lights are so beautiful. I'm glad I got to see them our first trip, since I don't know that it'll ever happen again. But you're right, the pictures can't even do them justice, you just need to be there yourself.

It's nice to know that the lights, no matter what the color, are all green!

That is good that you met up with part of your group and got to walk over to HS together.

I agree with others- despite the guy's arm in your face, that is a pretty epic, legend-filled, ride photo! Love it.

Your pictures of the lights are just spectacular! So not blurry!!!

That is great you ran into Barb (even better that it wasn't as literal as with Jess)- hardest part about group travel is getting every to the same place at the same time.

Bummer about ol' "arm-in-your-face" - the ride photo is still a great memento

Hope to get to see Osborne Lights in person some time

Oh, now that is a tease! Can't wait for the next update
You know, I didn't put two and two together but looking at your Aurora pictures made me realize that we got the short end when we met her at CRT in January and she was still wearing her old version of her dress!

Sorry to hear that your dessert didn't survive.

They need to consider relocating the ride camera for ToT. Too many raised arms have ruined good pictures.
Now how in the world have I missed this trip report until now?!!!
It combines all of my favourite things. Disney, Christmas, and nice people!!! I am taking a nice peaceful break from cleaning this afternoon and thinking wistfully of our trip in December and I happened upon your trip report.:santa:

I am LOVING your pictures. We took our first Christmas trip last year and I had one of those moments that you will remember forever watching the Osborne Lights with my family after planning and dreaming for so long. Such a great moment.. that I've booked another trip for this year.:cool1:

It's a joy to read your trip report Rob. I'll get all caught up!
Haha, even with Arms in Face Guy, that's still a great photo!

Sighhh I love those lights :lovestruc so beautiful!

YES! Wishes O'Clock is nigh!

Ha, yup. I was still very happy to have it. I just wish I hadn't been blocked a bit, but no biggie.

OMG they are just unbelievable Courtney. There's really nothing quite like it.

IT IS!!!!!!! And what a rest of the night it was too.

Awe, I don't want to whine, but (I'm indeed whining) where did you go?

So funny "Arm in front of my face guy." LOL :rotfl: I love TOT, that guy looks like a giant!

Lights are awesome, can't wait to see them at Christmas again.

I will be checking back periodically for the MK evening. I think I need to get another job! lol :sad2:

Haha, just letting folks get caught up.

It was so close to a perfect DISmeet ride photo too. Oh well. Not terrible.

I just love them. Even with the crowd, it doesn't feel as bad because the lights are everywhere. There's no bad spot.

Awwww, I sure do appreciate your enthusiasm Linda, and I will try to get it up soon. It's a pretty long update coming up.

The lights really are amazing, aren't they? We took friends last year, and they were completely blown away! Looks like a wonderful (if crowded) little meet-up!

Can't wait to hear about your MK late night. With our kids getting older, we're hoping to do more late nights when we go in October. We can sleep when we get home!

They are spectacular Shannon. I had so much fun being there with these people. It was Brenda's first time too, so that made it even better.

Without giving anything away, it was a night I'll never forget.

Ohhhh those lights! Just seeing pictures makes me giddy. There's a good possibility that seeing them in person would render me catatonic.

That's so funny about Brenda thinking someone else was her daughter. I do stuff like that ALL THE TIME.

Great ride photo, even with the giant arm. And even without the arm blocking your view, he still kind of has a presence. Wouldn't it be funny if he was reading your report right now? :rotfl: Yeah, that's the stuff I think about.

It might Sue, it really might. Pictures can in no way capture the true magnificence of those lights.

OMG it was so funny. But the fact that she wouldn't try it again was even funnier.

I was still very happy to have that photo regardless. And truth be told, I always think of the rare possibility of someone I talk about reading this report. So I do tend to try to go easy on those people as much as possible. Just in case.

It's okay that Brenda didn't get it right about Em :P Moms can't be perfect. Mine frequently calls me Jasmine (my sister's name) and when I informed her that I'd be visiting soon she said and I direct quote, "Cool." So I'm still ranking Brenda high on Mom points ;)

Ugh, people who put up their hands in ride photos are the worst. Like, keep your hands down unless you're in the back row. Geez people.

The dancing lights are so beautiful. I'm glad I got to see them our first trip, since I don't know that it'll ever happen again. But you're right, the pictures can't even do them justice, you just need to be there yourself.

Oh I agree, Brenda is a wonderful Mom no doubt. But I just could not avoid telling that story. DIS pals have to tease each other from time to time. And considering she still hasn't let me live down my bathroom faux pas from last trip, I may still have to come up with some more teasing, lol.

This is something I am so aware of now Amber. I sadly used to do this all the time. Then I realized, maybe there is someone behind me and this photo is the one time they will ever ride this. So from that point on, it's arms down.

That's it exactly. They can't be described... they can't be photographed... they need to be seen.
It's nice to know that the lights, no matter what the color, are all green!

That is good that you met up with part of your group and got to walk over to HS together.

I agree with others- despite the guy's arm in your face, that is a pretty epic, legend-filled, ride photo! Love it.

Your pictures of the lights are just spectacular! So not blurry!!!


THAT was good Dee. I had to take that picture.

OMG it was such a fluke. I really thought I was late and everyone would be waiting. So glad that wasn't the case.

And I agree too. I wasn't completely blocked or anything so it really wasn't a big deal. To have that photo with everyone is something I truly cherish.

Aww THANK YOU Dee!!!!

That is great you ran into Barb (even better that it wasn't as literal as with Jess)- hardest part about group travel is getting every to the same place at the same time.

Bummer about ol' "arm-in-your-face" - the ride photo is still a great memento

Hope to get to see Osborne Lights in person some time

Oh, now that is a tease! Can't wait for the next update

It was great, and absolutely no collision whatsoever. The timing was perfect.

It so is. The arm really doesn't bother me at all, but I couldn't let it pass without a comment, lol. I love that photo.

They are truly something Phil. Epic.

I hope it's worth waiting for. It was definitely a night I will never forget.

You know, I didn't put two and two together but looking at your Aurora pictures made me realize that we got the short end when we met her at CRT in January and she was still wearing her old version of her dress!

Sorry to hear that your dessert didn't survive.

They need to consider relocating the ride camera for ToT. Too many raised arms have ruined good pictures.

Yeah, apparently she's back in the old dress again. I'm not sure of the reason, but this one is SO MUCH BETTER.

HAHA, it's ok. The memory and circumstances of its existence are alive and well.

Yes, this ride is probably the worst because of the angle. Maybe there is something they can do.

Now how in the world have I missed this trip report until now?!!!
It combines all of my favourite things. Disney, Christmas, and nice people!!! I am taking a nice peaceful break from cleaning this afternoon and thinking wistfully of our trip in December and I happened upon your trip report.:santa:

I am LOVING your pictures. We took our first Christmas trip last year and I had one of those moments that you will remember forever watching the Osborne Lights with my family after planning and dreaming for so long. Such a great moment.. that I've booked another trip for this year.:cool1:

It's a joy to read your trip report Rob. I'll get all caught up!

I'm just SO GLAD you're here now so I can say WELCOME!!!!
This trip definitely had all of the above, especially the nice people. I'm so happy you took that break. Disney at Christmas is something very special.

THANK YOU!!! Those lights really so make an impression. AND they really do live up to expectations and hype. So awesome you're going back again.

THANK YOU AGAIN for reading!!!! I appreciate it so very much!

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