Someone made a great points manager program a while back. I use to have it but recently changed computers. Could someone please give me the link again?
DVCDAVE....I updated my downloaded program when you posted the new BCV section was updated a week or so ago.
Should have thanked you then, but I will now. It's a great program....only wish I could put more trips in the "save" mode instead of playing with them and then deleting them.
You are all welcome. But, thank Dave Fredrick, he wrote the program, I only help him by doing some of the point charts for him. I like the program too, that is why I help him keep the point charts up to date. It's tedious work, but the results are worth a few hours of boredom. It would be a monumental task for Dave Fredrick to do all the point charts by himself.
Besides, I like having that little program on my computer desktop with all my DVC stuff packed in it. It is far more personal and reliable then the programs on this or DVC's member site.
I am hoping you can help me. I downloaded the program and inputted my information. When I wanted to print it, it said Winspool Start Doc Failed. I have been printing all day and am sure it is not my printer. Thank you, in advance.
Hi Chip1-
Could you tell me, were you in the VacationPlanner screen, or the main DVC Manager screen when you tried to print? I put the print option in the Vacation Planner screen very recently and may have a bug in it. You may email me separately at if you wish.