Driving Question


Enjoys an early hour of peace. Is a smart cookie.
Jan 8, 2000
I am a single mom driving to WDW Fort Wilderness from Ohio in April. Since I will be doing the driving myself, how long does it take you to rest up after driving down there so you feel like doing anything. I will probably get as far as Charleston, SC the first day (I estimate 10-12 hours). I have decided to leave the afternoon of arrival to setting up the tent and maybe getting a quick bite to eat and the camfire program. What are your thoughts on this? TC

I don't drive much when we go by car but I find, in our case, that we are energized when we arrive. I would plan to rest up before you head home...thats the tough part.
On the other hand, air travel takes it right out of me....I need a LONG nap when we get there.
Sounds like fun! I hope to someday have the nerve to set out on my own with my kids....to WDW I mean. :D

Don't know your route but this is what works for us. We live in nw Indiana, we start out early and try to make just on the south side of Atlanta. It's 60% to 2/3 the way there. We don't have to get up real early the next day and pull into FW in the afternoon. I doubt you'll be tired. have fun
We had a very long drive, all the way from Maine. We camped over night in S.C.,left around 8:00 in the morning and got to FW about 3:00. I didn't think we would go to the park that first day there because we would need to rest, but as soon as we got the camper settled it was off to the MK.The excitement of being at WDW energized us.
I too am a single Mom from Ohio! I drove from the Central Ohio area to WDW two years ago. We left in the afternoon and I thought I could drive until early morning before having to stop. Wrong! We stoped about 1 am and found a hotel, got up early the next morning and drove the rest of the way. Arrived in Orlando early evening, ordered pizza and crashed! The next morning we moved on site ASMo and we were rested and ready to really begin our vacation.The drive is not hard, only long. I was a little nervous before deciding to take this long trip on my own but it was fine. We flew last trip but we are planning to drive again this summer and camp. If you have any questions feel free to email me.
I think every time we have ever gone to WDW we would not enter any of the theme parks till the next morning. We have always stayed at Fort Wilderness and would take the boat to the MK, jump on a monorail and ride through Epcot, eat at Crokett's tavern that night and watch the boat parade. We were always pumped for the next morning.
I am going back this June and this time I think I would like to go play at the new miniture golf course the first night.
If you have never been there before, I will never forget turning off the interstate and tuning my radio to the disney radio channel. It was all magic from there.
We travel from Jersey and always arrive in the Orlando area the day before. This way we can rest up, swim, and get a good night's sleep for the next day. We can usually check in and get our tickets ( The camper stays in the parking lot till 1pm) That way this day is not wasted. We usually come back in the afternoon from a park and set up. :D


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