DVC Resort near Eagle Pines


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Sep 4, 1999
I had read an article that Disney was planning a new DVC resort near Eagle Pines golf course. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this? If so, when would I be able to buy into this resort. My husband and I have often wished we would have bought into the DVC and were thinking we would like to do so here since we are both golf fans. Thanks!!
Yes it is true, I believe the planned opening is in 2004, they are also building in the area of the old Institute townhouses. Scroll down a few pages (since seach is out of order) and you'll find some info on both new DVC resorts.
I was at OKW several weeks ago, and the DVC rep told us that they are going to demolish the town houses at the Institute and make a new DVC there. That should be done in 2004. Eagle Pines is supposed to start construction sometime next year with a 2005 date to start sales. Eagle Pines will be like OKW - very spread out and larger. It is supposed to have a golf theme because of its golf location. Anita.
Here's last year's press release about the new DVC resort at Eagle Pines Golf Course:


It looks great!

According to the press release, "Development will begin this fall with an estimated opening in spring/summer 2004." However, that announcement was made before the announcement of the new DVC resort at Downtown Disney (on the Disney Institute site). The as-yet-unnamed Downtown Disney DVC resort is also supposed to open around Spring 2004.

It looks to me that Disney Vacation Development (DVD) spent years of methodical planning on the Eagle Pines project. When DVD issued the press release, they provided two beautiful artists' renderings and a detailed description of the theme:
From the July 19, 2001, press release
The theme of the proposed DVC resort will complement and enhance the beautiful setting found at Disney’s Eagle Pines golf course. The new resort will be inspired by the architecture of Addison Mizner, a celebrated early 20th century architect who led the renaissance of Florida resort design. The property’s design will reflect a variety of motifs found in indigenous Florida buildings of this era, including Spanish, Moorish, Romanesque and Gothic forms. The atmosphere and elegance found in the coastal communities of southeast Florida (including West Palm Beach and Boca Raton) will be found in the resort’s architecture, ranging from tile roofs to fountains to lush, tropical landscaping.
In contrast, the recent Disney Institute / Downtown Disney DVC announcement appears to have been made hastily. There wasn't even a mention of the theme, let alone any artists' renderings.

With the shutdown of most of the Villas Disney Institue (DI) Resort, it appears the opportunity came up for DVD to build a new resort at a lower cost (by leveraging some existing DI facilities) at a better location (at least for people who like being close to Downtown Disney) -- and at the same time to start to erase the failed Disney Institute (DI). The announcment called for new residential DVC buildings, so this should be a high quality development, not a cheap re-do of old DI townhouses.

But I can't imagine two new DVC resorts opening at the same time.

What does this mean for the Eagle Pines location? There's been no official announcement that the spring/summer 2004 target date has changed. My guess is that the opening of Eagle Pines will be delayed, and that DVD will watch the sales of the Beach Club Villas before making a firm determination of a new target opening date for the Eagle Pines location.

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