DVC patriots-our mission


DIS Veteran
Jul 23, 2001
These airline layoffs are out of control...In the name of our country, we must stop this panic. This is like the runs on banks in the depression. All DVC members-please! If you have plane reservations-keep them. If you don't, please make a reservation. You have a place to stay and how many people can do a patriotic service by going to WDW!? (as the theme from American Adventure plays in the background) Come on, America!.
"....fly on freedom's wings across the sky......"

Hmmm....it's my patriotic duty to go to Disney. I like that!:D
I will be making my reservations with MS next week, as planned.
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Just made plane reservations for 5 people to fly to Florida this December/January (OKW, with a side trip to HHI); with 3 (possibly 4) more people flying from Alaska to join us. Got the car reservation made; got reservations for the hotel the night we arrive (ok, so we're using Marriott reward points for this), and will soon be making reservations for a few nights at the Hard Rock Hotel (blasphemy, I know). Waiting for a callback from Hilton Head to schedule our "private affair" (which I hope we can do).

Our catered event at EPCOT (b-day party for mother-in-law) is still on, and almost paid for.

And still have some left over for a donation to United Way.

I'm just hoping Frontier Airlines is still flying to Orlando in December. $211 round trip from Denver was a pretty good deal I thought.
We aren't changing our plans or planes either! We are on Delta to Orlando and back for our 10 night OKW vacation in January and are on Northwest to Hawaii in April. If NW goes under there will be virtually no air travel to Minneapolis!
The airlines have been theree for us and we are going to be there for them. We leave on SW on Sunday to OKW and plan to go back now in Jan. We will get our reservations as soon as SW opens their schedule pssst Jan. 11.
We also bought some stock for the first time and bought American, that is we bought Disney, even though everyone told us that Disney is going down in value. They stayed on the air for 4 days without any TV adds and the money they get from it just to make sure that we knew what was goin on in the world. I think that it deserves our support for that so we bought stock in Disney.
Keep going America!
Our DVC plans for December and February are already made and we'll be there. Our flights are set for December. I just need my flight reservations for February now. :)
We're coming as planned, late November - early December. Have another trip planned for Februrary 2002 and will be getting our airline tickets very soon. Sure hope Congress does the right thing for the airlines soon. Our country needs a healthy airline industry. God Bless America.
We fly out a week from tomorrow - 5 days at HHI. Air Tran, IAH to SAV, connecting in Atlanta. Next flight to Orlando in January. We feel safe and secure; I will not take part in a melt down of our freedom to travel.

Exercise your freedom to travel, plan a trip with your family this weekend; last minute reservations appear to be available!
We have our July trip booked points-wise, now I'm watching airfare. It's early yet, but with the way things are going we are seeing if it goes down to $150. There are 5 of us. We paid $200 last year but didn't buy until February.
I can't afford it if it is any higher--just had school fees, school pictures, yearbooks, piano books, dance shoes, soccer pictures, brownie dues....September is horrible for me money-wise and that isn't changed by the national tragedy. I literally have no money to spare.
I am only hoping the airlines don't cut little Toledo Express from their service areas or another bunch of people here may lose their jobs too, plus we'd have to go to Detroit--YUK.
Robin M.
I plan on reserving a flight from Boston to Savannah in the next week or two. I'm going to request a seat up front so I can drop my 240 pounds on anyone who needs it. Keep on flying!

Seriously - the only good thing to come of this tragedy is that I see ordinary people treating each other much better than they did before. I think everyone should continue to travel and get to know your fellow passengers in the terminal waiting area before take off. That way you won't feel so alone. Almost every flight has police officers, firefighters, military veterans and just plain good Americans on it that are willing to help each other. I'm in favor of a good old time social hour before each flight so fellow passengers won't feel so apprehensive.
I recently purchased 10 tickets on SW for Halloween week at WDW.
These were resereved through their Group travel department 4 months ago and I made the final payment on 9-12.

DW and I will not let recent events affect our lives.

If we all stop enjoying our freedom, they have won, and I for one will not give in.

Have been watching the price of DISNEY stock for awhile and purchased some today.
With the low price and EI$NER's "new" outlook, I felt it was time, to H*LL with the terrorists.

We all need to show all of those who attack our great country that we will not be cowed by the despicable deeds of animals, by continuing to embrace the American Dream.

TiggerFreak:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
We are leaving on US Airways this Monday. Although we are a little more nervous about flying then usual, we are continuing with are plans. We also have our trip book for February.
I will have to let my parents know that we are doing patriotic service. Needless to say she is worried.

God Bless America!!
Let's all show the world, that America will endure this terrible tragedy. If you had plans, continue with them at all cost. If you didn't have plans, MAKE THEM. We can't let these people think they have us down. When you go to the airport, where the colors of the good old USA, and as Bob H. said, have a social hour in the boarding area, to comfort those who may not be as brave as you. We are from Nevada, and though we are far from the daily reminders, we have felt the hurt. We booked our flight for 3 this Wed. without blinking an eye. We are trying to convince the rest of the 8 members of our party to do the same. 3 of them are waiting to see how the airlines last and the other 2 are worried about the chance of war affecting airlines. I tell them to stand up to fear and jump. Anyway didn't mean to be so long winded.
We are flying to Orlando on Dec. 27, 2001 and using our points for the 7 day cruise
starting Dec. 29, 2001. Not going to let the terrorists spoil our fun!

:) I am so pleased and proud to see responses like those posted here. For a different and more disappointing take be sure to check out the thread titled "any extensions of points" (Sorry, I don't know how to make the link here). This is our moment of truth -already we have seen great acts of courage and pathetic acts of panic, cowardice and stupidity. What was the point of rushing to the gas station last week? To get that last tank of gas before it was gone? Or to save $10 before the price shot up? How far was that going to get anyone if there had really been a fuel crunch? We have a saying about futile behavior like that-it's called rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Fortunately there was no crisis, so instead of being a futile gesture- it was just panic -and panic disengages the higher brain function...the punishment for that kind of behavior last week was that those fools wasted hours sitting in gas lines when the next day those lines were gone. Now, however this mass hysteria is taking on a chicken little sky is falling quality as one after another animal follows chicken little's example and it is hurting the rest of us, our nation's economy and our spirit. The panic stock selling, cancelling of vacations, delaying spending--people!!!-we are going to be fine-(remember the y2k "crisis'?)...if I'm wrong, I will have spent my money and my energy on enjoying my American way of life until it is no longer possible. "A coward dies a hundred deaths, the hero dies but once." I hope SOBDOSNV can convince his 5 travelmates to snap out of it. Each of us can try to do our part in keeping the chicken littles of this country from messing it up for the whole barnyard.
We are on for our trip the last week on November and are currently trying to plan for next April and October.


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