DxL Discounts


DIS Veteran
Feb 3, 2001
I need help. I want to go to Dxl in March but the rates are about $160 a night. Can anyone help me find a better rate. I libe in MA if anyone knows of a state discount there.

There's been a discount for the moderates for the time you'll be there. It's called Disney Insider and it's open to all. You may need to mention that it's also referred to as CRH. Just tell them you read about it on the 'net. I did and the rate is $109 per night for 3/2 - 3/10. Actually, yesterday I found a PA rate of $99 for Dxl. If they don't have DxL, take PO or Coronado Springs and call back for Dxl. That's how we got it. E-mail me if you need other info.

Bill From PA

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
I have ressies for DxL 3/3-3/8 using the insider code too! The rep I spoke with knew nothing about it, but put me on hold to check. Everything went through just fine! When I made the ressies a week ago, she said all the moderates were open for that rate. Call & ask which are available. Judging from others' posts, you may have to call back & speak with a few different reps to get this. Good luck!
My husband and I want to return to Disney - we have the AP, Disney Club, and AAA but according to the reps we spoke with they have no discounts for late Oct-early Nov. Why is this? What is the point of paying for these "supposed" benefits when they are useless. . . anyway, does anyone know if we can ask for an insider rate for those dates. Also what does everyone thing of the DC instead of the MKC (I am not too impressed)?
Any advice is MUCH, MUCH appreciated!!!
I called yesterday and asked for the insiders rate and got it. The CSR asked if I had gotten a post card. I told her no but that a friend had told me to ask for the insiders rate. She said that they can give the insiders rate to anyone who asks but they can not offer it up on their own. My rate is 120 a night with tax. Saved $250. I'm still keeping my eye out for an MA rate. Let me know if you see one


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